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    Estudo preliminar sobre a liberdade de expressão na perspectiva dos marcos regulatórios das mídias sociais
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-05) Bezerra, Isabella Alves; Rezende, Laura Vilela Rodrigues;; Rezende, Laura Vilela Rodrigues; Santos, Andréa Pereira dos; Castro, Maria das Graças Monteiro
    This dissertation examines the complex and dynamic intersection between disinformation and freedom of expression in the context of social media, which have become central arenas for the formation of public discourse. The study also proposes a critical analysis aiming to understand how Brazilian and foreign legislation present their regulations on content moderation with a view to combating misinformation and the context of dark interests that involve large social media companies. The methodology used is qualitative, and uses theoretical review and documentary research to build a theoretical framework based on the ideas of different authors on the topic, in addition to presenting a comparative study between current social media regulations. It is concluded that there must be a necessary balance involving the critical education of citizens, clear, objective and transparent rules provided by social media and legislation that regulates these tools, whose operation is based on profit to the detriment of any protection that can be established for citizens who use them.
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    Ensinando a transgredir: o comportamento informacional de docentes para a efetivação de uma educação antirracista
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-19) Vieira, Sara da Cruz; Valério, Erinaldo Dias;; Santos, Andréa Pereira dos;; Santos, Andréa Pereira dos; Fernandes, Ana Rita Vidica; Silva, Leyde Klebia Rodrigues da
    This study focused on analyzing the informational behavior of the teaching staff at the Federal University of Goiás in the areas of Human Sciences and Applied Social Sciences, in their pedagogical practice, in relation to ethnic-racial themes. To achieve this end, the following specific objectives were defined: carry out a literature review addressing the information behavior of teachers and ethnic-racial relations, present the types of information sources used by the teaching staff in their pedagogical practice; articulate the relevance of the debate on ethnic-racial relations in teaching practice; highlight the importance of critical information as a crucial element in supporting anti-racist education; and identify the process of searching, accessing and using ethnic-racial information by teaching staff. Adopting a qualitative and exploratory methodology, the study was based on bibliographical and documentary research of a basic nature. The analysis of the collected data was carried out using the chosen information behavior model. An online questionnaire was administered, in which 120 responses were obtained. The questions consisted of finding out whether the faculty investigated discussed ethnic-racial issues, the sources of information used, how they used the information in pedagogical practice, frequency, satisfaction or dissatisfaction at the time of the search, at which stage of training they had contact with theme, the challenges in working on the subject in higher education, as well as their positions on working with ethnic-racial themes. The conclusion of the study emphasizes that the teaching staff has some familiarity with the ethnic-racial theme, teaching is present in most of the courses investigated, but despite advances in studies on the subject in academic environments, there is still a significant path to be covered for its full integration and coverage in pedagogical practices. It is necessary that, in addition to the personal interest of each professor, the university also commits itself to promoting these studies within the classroom, not limited to holding events, it is also necessary to invest in continuing education, and in the reformulation of curricula in all areas of knowledge, so that ethnic-racial themes are studied comprehensively.
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    As doceiras e sua prática cultural da Cidade de Goiás: compreensão do corpo como mídia pela construção de fotobiografias
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-11-29) Rocha, Ana Terra Curado da; Ramos, Gabriel Teixeira;; Fernandes, Ana Rita Vidica;; Fernandes, Ana Rita Vidica; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira; Ramos, Gabriel Teixeira; Martins, Alice Fátima
    This research goes through the life stories of four bakers in the city of Goiás, Silvia da Silva Curado, Divina Gonçalves Assunção, Eliana Aparecida Martins de Paula e Taynara Raimundo Martins, in order to build Photobiographies and understand their bodies as media, which takes place from three levels. The primary media is the body of each of the bakers. The secondary media consists of photographs from the personal collections of each baker, the photographs taken by the master's student during the interviews and speeches of the bakers. The tertiary media is composed of are the Photobiographies, assembled through a listening process that involves a mixture of speeches and photographs of each of the bakers. The understanding was about that they exist beyond sweets, but that the sweet culture is part of their existence. They communicate the sweet knowledge and experience their practices, thus having a generational transfer of knowledge, which does not necessarily happen in a traditional way, with changes in recipes along these life trajectories.
