Mestrado em Geografia (IESA)

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    Efeitos socioespaciais da habitação de interesse social: um estudo de caso do residencial Nelson Mandela, Goiânia - Goiás - (2017-2022)
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-10-19) Corvalan, Rafael Alonso Jeronimo; Barreira, Celene Cunha Monteiro Antunes;; Borges, Ronan Eustáquio;; Borges, Ronan Eustaquio; Salgado, Tathiana Rodrigues; Araújo, Elis Veloso Portela de
    The capital of Goiás arises from a well-defined political and economic project, in which the initial years were marked by the absence of social housing, leading to various irregular occupations. Subsequently, the state begins to act towards land regularization and the promotion of social housing through the construction of several housing complexes in the outskirts of Goiânia. In this scenario, the Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV) emerges as one of the most important programs in promoting social housing. In this context, the Residencial Nelson Mandela (RNM), the subject of this research, is introduced. The RNM is part of the Conjunto Vera Cruz, a neighborhood built in the 1980s, also a result of housing policies. Thus, the objective is to assess the sociospatial impacts of the PMCMV based on the experience of the RNM. For the research development, a bibliographic survey of authors related to housing policies, urban planning, plans, laws, and legislations was conducted, followed by four fieldworks in the study area. However, it was found that, despite housing policies providing housing for many families, there are various sociospatial impacts in their implementation, resulting from the lack of expansion of public facilities in transportation, health, education, leisure, and public safety.
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    Cidadania, segregação e desigualdades sociais: desafios e possibilidades da Geografia escolar em bairros periféricos da cidade de Goiânia-GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-09-20) Araújo, Manoel Victor Peres; Cavalcanti, Lana de Souza;; Cavalcanti, Lana de Souza; Alves, Adriana Olívia; Paula, Flávia Maria de Assis
    Esta investigación tiene por objetivo comprender cómo el concepto de segregación socioespacial es, y por ser trabajado en la enseñanza de Geografía en jóvenes con jóvenes alumnos en una escuela pública en la periferia de la ciudad de Goiânia. La segregación socioespacial es un proceso que fragmenta las clases sociales en espacios distintos de la ciudad. En ese sentido, el cotidiano de las personas que habitan esos lugares está marcado por la inseguridad, la violencia, las viviendas precarias, la falta de infraestructura y el acceso a los servicios básicos y al ocio. Esos aspectos son motivaciones para pensar en cómo la enseñanza de Geografía puede colaborar para el estudio y la problematización de esa temática prosiguiendo hacia la ciudadanía. Para la realización de la referida investigación, se optó por una metodología cualitativa con delineamiento para el estudio de caso. En este sentido, se hizo el análisis de los documentos que estructuran los contenidos de la Geografía en la Enseñanza Media, destacando así las habilidades y competencias propuestas por esos documentos visando las posibilidades de trabajar ese el concepto en la Educación Básica. La investigación de campo se dio en una escuela pública de Goiânia ubicada en un área segregada. Se estableció como criterio para la elección de las escuelas, la alta incidencia de densidad demográfica, baja escolarización y renta. La investigación de campo en la escuela fue compuesta inicialmente por la observación de las clases en las clases del 2 ° y del 3 ° año de la enseñanza media como objetivo de verificar cómo los docentes encaminaban el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje y un posible abordaje de la segregación socioespacial. Posteriormente, se propuso una intervención para la mediación didáctica del concepto de segregación socioespacial conforme propuesto por Cavalcanti (2013 a, 2014). El resultado del estudio constató que la intervención didáctica puede contribuir a la construcción del concepto de segregación socioespacial en la medida en que los jóvenes alumnos identificaron las dimensiones de ese proceso en su cotidiano, con destaque para la ausencia de espacios públicos para el ocio, lo que indica un límite de su relación con la ciudad.
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    Alfabetização e letramento cartográfico no ensino de geografia: uma análise da base nacional comum curricular e do documento curricular para Goiás ampliado para o trabalho docente
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-18) Veloso, Carolina Moreira; Richter, Denis;; Richter, Denis; Bueno, Miriam Aparecida; Breda, Thiara Vichiato
    The role of the teacher represents a crucial component throughout the schooling years. Teaching practice demands that educators possess specialized knowledge to carry out their function, characterized by a constant flow of changes. In light of this, this research focused on the Geography teacher's role through dialogues about their pedagogical practices in Geography classes, particularly in relation to School Cartography, aiming to verify the alignment of these practices with official, normative, and curricular documents. This work is part of a master's research and presented a discussion on the presence of School Cartography in the National Common Curricular Base (BRAZIL 2017) and in the Extended Curricular Document for Goiás (DC-GO Ampliado 2019), with a reference to proposals for cartographic literacy and literacy, linked to the construction of spatial and geographical thinking of students for teaching Geography in the final years of Elementary School. To do this, we sought to contextualize the importance of School Cartography for the teaching and learning process of Geography, highlighting the theoretical concepts that underpin this theme, as well as the possibilities of articulation. The research focused on analyzing how current documents address cartographic language through their proposals, content, skills, and structures for teaching Geography. Through these reflections, we gain a better understanding of these documents, which are fundamental for teaching work, and how School Cartography has been materializing within these proposals, with the aim of fostering and contributing to the development of school Geography in Elementary School. We observed that teachers recognize the relevance of the documents, although, in some circumstances, they may not have a complete understanding of the curricular proposal. Additionally, it is noticeable that educators support the idea of building Geography classes integrated with the proposals of School Cartography. In this context, when teachers cannot fully understand and implement curricular guidelines for the Geography discipline in their classes, we observe a certain challenge in school practices. However, as teachers deepen their understanding of the curriculum, their chances of incorporating it into their didactic-pedagogical work and conducting lessons more closely aligned with these guidelines increase. Therefore, it is essential to consider that teachers actively participate in ongoing training, have support materials, and implement methodological approaches in Geography classes linked to School Cartography to strengthen its integration with the contents of this school subject. In this way, we recognize the potential to enhance students' spatial and geographical understanding, strengthening the teaching of Geography.
