Doutorado em Letras e Linguística (FL)

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    Ideologias de linguagem articuladas nos discursos sobre a reforma brasileira do ensino médio: por que sai espanhol e fica inglês?
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-04) Reis, Jordana Avelino dos; Nascimento, André Marques do;; Nascimento, André Marques do; Borges, Monica Veloso; Fernandes, Marcia Paraquett; Silva, Cleidimar Aparecida Mendonça e; Lima, Fernando Zolin Vesz
    Entre 2014 y 2023, Brasil traspasó cuatro cambios de gobierno federal: Rousseff (2014 - 2016), Temer (2016 - 2018), Bolsonaro (2018 - 2022) y Lula (2023 - 2027). Un golpe jurídico y político destituyó a la ex-presidenta Dilma Rousseff (Considera, 2019; Nogueira, 2022) en 2016. Michel Temer, su sucesor firmó una serie de Medidas Provisorias (MP) que determinaban reformas en la Previdencia, en el Ministerio de Trabajo y en la educación. La MP nº 746 de 2016 (en adelante ley nº 13.415/2017) estableció una reforma en la secundaria, revocó la ley nº 11.161 (Brasil, 2005), de oferta obligatoria de la lengua española, y mantuvo solamente la oferta del inglés. Delante de ese escenario político, educacional y lingüístico, realicé una investigación cualitativa y documental para identificar y analizar las ideologías de lenguaje (Irvine, 1989; Kroskrity, 2004; Woolard, 2012[1998]; Cameron, 2014; Rosa & Burdick, 2017; Arnoux, 2018), concepciones de lengua y educación vinculadas al proceso de exclusión del español y permanencia del inglés en la secundaria. Mi análisis se enfocó en instrumentos lingüísticos (Arnoux; Bein, 2015) específicos de la reforma educacional, publicados entre 2014 y 2023: directrices, reportajes, referenciales curriculares, informes, libros didácticos, documentales, discursos políticos etc. Constaté que persisten las ideologías del inglês como fetiche lingüístico (Bein, 2012), como lengua franca (Rocha, 2020), la lengua como código, la ideología del monolingüismo (Pratt, 2012) y la concepción instrumental de enseñanza para una formación fragmentada y para el mercado de trabajo (Bittencourt, 2019; Nogueira, 2022). Com relación al español, la citación periférica (oferta optativa) en los documentos analizados reiteró la representación de que la lengua es desnecesaria. A parte, Guedes, ex-ministro de la economía del gobierno Bolsonaro, representó el Mercosur como ideológico, donde la relación entre Brasil y países vecinos del Mercosur sería una prisión cognitiva, y Argentina se relacionaría con países que tienen inclinaciones bolivarianas. En los Proyectos de Ley (PLs) que solicitan la permanencia del español como oferta en las escuelas públicas y privadas brasileñas, se revelan discursos que articulan la ideología “panamericanista”, a través de los ideologemas “español como lengua universal”, “lengua de encuentro” y la reafirmación de un valor económico a la lengua. Se desvelan, aún, los discursos que articulan la ideología “latinoamericanista”, a través de los ideologemas “las lenguas son libres e iguales en derecho”, “la defensa de las lenguas minoritarias es siempre progresiva”, y “la diversidad lingüística es una riqueza que debe ser defendida” (Arnoux; Del Valle, 2010) Aunque las Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais - DCNs (Brasil, 2020) hayan presentado reflexiones sobre “translinguismo”, “Portugués como lengua de acogida” y datos sobre educación indígena, para surdxs y refugiadxs, el material moviliza la concepción de lengua como invención colonial (Makoni; Pennycook, 2007; Makoni; Meinhof, 2008), y se constata que hubo una hierarquización de la enseñanza de LEs. Las ideologías del inglés son reiteradas en perjuicio y marginalización de las lenguas indígenas, de la Língua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS), de inmigrantes y de fronteras (español y francés). Las ideologías articuladas a los discursos de los documentos servieron a un grupo específico que idealizó, gestionó, monitoró y financió la nueva secundaria: las empresas e instituciones privadas.