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    Inteligência de negócios, fluxo informacional e comunicação: análise dos conteúdos Web sobre a prática de inteligência de negócios em contraponto às produções acadêmicas
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-01-28) Rocha, Anelise Souza; Cordeiro, Douglas Farias;; Cordeiro, Douglas Farias; Cassiano, Kátia Kelvis; Guimarães, Núbia Rosa da Silva
    This research aims to analyze the concept of business intelligence, evaluating the nonsense of practical application, with academic productions, since the main concept of the term is 'umbrella', which provides different definitions for different applications, converging between practice and theory. For this, the content generated on blogs and websites that are in line with practice will be analyzed. Seeking the academic view of the term, the journals published on the CAPES website and the theses and dissertations published in the BDTD (Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations) on the subject will be analyzed. Identifying differences and similarities, for collaboration of the informational and communicational flow, in the practical application and in the studies on the theme, providing a dissemination of information in a coherent way.
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    A imaginação melodramática em animações de Makoto Shinkai
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-08-17) Santos, Thátilla Sousa; Satler, Lara Lima;; Satler, Lara Lima; Ishiki, Michiko Okano; Nogueira, Lisandro Magalhães
    This research has the following question: “How is melodramatic imagination built in the animations Children Who Chase Lost Voices (2011), Garden of Words (2013) and Your Name (2016) by Makoto Shinkai?”. It starts with the understanding that the Japanese animations chosen as objects use melodramatic imagination characteristics as strategies to elaborate their narratives. The stories are built to explore emotions, produce dramatic and emotional effects, reach the viewers' subjectivity and lead them to identification and reflection. Thus, it sought to understand the general characteristics of anime, highlight its history and evolution, understand melodrama as a genre, the way it has adapted over the years until reaching the notion of melodramatic imagination, observe some of its aspects in the Japanese context and identify its characteristics within of the chosen films. As a methodological approach, bibliographical research was carried out on themes involving the study and film analysis of the three animations to identify traces of the melodramatic imagination from specific points, such as the construction of the characters, music, narrative, moral, among others. The research achieved its expected results, ensured greater knowledge about Japanese animations and melodrama, found melodramatic characteristics in the analyzed works of Makoto Shinkai and showed that these attributes can help to bring people of different nationalities and cultures closer together by reaching the emotional and the subjectivity of the spectators.
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    Estudos de comunicação no Brasil: uma análise dos programas de pós-graduação, docentes, teses e dissertações
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-24) Silva, Gabriel Resende da; Cassiano, Kátia Kelvis;; Cassiano, Kátia Kelvis; Rezende, Laura Vilela Rodrigues; Paulo, Alex Fabianne de
    It is a challenge for the knowledge areas to understand their own characteristics, roles in the field of education, and prospects for scientific research considering the changes over the decades, which is a need in the field of Communication. As the object of study to achieve visibility regarding the historical development and the current scenario of the field, postgraduate programs were chosen because they have been strong drivers for the development and consolidation of the Communication field in Brazil. Through a temporal cut - from 2013 to 2020 - an exploratory descriptive analysis, of a qualitative-quantitative nature, was carried out using the open data repository of CAPES and the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. To apply the necessary treatments and generate analyses of the chosen databases, the KDD process (Knowledge Discovery in Databases) was chosen, which enables obtaining knowledge from large databases using data mining techniques through computational solutions for summarization, categorization, or data classification. The tools used for data mining were Iramuteq and PowerBI Desktop. The results reveal a significant concentration of programs in the Southeast region of the country, a focus on academic education, years in which the creation of programs was significant when compared to other years, and that the majority of faculty members hold doctoral degrees and have predominantly permanent professional affiliations. Regarding the theses and dissertations, it was possible to identify thematic classes that concentrate discussions on communication from the perspective of cinema, media, and technology. For each of the identified thematic classes, a greater presence of higher education institutions such as PUC São Paulo in the study of image, UFSM in the study of informational vehicles, and Metodista in the study of information could be observed.