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    O ensino de geografia e o novo ensino médio: o mapa mental como possibilidade na construção do pensamento geográfico
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-20) Almeida, Rosilene Martins de; Bueno, Miriam Aparecida;; Bueno, Miriam Aparecida; Richter, Denis; Santos, Nicali Bleyer Ferreira dos
    This research was carried out at a time of great uncertainty and anguish for all teachers of basic education in Brazil: the implementation of the new secondary education system. In order to better understand the issues that permeate such implementation, specifically with regard to the teaching of Geography, the general objective that guided the entire investigation was to analyze the role of cartographic language, through the elaboration of mental maps by 2nd grade high school students, for the construction of geographic thinking in relation to the teaching of cities. To this end, the investigation was methodologically based on a qualitative approach and, as it required the researcher to be inserted into the school environment, specifically in a public school located in the city of Palmeiras de Goiás/GO, it was necessary to adopt participant research as a research technique. From this perspective, three methodological procedures were adopted: 1) Bibliographic review - with the aim of delving deeper into discussions related to geographical thinking and cartographic language and how both, if related, can contribute to meaningful geographical learning; 2) Analysis of the National Common Curriculum Base (BNCC) - with the aim of investigating how the new High School is structured and how the contents related to Geography and, more specifically, cartographic language are presented; 3) Pedagogical workshop - in order to provide the students taking part in the research with the conditions to draw up mental maps of the routes they take between their homes and school, specifically the training itinerary called MatematiCidades. The intention to contribute to the construction of the students' geographical thinking, using cartographic language to do so, became extremely important, since it is through the act of thinking geographically about the relationships established in space, be they between the subjects themselves and/or between the subjects and the spatial elements, that the subjects can reflect their own realities and, from there, transform them. As cartography is an important tool for representing space - and its spatialities - it becomes essential in this process of building geographical thinking, because it gives subjects the power to reflect on their perceptions, in other words, to map space. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to state that, despite the fact that the new secondary education system has "inconsistencies", be they pedagogical or structural, which in turn cause difficulties not only for students but also for educators, it is possible, with a certain amount of effort on the part of the teacher, to lead students to grasp the geographical content and, based on interdisciplinarity - which is a proposal of the BNCC - they can build geographical thinking, based on cartographic language, capable of conceptualizing reality, in other words, representing and reflecting on it, in order to transform it according to the needs that arise, becoming conscious and committed citizens.
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    Por uma viagem literogeográfica: navegando com José Saramago n’O conto da ilha desconhecida
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-28) Azevedo, Alisson Barboza; Chaveiro, Eguimar Felício; Chaveiro, Eguimar Felício; Nery, Antônio Augusto; Silva, Valéria Cristina Pereira da
    This dissertation proposes a literogeographical interpretation of José Saramago's The Tale of the Unknown Island. In his existential cartography, the researcher places himself as a blind reader whose worldview ("mundividência") is constructed through reading. Next, a preliminary reading of the short story is undertaken, interpreting it as a journey inside the subject. Subsequently, a theoretical review of the foundations of literogeography is carried out, with emphasis on the geographical dimension of José Saramago's work. Finally, the journey is situated as a predisposition and the island as the unknown that is not on the maps, highlighting the existential aspect contained in the Saramaguian tale. It investigates how the journey narrated in the story can broaden the reader's geographical knowledge of the world.