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    Paisagens identitárias e praxiológicas de professoras/es de inglês de cursos de Letras do estado de Goiás
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-01) Ferreira, Fernanda Caiado da Costa; Pessoa, Rosane Rocha;; Pessoa, Rosane Rocha; Borelli, Julma Dalva Vilarinho Pereira; Oliveira , Hélvio Frank de; Miller, Inés Kayon; Blum, Avram Stanley
    This doctoral dissertation, based on 18 narrative interviews conducted with English professors in Language Teacher Education courses in the state of Goiás, aimed to reflect on the identity and praxiological landscapes that resonated in the participants' accounts as they narrated their trajectories, the importance of the English language in their lives, and the various interconnections related to their pedagogical practices. The reflections brought forth in the narratives discussed here can contribute to the professional development of other teachers and professors, as the unique experiences recounted also reflect broader issues concerning the teaching of English, particularly in the Brazilian context. This relationship reflects the epistemological paradox of researching narratives (FREITAS; GHEDIN, 2015), since by examining the praxiologies of each of the participating professors, it was possible to gain a better understanding of our social and historical context. The problematizations proposed here were discussed based on two questions: 1) What discourses and ideologies shape the experiences of University English professors in Language Teacher Education courses in the state of Goiás and influence their identity constructions? 2) How do these professors mobilize these discourses in their trajectories and how they affiliate with or resist to them? Regarding the discourses and ideologies present in the professors' formation trajectories in this research, it is evident that a significant portion of them is marked by an understanding of language as a neutral and abstract system that must be acquired through rules and grammar. This understanding is based on the fact that, when recounting their experiences in regular schools, many pointed out a focus on grammar and translation at the expense of oral development, which, in turn, had to occur in language schools. In language schools, language teaching is based on textbooks that, despite undergoing modifications to include more diversity, are packaged products (JONAS, 2020) that reinforce neoliberal values and sell a sanitized and neutral reality (MAGALHÃES, 2019). However, due to the failure of regular schools to bring interaction into the classroom, these schools became the landscapes that allowed professors to interact and create meaning in another language (URZÊDA FREITAS; PESSOA, 2020). When discussing their praxiologies, the importance of continuous professional development stands out in the professors' statements, as the lack thereof results in the repetition of old models. Many of these professors are influenced by their own learning experiences, which, in the case of English, are closely tied to a hegemonic conception guided by the episteme of the native speaker. In other words, a significant portion of the professors seem to adhere to imported approaches and methods. On the other hand, many professors demonstrate openness to listening, understanding, and seeking new ways of educating that bring their praxiologies much closer to the needs of their students, which, in my understanding, appears to be the path to follow. Not coincidentally, this openness to the new seems to go hand in hand with an ongoing process of professional development. Doing things differently coincides with exposure to new praxiologies that bring to light obscure aspects of modern knowledge that persist in our frameworks. From this perspective, the main reflection that this doctoral dissertation brings forth is that being a teacher means being in constant motion, understanding that this implies being attentive to new ways of living, thinking, and acting in society so that our classrooms can be more aligned with contextual needs, in a constant process of construction and resignification.
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    O livro de Margery Kempe: tradução, notas e comentários de Luã Áquila Ferreira de Freitas
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-14) Freitas, Luã Áquila Ferreira de; Araújo, Márcia Maria de Melo;; Fonseca, Pedro Carlos Louzada;; Fonseca, Pedro Carlos Louzada; Araújo, Márcia Maria de Melo; Corbacho Quintela, Antônio; Silva, Alessandra Fabrícia Conde da; Almeida, Carlos Henrique Lopes de
    The present doctoral dissertation is an inedited translation of the work The Book of Margery Kempe, by Margery Kempe. Initially, the research turned to the study of religious writings of women authors of the medieval period. The research sought to focus in the ways in which different medieval women authors dealt with the misogynistic discourses through the writings presented by the women authors. At a second moment, the research presented itself as a critical and comparative study between the work Revelations of Divine Love, by Julian of Norwich, and the work The Book of Margery Kempe, by Margery Kempe, focusing in the ways of repercussion of the misogynistic discourses in a scenario of the end of the Middle Ages, in view of the research contemplating the end of the fourteenth century and the beginning of the fifteenth century. Ultimately, the work configured itself as an in depth study in the work The Book of Margery Kempe, which resulted in the inedited translation of the work The Book of Margery Kemp, presented here.