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    Cartazes lambe-lambes enquanto estratégia de diálogo e comunicação visual entre marimachas/sapatão/lésbicas e a cidade
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-25) Vallejo Torres, Lía; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira;; Dias, Luciene de Oliveira; Fernandes, Ana Rita Vidica; Santos, Maria de Fátima Lima
    Las corporalidades y existencias marimachas/sapatão/lesbianas han sido invisibilizadas, censuradas y patologizadas a lo largo de la historia heterocisnormativa capitalista colonial. Esto nos priva de transitar libremente por la ciudad. Sustentado sobre narrativas y discursos através de los vehículos de comunicación dominantes y las instituciones sociales y pedagógicas que siguen castigando y cosificando nuestras existencias. La programación de los cuerpos normativos se mantiene a través de la marginación de las/les otras/otres. Así, estructuras como las ciudades, que no fueron diseñadas para que corporalidades y existencias plurales puedan circular libremente, se convierte en un lugar de resistencia y confrontación. En este contexto, urgen estrategias de comunicación alternativas que propongan narrativas de lo posible, donde las mediaciones sean hechas en primera persona por marimachas/sapatão/lesbianas. Los empapelados de calle pueden ser vehículos independientes y autónomos para proponer diálogos entre nosotras/nosotros/nosotros y la ciudad que habitamos. La comunicación visual transmitida por los empapelados puede ampliar los imaginarios sociales sobre las marimachas/sapatão/lesbianas y comunicar que somos ancestrales, plurales y complejas. En este sentido, esta investigación utiliza la investigación participante para la búsqueda por comprender este proceso.
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    Mulheres pretas na ciência: cartografia existencial de pesquisadoras docentes de programas de pós-graduação em comunicação das universidades federais de Goiás e de Minas Gerais
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-24) Silva, Tuane Pacheco da; Gomes, Suely Henrique de Aquino;; Gomes, Suely Henrique de Aquino; Borges, Rosana Maria Ribeiro; Silva, Maria Nilza da
    Black women suffer double discrimination due to their race and gender, and are therefore excluded from and neglected in various spaces, intellectual or otherwise. Historically, these women go through situations incomparable to those experienced by other women or other black people. It is in this sense that it is necessary to address the specific reality of these women. The purpose of this research was to raise this issue in the academic-scientific field. The research aligns with studies on science and intersectionality. Its objective was to map the existential territories of black women teaching postgraduate programs in communication at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG): who are these women; what are the paths of their educational training; how they constituted themselves as black women-academic subjects; How do they perceive the issue of race and gender in science and in their academic daily life? How they inhabit the academic-scientific territory; How do markers of race and gender permeate their ways of existing as professors and researchers working in the university environment? The aim was to highlight how gender and race markers are present in the ways of inhabiting the academic-scientific territory of black women and in the construction of their life and professional paths in a traditional way of doing Science. These questions were answered from the perspectives of the women themselves. To this end, in methodological terms, existential cartography was used, which included conducting in-depth interviews with black professors from the postgraduate communication programs at UFG and UFMG. Three teachers were interviewed, two (in total of 3) from UFG and one from UFMG. Thus, the research makes it possible to give visibility to the academic-scientific work of black women researchers, in order to contribute to the decolonization of the academic scientific environment, making it inclusive and open to black women. It is concluded that the three women interviewed build their academic-scientific territories with great effort and dedication, but that they feel the weight of racism in their trajectories. They see themselves as being unfairly treated by the system that surrounds them and which often prevents them from achieving more. They hope that universities are pluri-epistemic and have equal opportunities for everyone, a space with resources to help students, and in which the showcase of knowledge and greater interaction between researchers is applied. Therefore, the results indicate that the academic environment is racist and androcentric and that there is an urgent need to change this scenario so that science is equitable.