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    Mediação didática como fundamento para o ensino de cidade: a região da 44 como referência para ensinar geografia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-26) Brito, Mauricélia Cândida de; Souza, Vanilton Camilo de;; Souza; Souza, Vanilton Camilo de; Cavalcanti, Lana de Souza; Oliveira, Victor Hugo Nedel
    Esta investigación presenta una reflexión sobre el papel mediador del docente en la enseñanza de la Geografía. Esta función está vinculada a la articulación entre la realidad vivida por los estudiantes, es decir, sus conocimientos cotidianos adquiridos a través de sus prácticas espaciales, y el contenido geográfico que tematiza la ciudad, es decir, el conocimiento científico que permite pensar el espacio urbano. Para eso, la Teoría Histórico-Cultural (THC), formulada por Lev Semionovich Vigotski, se convirtió en una importante base teórica y metodológica para el desarrollo de esta investigación que tuvo como objetivo general comprender la mediación didáctica como fundamento para la enseñanza de contenidos sobre la ciudad desde una perspectiva geográfica de los fenómenos urbanos. Ya los objetivos específicos fueron: 1) Relacionar los conceptos de mediación didáctica y de lugar a los fundamentos de la THC como base teórica para la enseñanza de la centralidad urbana de Goiânia de la Región del 44; 2) Considerar la Región del 44 como una posibilidad de hacer un abordaje geográfico sobre las dimensiones de la centralidad de Goiânia en la enseñanza de la Geografía; 3) Desarrollar, desde la THC, una propuesta didáctica sobre Goiânia en el contexto de la Región de 44, articulando lo conocimiento geográfico con las prácticas cotidianas para un aprendizaje significativo. Así, la Región de 44 fue elegida, por ser una centralidad urbana de Goiânia, como una importante referencia para enseñar Geografía. Para eso, fueran adoptados tres procedimientos metodológicos: 1) Revisión Bibliográfica – para una analice más profunda sobre el concepto de mediación didáctica en la perspectiva de THC e en el concepto geográfico lugar con lo objetivo de hacer una articulación entre los conocimientos cotidianos de los alumnos (prácticas espaciales) sobre la Región de 44 con los conocimientos científicos (contenidos escolares); 2) Entrevista Semiestructurada – con el fin de entender mejor como las dúas profesoras de dúas escuelas próximas de la Región de 44 comprenden la función mediadora del profesor e de qué manera trabajan la ciudad, en específico los elementos que constituyen la Región de 44; 3) Grupo de Discusión – con el fin de propiciar condiciones para que las dúas profesoras participantes de la investigación desarrollasen una propuesta didáctica sobre la Región de 44 con enfoque a la centralidad urbana. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan que, a pesar de lo que presentaron las profesoras sobre la mediación didáctica, más relacionada con la exposición/transmisión del conocimiento, que para la THC debe estar relacionada con una sistematización sólida, ambas presentaron elementos importantes que posibilitan la enseñanza de la Geografía ser más significativa, como, por ejemplo, la capacidad de relacionar la realidad vivida por los alumnos en la Región de 44 con los contenidos relacionados en la ciudad. Después de esta etapa, fue desarrollada por la pesquisidora otra posibilidad para trabajar la Región de 44 en la enseñanza, pautada, de esta vez, por la THC. Mientras las profesoras se volvieron para los problemas existentes en el espacio urbano de Goiânia, la propuesta didáctica desarrollada en esta etapa fue direccionada para problematizar, primeramente, la producción de este espacio, juntamente con sus agentes productores con el fin de profundar en los problemas existentes. De todo lo desarrollado en esta investigación, se puede decir que el concepto de mediación didáctica se convirtió en un elemento importante, tanto en la conducción metodológica de la investigación, como en la participación de las profesoras de la investigación a la hora de reflexionar y planificar sobre la enseñanza sobre lo espacio urbano de Goiânia a través de la Región de 44.
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    A representatividade da mulher nos livros didáticos de geografia e documentos curriculares oficiais
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-31) Campos, Mariana Brockes Campos; Bueno, Miriam Aparecida;; Bueno, Miriam Aparecida; Silva, Joseli Maria; Alves, Adriana Olívia
    The gender discussion is current and very relevant to society, geography and teaching. When thinking about this, the present dissertation aims to understand the different forms of representation of women in Geography textbooks for Elementary School - final years, approved by the last PNLD public notice and in the curricular documents that involve textbooks and educational education. geographic. As the specific objectives, identify the gender approaches that govern education (the LDB, BNCC and PNLD) and imply the textbook; understand the instituting elements of the representation of women in the contents of textbooks and develop proposals for subverting the gender order found in textbooks. Considering that textbooks carry great educational value for Brazilian education because they are widely distributed to schools throughout Brazil, understanding how they represent women is understanding which ideas tend to be perpetuated by education. Therefore, the collection most distributed by the 2020 PNLD was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively, with the intention of understanding if and how women are represented. It was found that women have a smaller number of representations in the images of textbooks. Only about 20% of all images are female representations. The representations of females regarding the content are also not sufficient for us to consider that they seek to promote gender equality. It was noticed that women tend to occupy the same type of space, which is culturally devalued, such as rural, craft, family, basic industries and with little protagonism. It was found that educational curriculum documents are also scarce when it comes to female representation, mentioning gender issues a few times and comparatively, between documents over the years, gender issues have suffered many deletions in terms of gender equality, therefore, thus aligning with the lack of promotion of gender equality in Geography textbooks. It is expected that this research can contribute to a construction of a more critical analysis at Geography, textbooks and curriculum, from a gender perspective.