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    A construção da representação feminina na CPI da pandemia pela perspectiva da análise do discurso ecossistêmica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-27) Prado, Juliana Batista do; Couto, Elza Kioko Nakayama Nenoki do;; Couto, Elza Kioko Nakayama Nenoki Do; Pinheiro, Zilda Dourado; Borges, Lorena Araújo de Oliveira; Fernandes, Eliane Marquez da Fonseca; Santos, Leila Borges Dias
    Based on a perspective of the EIC (COUTO, 2013a), this study proposes to analyze discursively - from the perspective of the natural, mental, and social language ecosystems - the construction of female representation in relation to three women (doctors) questioned in the sessions of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) of the Pandemic in 2021.Strategies were used to interrogate in order to defend or attack and present the objectives and viewpoints regarding the healthcare professionals. Given the magnitude of the event, the focus was on the performance of the doctors in this corpus, in the face of the attacks suffered, as representations of battles to survive discursively and, at the same time, as a source of entertainment for the viewers (especially on the internet). The methodology adopts a qualitative and multimethodological (ecometodology) approach, with interpretation based on the guidelines of Ecosystemic Linguistics and its intersections with areas such as Ecosystemic Discourse Analysis (which advocates for the ideology of life and ecological values, prioritizing the self-realization of beings). The interrelationship between linguistic and social meanings will be evaluated through the use of recorded video excerpts from the CPI sessions, stenographic records from the Federal Senate, and news articles disseminated through various online newspapers, social media, and the official website of the Federal Senate. Authors such as Couto (2016), Couto et al. (2015), Couto and Fernandes (2021), among others, form the theoretical foundation of this work, providing concepts and discussions that align with the research objectives.
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    Dispositivo patriarcal de violência jurídica contra a mulher: o caso Mariana Ferrer
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-02) Neves Júnior, Mário Martins; Sousa, Kátia Menezes de;; Sousa, Kátia Menezes de; Nascimento, André Marques do; Faria, Edna Silva; Gonçalves, Eliane; Dorne, Vinicius Durval
    This research has found and related the lines between patriarchy, dispositif, and legal violence in Brazil. For this, we analyzed the discursive events of the Mariana Ferrer Case, a rape trial. This case has become notorious for Brazilian feminist and legal history due to three reasons: i) in 2020, The Intercept Brazil website published an article about the harassment suffered by Mariana Ferrer by Cláudio Gastão, defense lawyer for André Aranha; ii) for the justification of acquitting the defendant for “unintentional rape” by Judge Rudson Marcos and iii) for the creation of the Mariana Ferrer Law (14.245/21) which aims to restrain legal harassment of the victim during a legal audience. In this way, we used the following question that motivated the research: is legal violence against women a type of strategy made possible by the functioning of a patriarchal dispositif, which models and re-elaborates subjectivities asymmetrically through practices and discursive battles around of power, knowledge and foci of resistance which, in turn, have the function of calibrating and reorienting the lens and the exercise of this dispositif? In order to answer our question, we resorted to empirical material generated through internet searches on the Mariana Ferrer Case. We used two audiences available on the internet (cf. DESINTERCEPT, 2020; ESTADÃO, 2020) and two other videos that together sum up to more than five hours of audiovisual material through which we produced 27 analytical excerpts. From the typographic material, we used several discursive genres: tweets, posts, judge's sentence, Bill 5.096/2020, among others. From these, we produced 17 excerpts. The generated material is complex and heterogeneous. For justification, we used the notion of patriarchy (PATEMAN, 1993; SAFFIOTTI, 2015), discourse (FOUCAULT, 2020), device (AGAMBEN, 2005; FOUCAULT, 2007g), subject (BUTLER, 1997; 2002; 2019b; FOUCAULT, 2014c; 2019) and violence (ŽIŽEK, 2014). We conclude that patriarchy is a dispositif with heterogeneous, co-opting and capillary strategies in the various discourse practices. The legal violence against Mariana Ferrer is part of the strategies that maintain the dispositif that needs to be updated via statements of its occurrence. We identified some points of cohesion between the discursive practices of the dispositif: i) the defense lawyer used three violent and vexatious strategies against Mariana Ferrer (Nymphetage, Hoaxing and Legal Opposition); ii) through the defendant's statements, we pointed out the occurrence of five patriarchal strategies used (Mariana's Agencying; Defendant's Disagencying; Co-Agencying and Agencying for specific practices); iii) in the sentence, the judge justifies the acquittal for “unintentional rape” and triggers a Rape Label in which he assesses the veracity of the performance of a raped woman by the way she walks; iv) pernegation is a substantial concept we have come up with to the analysis of “unintentional rape”. However, we also conclude that the power relationship of Mariana Ferrer's agency was able to mobilize Brazilian society on rape and legal violence. This mobilization forces the patriarchal device to calibrate its exercise.