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    O dividual feminino a partir do filme-ensaio Elena (2012): uma noção traçada de forma ensaística em diálogo com diversas mulheres
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-24) Almeida, Letícia Benevides Araújo; Fernandes, Ana Rita Vidica;; Santos, Alexandre Tadeu dos;; Santos, Alexandre Tadeu dos; Fernandes, Ana Rita Vidica; Coca, Adriana Pierre; Prysthon, Angela Freire; Satler, Lara Lima
    This is my first essay. An attempt to find myself from a thinking-essayistic-affective writing. Coming into contact with the essay through the cinema has revived in me the desire to question myself and the world around me. In this writing, I joined eight women, Ana, Cecília, Dandara, Diana, Ket, Laura, Letícia (me), Pollyana and Virna, my affective subjects. Collectively, we thought about feminine issues based on the visualization of the essay-film Elena, directed by Brazilian filmmaker Petra Costa. We held two online meetings in which we presented images (photographs, cinematographic scenes, poetry, lesbopoesies, short stories, illustrations, paintings) that appeared as we watched Elena. With these images in hand, I began to walk the path in order to think about my problem-issue: the possibility of extending Deleuze's concept of the dividual by taking the feminine as a perspective. To this end, I brought the images of my affective subjects closer to blackboards and made visual montages inspired by Abby Warburg's Atlas Mnemosyne. In the gaps, traces, ashes that these approximations left, we perceive a plural, fluid, collective feminine, which is built from our occupations with the world. We realized that the affective essay methodology created here allowed our experiences to be exposed and seen as important, as dividual. We have seen that it is possible to think of the feminine dividual, which contemplates all the particularity of becoming a woman. My intention is not to exhaust this study, but to create others from this reflection. The feminine dividual is an open concept and can be judged, refuted, considered or be wrong.
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    UFG em todo lugar: apontamentos para uma política de comunicação pública da ciência
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-18) Basile, Roberta de Castro; Gomes, Suely Henrique de Aquino;; Gomes , Suely Henrique de Aquino; Almeida , Carla da Silva; Oliveira , Tiago Mainieri de
    At the Federal University of Goiás, extension was responsible for mediate dialogue and the exchange of knowledge between science and the population. By knowing some notions and practices of Public Communication of Science that permeate this finalistic sphere of federal universities, a qualitative, descriptive-exploratory research was proposed, with a case study. Based on the extension program “UFG em Todo Lugar”, for the popularization of science, the research sought to answer the question: what guidelines would be necessary to strengthen and make the actions of this program more effective? The study covers the program's past and present, using multiple collection instruments, among them, documental research, questionnaires, interviews and a focus group. The purpose was to know the perceptions about the Public Communication of Science (together with managers, organizers and extension teams that work in the program), the ways they use to bring science closer to the population, the difficulties of this trajectory, in addition to the opinions of the external public who participated in the event promoted on May 27, 2023. Together, these data also made it possible to identify the gaps of “UFG em Todo Lugar”, resulting in notes for a Public Science Communication Policy that could strengthen it. The data were systematized and presented according to Bardin's Content Analysis (2016), with a triangulation at the end. In this way, it offers not only a diagnosis on the Public Communication of Science established from this program, but also guidelines for changes in posture and for the resumption of an integrated communication process between higher administration, teaching (undergraduate and graduate -graduation), institutional communication, research and extension. Through the outlined recommendations, the university could give a new future to “UFG em Todo Lugar” and reframe the way it interacts with society based on it.