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    Uso público do Parque Estadual de Serra Nova e Talhado (MG): impactos socioambientais do turismo e as potencialidades para a sustentabilidade
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-31) Rodrigues Sobrinho, Anderson; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de;; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de; Oliveira, Ivanilton José de; Oliveira, Ana Paula de
    The Conservation Units (UC) are protected areas that have as objectives to contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, to develop public use activities such as leisure, contact with nature, environmental education and scientific research. Such environments have been the target of significant tourist exploitation worldwide, which, when mistakenly carried out, has caused anthropic interference in the natural landscapes of these areas. The State Park "Serra Nova e Talhado" (PESTN), situated in the Northern region of Minas Gerais, is an example of a UC that presents great tourist potential, especially with activities focused on leisure and ecotourism. Although the Park has a Management Plan, it still does not have a Public Use Planning and some socio-environmental impacts are already recognized in its main attractions. Thus, this work had as its main objective to evaluate the socio-environmental impacts of public tourist use in the PESNT, presenting the potential for sustainability for the area. The methodological procedures involved characterization of the UC and analysis of the Management Plan; field work, questionnaires and interviews with visitors, UC management and ecotourists; detailed analysis of socio-environmental impacts on the most visited trails and SWOT analysis. The results indicate that the UC presents impacts such as erosion; garbage dump; graffiti on rocks; deforestation; damage to infrastructure and evidence of fires; the application of the questionnaire indicated that most respondents tend to ignore the impacts on the natural landscape of the PESNT and that the motivations for visiting the UC are due to leisure and there is no association for the contemplation of the natural landscape as the primary objective; the online questionnaires indicate that there is interest in visiting the PESNT in the future, although some participants are opposed to visitation due to the negative aspects presented. It becomes, therefore, the elaboration and implementation of the Public Use Planning, which includes the participation of various actors that are part of this tourism governance, to meet the objectives of the creation of the PESNT, contributing to the development of public use activities in the Park and minimizing the negative socioenvironmental impacts resulting from these activities.
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    Uma leitura geográfica do documentário “Cartas para Angola”: sujeitos e paisagens
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-03) Louzada, Maria Ercilia; Chaveiro, Eguimar Felício;; Chaveiro, Eguimar Felício; Oliveira, Adão Francisco de; Barros, Juliana Ramalho
    Lettres à l'Angola est un film documentaire qui réunit l'Angola, le Brésil et le Portugal. Les personnages-sujets communiquent par le biais de lettres vidéo dans lesquelles ils décrivent des parties de leurs trajectoires, des trajectoires qui expriment souvent des paysages qu'ils ont vécus. En plus du sujet qui vit son paysage dans le documentaire, il y a un spectateur qui reçoit le documentaire et l'analyse à travers le cadre de ses expériences. Cette recherche qualitative s'appuie sur une enquête bibliographique sur le cinéma et la géographie. Ses objectifs sont d'analyser les paysages vécus et montrés par les sujets dans une perspective humaniste et d'analyser l'expérience du spectateur face à l'œuvre cinématographique. La géographie humaniste cherche à comprendre la relation sujet/paysage et la géographie du cinéma l'expérience du spectateur qui, lorsqu'il regarde un film, y ajoute l'expérience des sujets avec leurs paysages qui font partie du documentaire. Le problème de recherche consiste à répondre à ce que les sujets du documentaire et les réalisateurs peuvent transmettre sur leurs paysages et à ce que l'expérience filmique révèle au spectateur et sur lui. Elle repose sur les hypothèses suivantes: les paysages filmiques produisent des espaces d'expériences et des récits d'espace; les sujets des discours peuvent exprimer leurs expériences avec les paysages dans le but de transmettre des significations; tous les paysages ont une objectivité et une subjectivité, soit pour donner de la visibilité ou de l'invisibilité aux éléments de l'espace; et le spectateur peut expérimenter d'autres espaces lorsqu'il est en contact avec un paysage filmique.
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    Geodiversidade e arqueologia do núcleo C em Serranópolis, Goiás: uma análise integrada
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-09-27) Freitas, Joanne Ester Ribeiro; Lima, Cláudia Valéria de;; Lima, Cláudia Valéria de; Rubin, Julio Cezar Rubin de; Cabral, João Batista Pereira
    The municipality of Serranópolis, southwest of the State of Goiás, presents an important set of pre-colonial archaeological sites in shelters and in the open, with rock representations (paintings and engravings), archaeological remains and human burials in a preserved context. The research is based on concepts, theories and methods arising from both areas of knowledge, analyzed together and provide the basis for interpretations of the rich and broad context of natural and cultural heritage. The study area covers the archaeological sites: GO-Ja-11(1-3) and GO-Ja-05, all in shelters in the sandstone of the Botucatu Formation and which feature cave paintings and engravings. The research is justified by seeking to characterize the geodiversity of the Coliseu Complex, which is located in the urban area of Serranópolis. The objective is to develop an integrated analysis (macro-environmental analysis, archaeological and geodiversity context, incidences of natural and anthropic factors) that operate in Center C. Regarding methods, physical characterizations, socio-environmental context, geoarchaeological context, development of actions were carried out of geodiversity (inventory, classification and quantification models) and cultural characterizations (macro, meso and microscale), which are presented through field research, and which is structured in three stages: office, field and laboratory. The results of these analyzes point out the archaeological sites inserted in a context of macro (compartmentalizations), meso (the sites) and micro (cultural and individual aspects of the sites) scale environment, therefore, it was verified that these sites have geodiversity interest in aspects: petrological, stratigraphic, geomorphological and archaeological. Geosites (archaeological sites - Core C) are classified as an area. Because they contain similar basic characteristics, they are large in size, with low indicators of fragility and vulnerability, high resistance to tourism, easy to popularize and have the same types of interest as Geodiversity. Therefore, the set of geosites is classified as an area geosite typology, given the characterizations, it has national relevance. Regarding the incidence of natural and anthropic factors that act in the area of Core C, the results show that the main natural factors are: physical weathering, chemical weathering and biological weathering caused mainly by the action of roots and microorganisms; and anthropic factors (deforestation, fires, vandalism, livestock, agriculture, extractive activities and implementation of hydroelectric plants) and in association with natural factors, significantly harm the current state of the sites, distorting the naturalcultural heritage. The analyzes show that in terms of valuations, Core C is suitable for scientific and tourist use, which also, within the category of ecosystem values of geodiversity, corresponds to the Functional, Cultural, Knowledge and Aesthetic value. The elements presented in the integrated analysis contextualize the environmental, cultural, economic, and social aspects of the study area. The knowledge and results presented were fundamental for the development of proposals for geoconservation measures that are presented in short, medium and long-term actions, using conservation, valorization, dissemination and monitoring strategies, and can be used for the development of actions of Environmental Education, and increased geotourism actions.