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    Cora Coralina: uma leitura ecofeminista
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-31) Macedo, Fabiana Lula; Borges, Luciana;; Yokozawa, Solange Fiuza Cardoso;; Yokozawa, Solange Fiuza Cardoso; Borges, Luciana; Ramos, Tania Regina Oliveira; Brandão, Izabel de Fátima de Oliveira; David, Nismária Alves
    In this doctoral thesis, I aimed to demonstrate that Cora Coralina's work could be read by the bias of the ecofeminist approach. First, I introduced the author who wrote poems, short stories and chronicles. Her biography impresses with the confrontation of the setbacks that a woman of her time went to be recognized as a writer, so much so that she only came to publish books in old age. Secondly, we present her work as a literature that proves to be a great debtor of modern and modernists. Cora claimed to be self -taught and she was, much of her reader and writer formation happened out of school benches, but she did not write her literary work before having read great authors and in her work we see traces of modernity and modernism. Then we observed the development and importance of ecofeminist studies for ecocrytic. Finally, we present our reading of poems in which the connection between women and nature is present. In some moments in a form with the system that separates culture of nature and, with this, justifies the oppression of women and therefore nature, from the women/ nature and man/ culture connection. At other times we find in poems a Cora who often subvert this system and rejects this hierarchy, establishing a harmonious interaction between men, women and nature. With this, we find in their most telluric poems a kind of continuity between humans and nonhumans living in a much more egalitarian connection. In addition, we also highlighted the poems dedicated to corn. Among so many possible themes, the poet from Goiás writes about a vegetable that until then was not of great prominence within Brazilian literature, but became important to her literature. Nowadays “Oração do Milho” and “Poema do Milho” are two of Cora Coralina's most famous poems.
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    Corpovivências decoloniais compartilhadas e coconstruídas nas (e para além das) aulas de língua inglesa de um curso de letras: português e inglês
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-05) Almeida, Ricardo Regis de; Pessoa, Rosane Rocha;; Pessoa, Rosane Rocha; Duboc, Ana Paula Martinez; Martinez, Juliana Zeggio; Silva, Kleber Aparecido da; Silvestre, Viviane Pires Viana
    In this doctoral dissertation, I defend the idea of corpovivências as a fertile and necessary response to coloniality and its multiple dimensions, especially with regards to English language education. Thus, the reflections in this text are crossed by my personal corpovivências and by those coconstructed with the formal articulators of this study – Professor Barbra Sabota and nine undergraduate students of a B.A. in Portuguese and English teaching (Anny, Cristina, Helena, Jeni, Meteora, Nami, S.J., Tae and Vittor) – during the Covid- 19 pandemic, in 2020, in a public university in the state of Goiás. The questions that guided me in this research were: What corpovivências of mine and of the study's articulators shared and coconstructed in (and beyond) the Inglês V course contributed to identify, question and interrupt the historical, racial, economic, social and ontoepistemological damages caused by coloniality in a pandemic period? What other meanings could these corpovivências forge in the decolonial horizon? Based on them, I draw as my main objective: to discuss my academic andnon-academic corpovivências as well as those of the articulators of this study, in order to understand in what ways the discussions about Wellbeing and Language that took place in the Inglês V course in a B.A. in Portuguese and English teaching enabled possible decolonial insurgencies during the Covid-19 pandemic. In search of other ways to perform the methodology of this work, I resorted to ontoepistemologies that value the horizontalization in scientific research and the exercise of corazonar the university, seeking to understand/create different knowledges in a decolonial perspective. The doctoral dissertation material was constructed through six different sources: the personal narratives, written by all the agents of the study at the beginning of the Inglês V course; the personal identification form, filled out by the undergraduates at the beginning of the research; the class planning sessions, carried out by Barbra and me throughout the months of August to October 2020; the interactions in the classes, also recorded in audio and video in the aforementioned months; the audiovisual material produced for the classes, thought and designed by the professor, by me and by the undergraduate students during the course; and the individual conversations with the undergraduate students, which took place at the end of the bimester, in October 2020. The study demonstrated that, even if crossed by coloniality and its many facets, our corpovivências are full of life and urgent for the decolonial enterprise. Therefore, not the English language, but the bodies that produced meanings with it occupied protagonism in this doctoral dissertation. The translanguaging practices and empathic listening promoted in the classes provided fertile spaces for the existence and reexistence of many of us, who had the opportunity to coconstruct knowledge with what we have, with what we are, and with what we can become through language. Finally, I emphasize the decolonial potential of our corpovivências, since they engage us in the exercise of corazonar and horizontalize different knowledges in a perspective that goes beyond the walls of the university, reaching our homes, our families, our corpos-moradias; thus, becoming decolonial corpovivências.