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    Mulheres pretas na ciência: cartografia existencial de pesquisadoras docentes de programas de pós-graduação em comunicação das universidades federais de Goiás e de Minas Gerais
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-24) Silva, Tuane Pacheco da; Gomes, Suely Henrique de Aquino;; Gomes, Suely Henrique de Aquino; Borges, Rosana Maria Ribeiro; Silva, Maria Nilza da
    Black women suffer double discrimination due to their race and gender, and are therefore excluded from and neglected in various spaces, intellectual or otherwise. Historically, these women go through situations incomparable to those experienced by other women or other black people. It is in this sense that it is necessary to address the specific reality of these women. The purpose of this research was to raise this issue in the academic-scientific field. The research aligns with studies on science and intersectionality. Its objective was to map the existential territories of black women teaching postgraduate programs in communication at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG): who are these women; what are the paths of their educational training; how they constituted themselves as black women-academic subjects; How do they perceive the issue of race and gender in science and in their academic daily life? How they inhabit the academic-scientific territory; How do markers of race and gender permeate their ways of existing as professors and researchers working in the university environment? The aim was to highlight how gender and race markers are present in the ways of inhabiting the academic-scientific territory of black women and in the construction of their life and professional paths in a traditional way of doing Science. These questions were answered from the perspectives of the women themselves. To this end, in methodological terms, existential cartography was used, which included conducting in-depth interviews with black professors from the postgraduate communication programs at UFG and UFMG. Three teachers were interviewed, two (in total of 3) from UFG and one from UFMG. Thus, the research makes it possible to give visibility to the academic-scientific work of black women researchers, in order to contribute to the decolonization of the academic scientific environment, making it inclusive and open to black women. It is concluded that the three women interviewed build their academic-scientific territories with great effort and dedication, but that they feel the weight of racism in their trajectories. They see themselves as being unfairly treated by the system that surrounds them and which often prevents them from achieving more. They hope that universities are pluri-epistemic and have equal opportunities for everyone, a space with resources to help students, and in which the showcase of knowledge and greater interaction between researchers is applied. Therefore, the results indicate that the academic environment is racist and androcentric and that there is an urgent need to change this scenario so that science is equitable.
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    O jornalismo de dados e a credibilidade jornalística: estudo de caso sobre o núcleo DeltaFolha, do jornal Folha de São Paulo
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-09) Santos, Ícaro Gonçalves dos; Cassiano, Kátia Kelvis;; Cassiano, Kátia Kelvis; Borges, Rosana Maria Ribeiro; Paulo, Alex Fabianne de
    This research investigates how the dynamics of data journalism production relate to the pillars of journalistic credibility. To this end, the work resorted to studies and knowledge related to Theories of Journalism, Sociology and Philosophy, as well as the methodological references of Information Science and Content Analysis. As an object of research, the DeltaFolha nucleus was defined, an online editorial of the Folha de São Paulo newspaper that periodically publishes reports produced based on data journalism practices. For the construction of the research corpus, a set of 412 news and reports produced by the nucleus was extracted, including texts and images, materials that were investigated through qualitative content analysis and analysis of the comprehensibility of the visualizations. In the results, it was observed that the set of texts that form the corpus presents different strategies to generate a sense of truth, with extensive data analysis and a high degree of public interest. In data-based articles, the approach of topics with a high social impact was recurrent, with data linked to political facts, public health, rights and citizenship. The nucleus also demonstrated a high degree of autonomy, with data investigated and crossed in an authorial way in most cases. In addition, the exploration of extensive databases, with tens of thousands of information, was recurrent. Also, in most articles, the journalistic production in co-authorship of two or three professionals was identified. It was also observed the care in explaining, even superficially, the methods used by journalists for data analysis. In the specific analysis of visual resources, such as graphs, infographics and visualizations, a notable effort was identified to build resources that complemented the textual descriptions of the investigated data, with the presentation of complex and, sometimes, extensive art. Some visualizations had the ability to immerse the reader in the historical facts described, as in the cases of timelines that addressed important facts of national politics. A negative point noted was that, sometimes, the visual resources presented too much information, which made it difficult to understand.
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    A ressignificação na produção midiática local: a experiência multiplataforma do programa Sinal Aberto da rádio Sagres
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-07-28) Tondolo, Vinicius Luiz; Pavan, Ricardo;; Pavan, Ricardo; Dias, André Bonsanto; Silva, Luana Viana e
    The expansion of access by new users and the establishment of new habits within the digital environment has forced traditional communication vehicles, specialized in a unidirectional relationship strategy, to evaluate their production process, organization of the newsroom, distribution of contents and engagement with the your audience. If it is challenging for large conglomerates, what about the reality of vehicles with regional and/or local reach? Based on the concept of Culture of Convergence and Culture of Connection by Jenkins (2008, 2014) and Rádio Expandido by Kischinhevsky (2016), this work aims to analyze the process of appropriation, re-signification and expansion of radio limits coexisting simultaneously in the analogue and digital environment. To this end, the work problematizes, under the Convergent Television Analysis, the convergence process of Rádio Sagres AM, between 2018 and 2021., throughout this period, from 07:00 to 09:00 in the morning, from Monday to Friday.