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    Pre-sença e cartografia existencial candomblecista: estudo de caso no terreiro Ilê Asé Omo Ayrá em águas lindas de Goiás-Go
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-31) Morais Junior, Evandro Luiz Andrade; Maia, Carlos Eduardo Santos;; Maia, Carlos Eduardo Santos; Moreira, Jorgeanny de Fatima Rodrigues; Borges, Ronan Eustáquio
    The present work proposes discussions and reflections about the phenomena of candomblecist practices that are established in the daily space-time of the terreiro, attributing a path of existential meaning to the being. The main object of study will be the terreiro Ile Asè Omo Ayrà, located in the municipality of Águas Lindas de Goiás, in which it proposes to analyze daily tasks and the spatial understandings that emerge in a network of interactions and fundamental representations about the presence of the practitioner. . In this sense, we seek to establish possible phenomenal connections about existential understandings through the use and construction of existential cartography. The research is based on qualitative methods as a resource to deepen the theme addressed. For this, a bibliographical, documentary and phenomenological survey is used, using the works of Heidegger (2002,2001, 2012,1995), in all stages applied in the research. In addition, the construction and application of semi-structured interviews will serve as a basis for investigating phenomena related to practices in the space-time of the terreiro, building and traversing a path on existential analytics. These interviews will analyze aspects that permeate the candomblecist world, bringing their voice and understanding of the phenomena attributed to presence. Dissertations by authors such as Mafessoli, Tuan, Morais, Heidegger, Parés, Bachelard, among others, will be used. The fundamental concepts worked on, based on the cited works are: presence, existence, being, meta-ethnic, space, social grouping and cartography. It is concluded that the phenomenological method constitutes a mode of existence on the practitioner's unveiled truth, giving him an interpretation on the phenomena that permeate his worldliness.
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    Análise morfométrica e dinâmica de uso e cobertura da terra da bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão João Leite: insumos para avaliação da infiltração e escoamento superficial
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-04-25) Cruz, Vitor Pereira; Nascimento, Diego Tarley Ferreira;; Luiz, Gislaine Cristina;; Luiz, Gislaine Cristina; Nascimento, Diego Tarley Ferreira; Oliveira, Ivanilton José de; Moura, Derick Martins Borges de
    Water is an important element for the maintenance of global production systems and for social sustainability. To avoid the problems related to the impacts of water security, one of the main forms of studies is with the river basins. Attention is drawn to the Ribeirão João Leite Hydrographic Basin BHRJL, which already has serious maintenance problems, considering that, of the 491 springs that feed it, only 70 are properly protected and another 23 can no longer be recovered. The hypothesis of the work considers that the hydrographic basin of the Ribeirão João Leite over the years will not be able to provide the same water capacity necessary for the region. The work aimed to carry out a spatio-temporal mapping of land cover and use to evaluate the hydrological behavior of water infiltration in the soil in order to evaluate the hydrological behavior of infiltration and surface runoff of water in the soil within the BHRJL. to evaluate the water infiltration capacity in the basin. The work used methods and techniques of environmental analysis and geoprocessing, acquisition of land cover and use mapping made available by the MapBiomas project was carried out and evaluation of morphometric characteristics were used scenes of images from MDE to evaluate the water infiltration capacity in the basin. The analyzes of land cover and use showed that BHRJL underwent a significant dynamic in occupation, mainly in pasture areas because it has the highest percentage of area in geoprocessing of the basin. Through the analyzes of BHRJL's morphometry, it was understood that it is not prone to flooding, and has average drainage rates, with high ease of surface runoff. In relation to erosion and sediment loading, it has medium potential, thus understanding that the basin has an average favoring for BHRJL's water recharge.