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    Por uma educação linguística dialógica: práticas, reflexões e narratividades
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-06) Moura, Rodrigo Milhomem de; Costa, Alexandre Ferreira da;; Costa, Alexandre Ferreira da; Figueredo, Carla Janaina; Luterman, Luana Alves; Silva, Maria do Perpétuo Socorro Cardoso da; Cerqueira, Mirian Santos de
    In this doctoral dissertation, I defend the conception that I have called Dialogical Language Education (DLE) as another possibility to understand and act in Portuguese Language classes. This perspective is influenced by the theorizations of Bagno and Rangel (2005), Bakhtin's Circle and Paulo Freire. The study's objective is to analyze co-constructed experiences, in Portuguese classes, with students from two classes of Elementary School and two classes of High School of a public educational institution in Goiás, in order to think of a praxis inspired by the notion of Dialogical Language Education. The methodological path is based on qualitative research and narrative inquiry as I center my efforts on unique stories and experiences in the world as a way to (re)tell, (re)live and (re)write them. For this purpose, I draw on the concepts of language education (BAGNO; RANGEL, 2005); dialogism, language, enunciation, subject, ideological sign, responsible act, and surplus vision (BAKHTIN, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018a, 2018b; MEDVIÉDEV, 2012; VOLÓCHINOV, 2017, 2019); and liberating education, praxis, word-world (palavramundo), criticality, and conscientization (FREIRE, 1967, 1979, 1986, 1995, 1997a, 1997b, 2011, 2014, 2015). As I gather from the analyses, the dialogical spaces discussed in this doctoral dissertation allowed the students to reflect upon language and upon their relationship with themselves and with others from the viewpoint of criticality, empathy, and love, so that they perceived themselves as agents in the educational process. Moreover, the narration, retelling, and rewriting of the experiences lived in this study allowed me to look at myself, at my relationship with others, and at the reinvention of my pedagogical praxis. Therefore, I emphasize that DLE can contribute to the transformation of the reality of teachers and students, since it enables the creation of dialogical spaces that favor a critical, participative, and dialogical view of, with, and in the world, in search of the transformation of themselves and their reality through language.
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    Histórias serradas: discursos indigenistas histórico-modernos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-31) Batista, Danillo Macedo Lima; Sousa Filho, Sinval Martins de;; Sousa Filho, Sinval Martins de; Cândido, Gláucia Vieira; Silva, Leosmar Aparecido da; Luterman, Luana Alves; Prudente, Mabel Pettersen
    In this thesis, which we often call a “research text”, we had the objective of substantiating some historical phenomena that have repercussions on modernity and influence various aspects of our social life: political, philosophical, academic phenomena, etc., in order to propose some practical changes in the way of doing History and Literature in the classroom, in addition to awakening the formation of new readers. Such fundamentals that we seek in historical and literary readings based on Decolonial Studies (by Latin American authors and others that we call “anticolonial”). All the theoretical assumptions that we sought to know and develop were to give us conceptual and argumentative subsidies that would help us in the reading and analysis of our literary corpus so that we could observe the historical-social nuances present in literary narratives in confrontation with other discourses that include those found in some didactic books. We used, as a method of reading and analyzing the narratives that build the corpus, bibliographical research, since our work was not in loco, but theoretical. It is a work, therefore, essentially linguistic, literary and historical. All other epistemic aspects that it assumes (political, philosophical, geographical, cultural, etc.) are because of its interdisciplinary nature, congruent with what it itself proposes when some pedagogical questions are raised throughout its compositional fabric. We were unable to exhaust the main subject of this thesis, which it addresses and where it parks its last questions: is indigenous/indigenist literature possible? This question is not isolated from other important questions: the creative and denouncing power of a literature that is at the same time historical, political and fictional/metaphorical can provide Basic Education students with a more “decentralized” learning experience, which would bring them closer to a formation more critical intellectual? After all the theoretical explanations we made, readings and analyzes of literary books, discussions about didactic books and, finally, introductory reflections on indigenous/indigenist literature, we arrived at some conclusions pertinent to the indispensable role of “decentralizing” literature in the school environment. These last reflections can be found in the last chapter of this work. If the core issue was not exhausted, both it and several other important discussions were, at least, brought to light again, since, as we discuss throughout the thesis, knowledge is also a way of “power”.