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    Caminhos para consolidação da Ciência Aberta no âmbito dos periódicos científicos brasileiros: uma proposta de abertura de dados por meio do repositório da Universidade Federal de Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-26) Drumond, Larissa Barbara Borges; Rezende, Laura Vilela Rodrigues;; Rezende, Laura Vilela Rodrigues; Gomes, Suely Henrique de Aquino; Silva, Fabiano Couto Correa da
    This work was built based on reflections from the scientific communication process, specifically, related to scientific journals managed by Higher Education Institutions and with the bias of Open Science, which proposes the opening and democratization of all phases of scientific research. The focus of the study is the opening of data from scientific articles published in journals hosted and managed by the Federal University of Goiás. The main objective was to outline a set of guidelines that serve to create open data collections for scientific journals that may serve as a pilot initiative for the UFG and other institutions, contemplating the definition of regulations for the opening of scientific data, population and use. This is applied social research with a qualitative approach. As for the objectives, the research is exploratory and according to the procedures, it is documental and also used action-research dimensions. In order to carry it out, a survey was conducted aiming to identify the characteristics of the regulations for opening scientific data from journals in different countries that use an open and public repository, the Dataverse of Harvard University. Such characteristics were parameterized based on the requirements of the Core Trust Seal trustworthy repositories quality seal. The information obtained in this survey, together with the bibliographical research, supported the implementation of action-research steps with the editors of the UFG journal selected for the study, the Boletim Goiano de Geografia. In this stage, the regulations for opening data from the aforementioned journal were formulated, the creation of a collection in the UFG open data repository and the preparation of scientific dissemination pieces to sensitize readers and possible authors of the journal on the themes of Open Science and opening of scientific data. Such actions make up the results of the study, from which other journals will be able to reflect on the paths necessary to join the movement of openness of data adjacent to the articles they publish, expanding scientific practices concerning the movement of Open Science and the democratization of scientific knowledge.
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    Desinformação e fake news como modos de negação comunicacional da cidadania: um estudo do perfil @jairbolsonaro
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-11-30) Gonzaga Junior, Carlos Antônio; Freitas, Luiz Antônio Signates;; Freitas, Luiz Antônio Signates; Ferreira, Jairo Getúlio; Borges, Rosana Maria Ribeiro
    The objective of this work is to analyze the communication strategy used by Bolsonaro on Twitter between 2020 and 2022 - characterized by a covid-19 pandemic - to try to answer the following question: which elements posted by Bolsonaro on his Twitter profile date back to the communicational denial of the citizenship? In front of that, in the first chapter, the theoretical foundation is supported by the discussion about citizenship. In the second chapter, the debate moves towards the idea of globalization, and the technological virtues for the expansion of communication, the conflict between local and global and disinformation and fake news. In the third chapter, it is proposed to answer the question of this work. For this, tweets from this period (2020-2022) were extracted by data scraping technique. With a systematic qualitative analysis, the results show that the then president of the republic encourages - through his speeches - the denial of citizenship, that is, to deny practices that are configured in rights for the citizen.