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    Microclima em ambiente cavernícola: estudo da variação microclimática da caverna Lapa do Boqueirão, Vila Propício, GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-05-10) Oliveira, Luciano Henrique Almeida de; Bayer, Maximiliano;; Bayer, Maximiliano; Barros, Juliana Ramalho; Momoli, Renata Santos
    The cave environments constitute one of the ecosystems of fundamental importance in nature, due to the great biodiversity of species found in these environments, the geological characteristics, the drainage patterns, the speleothems and the patrimonial, social and economic representativeness for the populations that live close to these areas (BUECHER, 1999; LINO, 2001). The understanding of the climatic aspects of caves is necessary for the generation of data that allow the atmospheric modeling of these environments, and the observation of the variables or characteristics found in the microclimate of caves. This is of great importance in the planning and management of natural resources, assisting in the management, planning and conservation of these environments (FREITAS, 2010). Resulting in an important tool to support research on cave environments. In most studies on cave environments, there is a strong presence of works related only to the geology of caves, denoting a lack of studies on the internal microclimatic processes of caves throughout Brazil (LOBO, 2010). The microclimatic scale comprises the atmospheric variations over the surface varying in height according to the aspects found in the landscape (MONTEIRO, 1990; MENDONÇA; DANNI-SILVA, 2007). Becoming the best scale for evaluating the cave atmosphere. Monitoring by means of thermohygrometers that store daily data, statistical analysis and comparison between graphs, allowed us to evaluate the microclimate in the cave Lapa do Boqueirão, located in the municipality of Vila Propício. State of Goiás. The acquired information revealed significant differences of the thermal variability of the cavity in relation to the external environment. Presenting circulation patterns and internal regulation mechanisms of thermal variability between environments that corroborate the characteristic specificities of a microclimate (LUETSCHER; LISMONDE; JEANNIN, 2008; LOBO, 2012). The results obtained in this research serve as support and contribution to studies conducted on the speleological landscape, especially those that consider the microclimatic parameters, and can assist in scientific analysis and decision-making of priority caves for conservation and preservation.
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    O aparecimento político e o repertório de lugares dos Cariri de Poço Dantas-Umari, Crato - Ceará
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-04-06) Nascimento, Francisco Joedson da Silva; Ratts, Alecsandro José Prudêncio;; Ratts, Alecsandro José Prudêncio; Castilho, Denis; Palitot, Estêvão Martins
    Aiming to understand the process of political emergence and the repertoire of places of the Cariri of Poço Dantas-Umari in the municipality of Crato-CE, in this present study I approach how this indigenous group has been experiencing and managing the self-recognition process and struggle for access to constitutionally guaranteed rights, as well as seeking to identify the relationships established with the contemporary and previously occupied geographic space. The research is guided by two main concepts: political emergence and repertoire of places. The first was proposed by José de Souza Martins to understand the political movements in Brazil led by indigenous peoples and peasants during the second half of the 20th century, when indigenous peoples started to build inter-ethnic articulations at regional and national levels. The second comes from Ratts, who when understanding the territory as a repertoire of places, defines it as the set of spaces occupied in the past and in the present, stage of transits and relationships, remembered and spoken by those who territorialize them, along to the aggregate locations in the process of political emergence. This set conforms as a discontinuous territory, formed by spaces appropriated by a peoples/groups, which are accessed in different ways and objectives. To understand the historical and spatial context in which the Cariri are found, I approach the processes experienced by indigenous peoples in Ceará with a focus on the actions they have been involved in since the 1980s, and especially in the experience of the Kariri people in Aldeia Maratoan on the outskirts of the country town of Crateús, when discussing the movement carried out in this city, it is succeed to understand what has been happening in Crato. Thus, I sought to identify the repertoire of places of the Kariri people in Ceará to analyze their presence and the process of political emergence of three communities of that ethnicity, two in Ceará (Gameleira in São Benedito and Poço Dantas-Umari in Crato) and one in Piauí (Serra Grande in Queimada Nova) that have direct relations with Maratoan. I conclude by discussing the sociopolitical dynamics of indigenous peoples in Ceará from the various mappings of these peoples contemporary presence in that state.
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    Ensinar a cidade com a linguagem cartográfica: contribuições e potencialidades para o desenvolvimento do pensamento geográfico
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-06) César, Ana Paula Feitosa; Richter, Denis;; Richter, Denis; Moraes, Loçandra Borges de; Cavalcanti, Lana de Souza
    Geography is an important curricular component of Basic Education in Brazil, mainly because the field of studies about the city contributes a lot to our population that is predominantly urban. Although, the hypothesis is that these contents are worked without exploring all its potentiality or the possible critical readings that contribute to de development of students’ geographic thoughts. A possibility to overcome this challenge would be to integrate, on a more critical and constructive way, the cartographic language, on a didactic mediation perspective to reflect about the production of space e about the different reading about the city. Considering such elements, the objective of this research was to perform an investigation about didactic strategies that contribute to the city teaching. In this sense, the investigation had structured from an analyses of main theoretical-methodological discussion about city teaching, cartographic language and geographic thought. In sequence, an analysis was made of how a group of teachers of Goiânia/GO carries out content work in teaching cities, as well as elaborating a proposal for a didactic sequence that integrates the cartographic language on a construction of a geographic view to the students’ urban space. Among the gotten results from the documental analysis and interview analysis, it was verified that the cartographic language is used recurrently only as an instrument of localization of the urban phenomena, making it difficult for the teachers and students make more complex analyses, about the phenomena and the geographic situations inherent to its spatial practices. So, through the strategies used on the didactic sequence, it is observed that, when the city is thought from the contents articulated with the use of the cartographic language, in a critical perspective, it is possible to identify the development of the geographic thoughts. The expectation is contribute to the studies in the field of geographic education, mainly with regard to the city teaching and school cartography. The articulation of these two fields of studies have a lot of potential to the Geography teaching that contributes to the exercise of citizenship.
