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A idade da representação: a relação entre a arqueologia e a genealogia em Foucault
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-17) Soares, Matheus Henrique Borges; Ternes, José;; Ternes, José; Silva, Adriano Correia; Sugizaki, Eduardo
This research aims to demonstrate the mode of the historical conception of the French philosopher Michel Foucault (1926-1984) from his modus operandi, that is, I do not pay attention only to his analytical assumptions in comparison with other historical conceptions that he criticizes, but part of the archeology carried out by the French philosopher. At first, I work with the rupture between the 16th century epistemes with that of the 17th and 18th centuries, the focus of the research is to analyze what Foucault calls the Age of Representation that links the sign to the role of representing, such linking conditioned the emergence of general grammar, natural history and richness analysis. In a second moment, I approach the Foucaultian genealogy that works in complementarity with archeology, in order to link the emergence of a new regime of penalties that arises in the break with the torture, so this new regime of penalties is responsible for establishing a new code criminal law that articulates the advantage of the crime with the disadvantage of the penalty, thus demonstrating that there is a transversality in what became known as classical representationism in the work of Michel Foucault.
Estudo preliminar sobre a liberdade de expressão na perspectiva dos marcos regulatórios das mídias sociais
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-05) Bezerra, Isabella Alves; Rezende, Laura Vilela Rodrigues;; Rezende, Laura Vilela Rodrigues; Santos, Andréa Pereira dos; Castro, Maria das Graças Monteiro
This dissertation examines the complex and dynamic intersection between disinformation and freedom of expression in the context of social media, which have become central arenas for the formation of public discourse. The study also proposes a critical analysis aiming to understand how Brazilian and foreign legislation present their regulations on content moderation with a view to combating misinformation and the context of dark interests that involve large social media companies. The methodology used is qualitative, and uses theoretical review and documentary research to build a theoretical framework based on the ideas of different authors on the topic, in addition to presenting a comparative study between current social media regulations. It is concluded that there must be a necessary balance involving the critical education of citizens, clear, objective and transparent rules provided by social media and legislation that regulates these tools, whose operation is based on profit to the detriment of any protection that can be established for citizens who use them.
Corpos e gritos de desencurralamento: performances como expressão das territorialidades geraizeirinhas
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-07) Souza, Jonielson Ribeiro de; Hartmann, Luciana;; Hartmann, Luciana; Salgado, Ricardo de Seiça Alves; Lopes, Jader Janer Moreira; Veloso, Jorge das Graças; Corrêa Júnior, Sebastião Rios
This work presents a reflection on the relationships between theatrical performances by Gerazeiras children and adolescents and the ways of being and living in their communities in contexts of socio-environmental conflicts. Combining ethnography and theater, this research seeks to understand how children and adolescents are involved in these processes and how such relationships would be expressed in theatrical performances performed by them, which leads us to call this methodological proposal a performative ethnography. To this end, observant participation in the communities involved, provided by the author's experience in struggle processes or everyday events, combined with practices such as walks through their territories, are added to theatrical initiation workshops for children and adolescents taught by the author.
[Des]construção e [res]significação dos direitos humanos: um estudo com vivências de ensino-aprendizagem e análises sociológicas
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-25) Brito, Gabrielle Amâncio Bertolli Venâncio; Rabelo, Danilo;; Rabelo, Danilo; Oliveira, Dijaci David de; Vreeswijk, Anna Maria Dias
Faced upon a convoluted moment over a polarized political context with different and opposite ideas, the conception of human rights lies as “privilege” for criminals. Such annalysis is sustained by both population and commom sense. This work presents the results of a research made with second grade classes from Ensino Médio (Brazilian High school) in a full-time public school in Goiânia, Goiás. In order to do so the following investigation problem has been set: How to (de)construct the human rights conception and (re)define it through sociology classes? This research aims to understand the human rights concept lying (or not) in Ensino Médio students’ speech, opposing the bias that such rights are “bandits” privilege. To deconstruct such alignaments – sustained by social and historical visions shaped within neoliberalism interest, means to construct a critical perspective of human rights biased over multiculturalism through a teaching Project that sustains this Dissertation process. The pedagogic interventions were set upon the teaching Project entitled “Afinal, o que são esses tais direitos humanos?” (Afterall what are the so-called human rights?) developed in Sociology classes. Such Project is a founding part of the previously mentioned research and also part of the Professional Master in Science stricto sensu from the post-grad program in Basic Education teaching in the Research and Teaching Education Applied center (CEPAE – Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa aplicada à Educação) from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), thus named educational product, available in appendix. The research is made upon qualitative bias and fundamented over theoreticals that worked with the history of human rights and its concepting, such as Giuseppe Tosi (2004), Norberto Bobbio (2004), Hannah Arendt (1989, João Dornelles (2013) and Boaventura Santos (1997). The theoretical fouding is set also in human rights educators such as Candal (2008), Sacavino (2013) and Paulo Freire (2019), scholars that annalysed a democratic and humanizing education. Such authors work with the plurality of understandings in the concept of human rights in several theoretical and historical perspectives, developed over a democratic focus, universally centralizer of rights, or with a neoliberalism perspective. Due to a common sense deconstruction of human rights and its following reconstruction, normatizing documents of the school curricum are annalysed, the Nacional Curricular Commom Base (BNCC, 2018) and the Curricular Document for Goiás – Ensino Médio part (DC-GOEM, 2020). The field research is characterized by an action-research with the school environment collaboration objective and the recognition of subjects in its following parts as developers of a democractic and rights protective environment. The data collection happened through quizzes, semistructured interviews and teaching and project observation. The reflections were made upon field diary annalysis and student developed production, meaning to understand which is the guiding line that directs the student claimed human rights conception.
Abordagem de seleção de características baseada em AUC com estimativa de probabilidade combinada a técnica de suavização de La Place
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-28) Ribeiro, Guilherme Alberto Sousa; Costa, Nattane Luíza da;; Barbosa, Rommel Melgaço;; Barbosa, Rommel Melgaço; Lima, Marcio Dias de; Oliveira, Alexandre César Muniz de; Gonçalves, Christiane; Rodrigues, Diego de Castro
The high dimensionality of many datasets has led to the need for dimensionality reduction algorithms that increase performance, reduce computational effort and simplify data processing in applications focused on machine learning or pattern recognition. Due to the need and importance of reduced data, this paper proposes an investigation of feature selection methods, focusing on methods that use AUC (Area Under the ROC curve). Trends in the use of feature selection methods in general and for methods using AUC as an estimator, applied to microarray data, were evaluated. A new feature selection algorithm, the AUC-based feature selection method with probability estimation and the La PLace smoothing method (AUC-EPS), was then developed. The proposed method calculates the AUC considering all possible values of each feature associated with estimation probability and the LaPlace smoothing method. Experiments were conducted to compare the proposed technique with the FAST (Feature Assessment by Sliding Thresholds) and ARCO (AUC and Rank Correlation coefficient Optimization) algorithms. Eight datasets related to gene expression in microarrays were used, all of which were used for the cross-validation experiment and four for the bootstrap experiment. The results showed that the proposed method helped improve the performance of some classifiers and in most cases with a completely different set of features than the other techniques, with some of these features identified by AUC-EPS being critical for disease identification. The work concluded that the proposed method, called AUC-EPS, selects features different from the algorithms FAST and ARCO that help to improve the performance of some classifiers and identify features that are crucial for discriminating cancer.