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    Expansão e potencialização da compreensão da realidade via jornalismo literário: empatia, reflexão e aproximação nas narrativas não-ficcionais das jornalistas-escritoras Daniela Arbex, Eliane Brum e Consuelo Dieguez
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-11-30) Oliveira, Camila Tapia Passos de; Borges, Rogério Pereira;; Borges, Rogério Pereira; Moraes, Ângela Teixeira de; Silva, Gustavo de Castro da
    Considering the conception of a humanized, polyphonic journalism free from the standardization of perishable and automatic reproduction writing, this research dwells on the hybrid narratives of Literary Journalism to understand how the use of elements of literature in journalistic productions fosters an expansion and an enhancement of the understanding of social reality and contributes to the construction and maintenance of collective memory of societies. Structured with a qualitative theoretical-methodological approach, this is a bibliographic research with an empirical part, in which are analyzed, through Discourse Analysis and Narratives Analysis, works by three Brazilian authors representative of this narrative model: Todo Dia a Mesma Noite, by Daniela Arbex (2018a); A Vida que Ninguém Vê, by Eliane Brum (2006); and Bilhões e Lágrimas, by Consuelo Dieguez (2014). Stem from the respective categories of analysis empathy, reflection, and approximation, originating from broader discursive widgets, it is shown which are and in which way the literary elements identified in the books-report of these journalist-writers are utilized. Such features, with all their subjective power, are revealed as precious for journalistic works that propose to be distinctive. Therefore, there is a contribution to the debates on Literary Journalism in Brazil and the many ways to use it in favor of productions with greater deepening, durability, aesthetic refinement, and reach.
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    História cultural da tipografia e da indústria gráfica goiana no século XIX
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-10-27) Gouveia, José Vanderlei; Santos, Andréa Pereira dos;; Santos, Andréa Pereira dos; Valério, Erinaldo Dias; Gomes., Suely Henrique Aquino
    The results of a research and dissertation on the History of Communication in Goiás are presented, specifically on the cultural aspects of typography and the graphic industry in the 19th century. This segment is little known, which demanded a documental research in primary sources, along with the bibliographical research of the history and socio-cultural memory of the period. A brief account is made of the creation and expansion of typography and the press in the West and in Brazil and its consequences on life and socio-cultural formation, having as reference cultural studies, the new history and the archeology of industrialization. Along with the bibliography consulted, the main sources were the Archives of the Museu das Bandeiras, in the City of Goiás, with regard to digitized notarial and business documents, as well as the collection of periodicals and other documents from the Province of Goiás in the Digital Newsletter of the Brazilian National Library Foundation whose consultation allowed [us] to identify typographies that, in addition to newspapers, some books and magazines, provided other printing services. It was possible to identify typographies that presented themselves with their own name or 'fantasy name', and it is common for the popular name to be that of the newspaper or its owner. The result is greater knowledge of this aspect of the history of typography and the press in Goiás and the revelation of aspects still unknown in regional history.
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    Narrativas em áudio: análise de conteúdo de podcasts sobre autismo na podosfera brasileira
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-11-04) Abreu, Tiago Florencio de; Pavan, Ricardo;; Pavan, Ricardo; Temer, Ana Carolina Rocha Pessôa; Vencio, Ricardo Zorzetto Nicoliello
    This research aims to present the differences and similarities found between four Brazilian podcasts about autism — ABAcast, AspieGirl, AutismoCast and Introvertendo —, through a qualitative content analysis. The project arises from the observation about the existence of similarities between autism and communication, as ways of building meaning, and that, within the scope of podcast production, several minorities and segmented groups have been using podcasts as a form of expression. A content analysis was conducted, based on Sampaio and Lyncarião (2021), also based on Schreier (2012), to find statements about autism that could relate about this subject as a way of life and statements about interventions and therapies in the episodes in question, seeking to relate the dialogues with the literature on podcasting and the critical studies of autism. In conclusion, findings suggest that: neither autistic nor professionals completely distance themselves from a perception of autism based on diagnostic manuals and deficits; there’s a heterogeneity of experiences with autism according to the types of producers; most of the analyzed programs are part of a more amateur-type kind of production setup; and it’s not possible to categorically state whether the episodes in question help to understand what autism is.