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    Imigrantes haitianos em solo goiano: um estudo das relações entre línguas, suas ideologias e seus usos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-27) Faria, Pedro Henrique Andrade de; Braggio, Silvia Lucia Bigonjal;; Braggio, Silvia Lúcia Bigonjal; Silva, Sidney de Souza; Paula, Eunice Dias de; Sousa Filho, Sinval Martins de; Nascimento, André Marques do
    This thesis aims to investigate, problematize and discuss the languages in contact, their uses and ideologies and the existing relationship between languages, religion and territorialization from Haitian immigrants residing in the city of Goiânia. The study context was the Jardim Guanabara Methodist Haitian Church located in the city of Goiânia, Goiás, and its Haitian members, who constitute the interlocutors of the study. The theoretical approach of this thesis focuses on languages in contact and linguistic uses in the context of forced and mass migration in times of globalization. To this end, we firstly discuss languages in contact, based on a historical journey in this area of sociolinguistics, focusing on the various nuances that linguistic contact makes possible for those who experience it on a daily basis (PETTER, 2008; WEINREICH; LABOV; HERZOG, 2006, WINFORD, 2003). Afterward, were addressed issues related to linguistic ideologies and the indexicalities manifested by languages and their ideologies and uses (BLOMMAERT, 2014; WOOLARD, 2012; WOOLARD; SCHIEFFELIN, 1994). Secondly, the focus of this study is directed to the relationship between language and globalization, highlighting the complexity of the intersection between migratory flow, language, race, religion and territoriality (BLOMMAERT, 2010; MIGNOLO, 1995; 2003. VERTOVEC, 2007; SCARAMAL, 2006; CÉSAIRE, 2020; GONZALES; 2020; HOOKS, 2019; MBEMBE, 2018; VAINFANS, 1995; RAFFESTIN, 1993). It is essential to observe how much language constitutes and is constituted by several social phenomena and its essentiality in the constitution of subjects and their spaces. The study was developed from an ethnographic qualitative approach. For this purpose, we used semi-structured interviews, a field diary and a linguistic portrait to construct the analyzed data (LÜDKE; ANDRÉ, 2004; BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 2010; RESS E MELLO, 2011; CLIFFORD, 2008; BLOMMAERT; JIE, 2010; MOREIRA; CALEFFE, 2008; BUSCH, 2018). Finally, the interaction between researcher and interlocutors, analyzed in the light of the mentioned theories, made it possible to highlight the importance of languages in contact for the manifestation and construction of geopolitically localized linguistic ideologies, which constitute global linguistic and migratory flows and, at the same time, unique constructions. The relationship between Haitian Creole, Haitian French and Brazilian Portuguese was essential for the constitution of subjects, territory and relationships experienced by Haitian immigrants residing in the city of Goiânia. In addition, it showed that languages are fundamental elements for the manifestation of religiosity, for the rescue and maintenance of the feeling of belonging and connection to the country from which one immigrated, and also for the feeling of belonging to the country to which one migrates.
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    Terra em testemunho: a poesia agrária brasileira
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-02) Navarro, Eliziane Fernanda; Paula, Marcelo Ferraz de; ttp://; Paula, Marcelo Ferraz de; Castrillon Mendes, Olga Maria; Reis, Célia Maria Domingues da Rocha; Martinelli Filho, Nelson; Souza, Abílio Pacheco de
    The present study consists of a survey of 301 poems that show moments in which Brazilian poetry participated/has been participating, somehow, in the debates about the land. The analyses, which explores the testimony dimension of the chosen poems, were carried out based on the understanding that there is a fusion between text and context that acts on the basis of the structure, as Candido (2000) and Adorno (2010) defends. The anasyses were organized from the division of poems into three thematic categories: life, struggle and death. As obtained results we have discovered that this poetry, called agrarian poetry, records the existence of an amalgam between the man and the land, which is governed by the dependence of one on the other and constantly crossed by the spectrum of death. Although the relationship between men and land is hard and suffering, this is the kind of life that they sought and that is the reason they live, fight and die. This death, however, is not the end, but the resumption of the cycle. The man dies to live forever as a symbol of resistance and to propel those who will come after him. The images, extracted from the poems, adapt to the most diverse modes of elaboration, from the simplest to the most complex and experimental, configuring themselves as a cartography of irregular traces regarding the theme, structure and characteristics. This variety shows us that the subject has reached the most diverse spaces of propagation with authors directly or indirectly involved in the fight, it also evidences the inseparable link between the denunciation of inequality in the distribution of land and the call for the fight for these lands. The memory shaped in the structure of poetic expression also signals the great ideological profile in the creation processes: at the same time that this corpus participates in the debates on the issue of land in Brazil, it builds a memory, which is not institutional, but is part of the cultural heritage of Brazil by denouncing, reinvindicate and, with this, showing paths.