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    Análise da paisagem do sítio arqueológico GO-Ja-02, em Serranópolis-GO: caracterização e conservação
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-04-03) Souza, Mariana Garcia de; Rubin, Julio Cezar Rubin de;; Cabral, João Batista Pereira;; Cabral, João Batista Pereira; Becegato, Valter Antonio; Lima, Cláudia Valéria de
    The Site GO-Ja-02 is part of the Serranópolis archaeological site complex and was initially identified by Schmitz and his team between the 1970s and 1980s in the 20th century. This site, constituted by a sandstone shelter from the Botucatu Formation, is interspersed with basalt flows from the Serra Geral Formation. In this perception, the justification for this theme focuses on the fact that this shelter stands out for its almost continuous occupation and for its variability of archaeological materials such as rock records, other materials, aspects of regional geodiversity and burials. In this sense, the main objective of this dissertation is to characterize the local landscape, with the processes of the dynamics of the slope in which the Site GO-Ja-02 is inserted. The question that guides the study is: are there possible elements that pose risks to the conservation of the Site GO-Ja-02? This corpus is also analyzed from the geosite perspective, based on some criteria established by Brilha and by Gray. The methodology consists of three stages: office, field and laboratory, with satellite images, georeferenced data, photographs and soil collections. The results are divided into two moments: the first one concerns the interpretation of the elements present in the slope, focusing on the abitotic factors of the geomorphology, geology and types of soil present in the area, with emphasis on the physical-chemical analysis of the soil collections. The observed dynamics could be synthesized in a topographic profile that illustrates the relations among these elements. In the second moment, the landscape in approach is included within the debate on geodiversity and geoheritage, in which the GO-Ja-02 is also considered as a geosite. In this regard, the soil around is highlighted as a question of major importance, since erosion processes and soil loss were identified nearby the site, what points to possible risks for the conservation of the site.
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    A influência das dolinas na vulnerabilidade do aquífero Urucuia, Chapadão Central - oeste da Bahia, Brasil
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-06) Silva, Gisele Bispo da; Cherem, Luis Felipe Soares;; Cherem, Luis Felipe Soares; Nunes, Elizon Dias; Zancopé, Márcio Henrique de Campos
    The karst system is generally known for developing in carbonate environments. Formed by the interaction between acidified water and soluble rocks, it sculpts the relief into different types and shapes by the process of dissolution. Studies have pointed out the development of karstic systems in siliciclastic rocks, such as sandstones, for example, and, differently from carbonates, in these rocks the main karst formation process is piping. Among the morphologies developed by karst, whether in carbonates or not, the dolines are the main surface features, also known as closed depressions, whose size varies from a few meters to hundreds of meters in depth and diameter. Due to this difference in size and shape, identifying them in the middle of distinct landscapes or in very large areas is sometimes difficult. Dolines are fragile features and are a connection between the surface and the underground. Because of this, they can act directly as potential contaminants of groundwater. For reason of having evidences of dolines developed in sandstones in Chapadão Central - West of Bahia, the area being directly affected by agricultural activities and being under domain of the Urucuia Aquifer System (SAU), the research had as objective to identify and to validate these features by means of mapping technique using Digital Elevation Model (DEM), with SRTM data - 30m and, by morphometric analysis and to relate them with the potential of contamination of the aquifer by means of the evaluation of intrinsic vulnerability applied by the COP method. The methodology that used the MDE for the identification of dolines presented good results for Chapadão. The database was adjusted to avoid possible errors, thus allowing the extraction of information from 109 dolines with precision. It is a low cost methodology and can be applied in areas of large territorial extension. The COP method also presented satisfactory results for Chapadão, showing that the area presents the 5 vulnerability classes (Very High, High, Moderate, Low and Very Low). The most vulnerable classes, considered as very high and high, are spatially distributed in the western portion of the Chapadão, corresponding directly with the presence of the dolines. This indicates that the use and occupation of the lands of Chapadão without an adequate environmental management can impact the dolines superficially and lead to a contamination of the Urucuia aquifer.