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    Sentidos e significados da representação da mulher vítima de violência doméstica no Centro-Oeste em comentários de notícias do Facebook durante a pandemia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-31) Lima, Jhayne Geovana Santos; Temer, Ana Carolina Rocha Pessoa;; Temer, Ana Carolina Rocha Pessoa; Bianco, Nelia Rodrigues Del; Santos, Marli dos
    This work investigates and discusses the role of journalism in the construction of the image of women victims of domestic violence, through the analysis of comments made about such crimes on the pages of journalistic vehicles on Facebook. The issue of gender violence is present mainly in the newspapers, with records and reports of cases that demonstrate the relevance of the topic and the need for changes in society. This scenario of violence occurs, most of the time, within the family and was aggravated by the confirmation of cases of Covid-19 in the country and the consequent implementation of social distancing measures. Specifically, there was a significant increase in cases of femicide in the states of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Goiás, according to the 14th edition of the Brazilian Public Security Yearbook, developed by the Brazilian Public Security Forum. In this sense, this research analyzes the content published in MidiaNews (Mato Grosso), Campo Grande News (Mato Grosso do Sul) and Mais Goiás (Goiás) related to the theme of violence against women during the months of March, April and May 2020 and analyzes the comments made in the publications of these news on the Facebook page of each vehicle. The work is supported by Groth (2011), who points out that journalism is capable of promoting changes in social behavior, but the theoretical basis also includes statements on journalism presented mainly by Traquina (2005) and Berger and Luckmann (2011). To understand the context of online journalism and the use of social networks, Castells (1999), Canavilhas (2006), Schwingel (2012) and Recuero (2009) were mainly used. For the contextualization of the concept of citizenship and its practice in society, Bobbio (1986) and Carvalho (2002) were mainly used. For the systematic analysis of the comments published in the 45 journalistic articles found in the selected period, Bardin's Content Analysis (2011) was adopted. The objective was to observe if there is blame directed to legislation and bodies and not to the aggressor or suspect itself and, indirectly, if the debate on domestic violence is based on machismo and/or patriarchy, on breaches and failures of security laws. , or if the comments are posed as if the blame for the violence was outsourced. With the research it was possible to observe that the rape of the woman occurs in several stages. For the aggressor partner, for the press that approaches the crime in an inadequate way, for the public organizations that do not offer adequate protection mechanisms and for the society that judges and blames the victim.
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    A resistência narrada em rede: o feminismo por hashtag #justiçaporMariFerrer
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-29) Arruda, Isabela Lefol; Cassiano, Kátia Kelvis;; Silva, Magno Luiz Medeiros da;; Silva, Magno Luiz Medeiros da; Oliveira, Tiago Mainieri de; Machado, Liliane Maria Macedo; Lozano, Kátia Kelvis Cassiano
    The struggle of women for rights and to recognize themselves as citizens is extensive. With digitally mediated technologies, new expressions of resistance emerge, such as cyberfeminism. Several cyberactivist manifestations have used hashtags as part of their discursive strategy. The cases concerning the mobilization of women became known as hashtag feminism (hashtag feminism). This is a phenomenon that has multiplied and repeated itself around the world, including Brazil. Through hashtags, Different narratives are created, merging individual stories into a larger, connective narrative that reverberates through different digital media and can reach the streets. To understand the new forms of mobilization and political action contained in this phenomenon, the present research proposes to analyze the case of the young Mariana Ferrer and the consequences of the hashtag #JustiçaPorMariFerrer, which circulated on Twitter. The object of study also raises questions about how the public and private meet in this type of movement, tensioned both by the feminist vision of 'the personal is political', and by the spectacularization of private life that occurs on the internet. The theoretical discussion is based on authors such as Castells (2003; 2017), Clark (2016) Papacharissi (2002; 2011; 2015), Polletta (1998, 2009), Young (2002), Sibilia (2008), Fraser (1985;1990 ), between others. The analysis methodology adopted was Bardin's Content Analysis (2011), through categorical analysis, supported by KDD procedures, by the large volume of data extracted from social networks, with the help of software such as Power BI and Iramuteq. The study's main objective is to understand the narratives of feminist resistance, which are built in the digital environment. In this way, we seek to analyze how the movement is built over time, the messages that build its narrative and how they can have political consequences. The analysis evidenced the solidarity between the actors and the repudiation directed to the official institutions of the State, in addition to revealing characteristics of the cyberfeminist movement today and its duality between the personal and public spheres, with the formation of affective publics.