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    Modelagem da perda de solos e suas relações com a estrutura fundiária na consolidação do agronegócio no cerrado setentrional
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-07) Gamper, Mateus Araujo Bezerra; Cherem, Luis Felipe Soares;; Cherem, Luis Felipe Soares; Zancopé, Márcio Henrique de Campos; Nunes, Elizon Dias
    The northern portion of the Cerrado Biome is considered the last agricultural frontier in the country, reorganizing the geographic space of the region in recent decades, being the object of sectorial public policies. The transformation of this region led to an increase in the production of agricultural commodities in the region, which implies environmental impacts inherent to large-scale agricultural production, the main one being the erosion of agricultural soils. In this sense, the objective is to evaluate the relationship between the consolidation of the agrarian structure and the spatial and temporal variation of soil loss in the Northern Cerrado for the production of agricultural commodities between 1990 and 2020, considering the role of the periurban area and urban. The proposal has as study area the municipality of São Desidério - BA, the main agricultural producer in the region with the highest agricultural GDP in the country in 2018. To achieve this objective, the mathematical model of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (EUPS) is used. -R / RUSLE) – applied for the years 1990, 1996, 2002, 2008, 2014 and 2020, with soil losses calculated for each agricultural property, classified according to the type of rural module (small farms, small , medium and large properties), also considering the legal reserves. The results obtained reveal a distinction in two groups: the constant increase in soil loss in small, medium and large properties and higher losses for smallholdings and legal reserves in all years analyzed. In the first group, the factor that controlled the increase in soil losses was the soil cover (CP), while in the second, the factors that controlled the highest soil losses during the entire period were the slope length (L) and slope (S) and the soil (K). This spatial and temporal structure of soil losses in the municipality indicates that soil loss increased in the largest properties due to the conversion of the Cerrado, despite being in the most suitable reliefs and soils for agriculture and livestock. While in smallholdings and legal reserves, the higher values ​​are due to the natural characteristics of the municipality, as these are, in general, in more sloping reliefs and soils that are more fragile. It is observed, in this sense, that the land structure is a determining factor to explain the loss of soil in the municipality.
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    Os mapas nos livros didáticos de geografia e de ciências humanas e sociais aplicadas no ensino médio: currículo e construção do pensamento geográfico
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-10-21) Cavallini, Gabriel Martins; Richter, Denis;; Richter, Denis; Bueno, Miriam Aparecida; Duarte, Ronaldo Goulart
    Geography is, historically, an important curricular component of Brazilian basic education. Therefore, in the field of Geography Teaching, we have sought to understand which methodologies and languages most contribute to the teaching-learning process of Geography. In addition, the reality of Brazilian public schools is very complex, given the social and infrastructure inequalities of the federation units. However, there is a material of almost universal access, the textbook, thus transforming it into a basic instrument of the educational system. Considering these elements, the objective of the present investigation is to analyze the cartographic language present in the Geography and Social and Applied Human Sciences textbooks of High School approved in the PNLD 2015, 2018 and 2021, reflecting on the influence of curriculum documents on these materials and the contribution of this language for the construction of geographic thought. In this sense, the investigation was structured from a documentary analysis of the reference resumes, especially the National Curricular Parameters (PCN) and the National Curricular Common Base (BNCC), as well as textbooks approved in the PNLDs 2015, 2018 and 2021. Among the results obtained through document analysis, it was found that the cartographic language is used recurrently only as an instrument for locating phenomena, making it difficult for teachers and students to weave more complex analyzes about phenomena and geographical situations. This factor shows that, in relation to the use of cartographic language for the teaching-learning process of Geography, in the context of High School, it has not been used in order to contribute to the construction of a geographical way of thinking by students.
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    Modelagem cartográfica de áreas verdes urbanas: uma análise para a delimitação de potenciais corredores ecológicos na bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão Anicuns, Goiânia - GO
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-10-14) Souza, Jaila Raiane Barbosa de; Nunes, Fabrizia Gioppo;; Nunes, Fabrizia Gioppo; Faria, Karla Maria Silva de; Carneiro, Vandervilson Alves
    The increase of the urban population at the expense of the rural population, the inhabitants of the cities carry out several transformations in this environment, aiming to maximize their structural comfort. In this context, urban green areas are highly impacted and their quality and quantity are affected. This research aims to define potential areas for the implementation of ecological corridors with the help of the following elements: land use and cover, street layout, hydrography, slope, vegetation fragments and protection areas. Therefore, the aim of this study was to cartographically model the continuity and discontinuity of urban green areas of the Ribeirão Anicuns Watershed, in order to assess the spatial configuration of ecological corridors in the geographic landscape. The methodological procedures included satellite image data processing, geospatial data elaboration and analysis, landscape metrics, and map algebra. The data were prepared with the aid of the Geographic Information System - GIS and data obtained from government databases available such as Goiânia City Hall, IBGE and Civil Defense. The results of this research indicate high fragmentation of vegetation in the Ribeirão Anicuns watershed, where 6,260 out of 6,504 fragments are smaller than 1 ha, representing very small polygons. However, there are 7 large fragments (>40 ha) in the watershed that represents interesting area for the implementation of connections between nearby fragments. It is evident that the characteristic of agriculture and pasture uses, still prevalent in the western region of the watershed, has resulted in this area presenting the highest number of areas favorable to the implementation of an ecological corridor. he Jardim Botânico Park, characterized by its large remaining vegetation, the proximity to other parks, and recorded hydrological imbalances in its proximity, such as flood points, has been identified as a priority connection area for the implementation of ecological corridors. This action aims to revitalize APPs and improve environmental quality in the region.