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    Bênçãos que curam: uma análise da interação comunicativa em rezas e benzeduras populares
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-15) Reis, Natália de Paula; Couto, Elza Kioko Nakayama Nenoki do;; Couto, Elza Kioko Nakayama Nenoki do; Silva, Leosmar Aparecido da; Sousa Filho, Sinval Martins de; Schmaltz Neto, Genis Frederico; Borges, Lorena Araújo de Oliveira
    This thesis had as general objective to describe and analyze the Ecology of Communicative Interaction of “benzeção”, through the point of view of Ecolinguistcs. In this context, this research seeks to understand how of the “benzedeiras” interacts with the world (individual-world interaction) and with the other (individual-individual interaction). Therefore, the following specific objectives were outlined: a) to observe to the social place that popular knowledge medicalreligious has historically occupied and has occupied today; b) to understand the linguistics, extralinguistics, proxemics and cinesics factors presents in the Ecology of Communicative Interaction healer-patient; and c) to analyze the symbolic elements presents in the ritualistic work of the “benzedeiras”. The theoretical foundation is based on the assumptions of Ecolinguistics, according to Couto (2016), and the Anthropology of the Imaginary, by Gilbert Durand (2012), considering of the need to understand the symbolic motivations – verbal or not – present in blessing practices. Based on ecomethodology and a qualitative approach, we investigated thispractice in its natural environment, through direct contact with the environment and the investigated situation. The fieldwork was based on conversations with a “benzedor” and two “benzedeiras”, residents in Rubiataba-GO, located in the Vale de São Patrício region. In addition to the transcription of conversations, the work also considers written texts (prayers/prayers) provided by them. The study of the EIC was organized from seven elements, whose unveiling allowed the analysis of how the “benzimento” is constituted in its entirety, namely: interlocutors (speaker and listener), scenario, message, subject, interactional rules, systemic rules and communion. From the outlined discussions, we concluded that “benzedeiras” interact in a territory, understood as sacred. In this practice, folk healing experts offer answers to those people who also share their beliefs and faith – the faithful. Concerning the communicative interaction, it was possible to observe that in addition to the verbal components (of a lexicon or vocabulary present in the prayers), the corporal, physical and symbolic components are essential in the constitution of the blessing ritual, because it is based on them that it is organized the “benzedeira-benzido” relationship and the “benzedeira-transcendent (God)” relationship. The communicative interaction in the “benzeção” is a holistic phenomenon, as it is through this interaction in their environments (natural, social, mental) that the community keeps and updates its beliefs, customs and values.
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    Análise linguística no ensino médio: caminhos e descaminhos da leitura e da escrita na escola pública
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-03-09) Baú, Maria de Fátima Furtado; Sousa Filho, Sinval Martins de;; Sousa Filho, Sinval Martins de; Fernandes, Eliane Marquez da Fonseca; Stafuzza, Grenissa Bonvino; Trindade, Israel Elias; Bunzen Júnior, Clecio dos Santos
    The present study aims to show how the linguistican alysis provides a meaning fuland productive learnin gof the portuguese language to Ensino Médio (High School) students. For that purpose, I took bakhtinian dialogism as theoretical basis, also considering Bakhtin's studies on speech genre sand new researche son the fieldof language, notably the works of Franchi ([1987] 2006); Brito (1997) and Geraldi ([1981-1984/1997] 2006); [1991] /2002). Tosupport the linguistican alysis, I sustained this study on the works of Travaglia (2010); Costa Hubes (2010); Bezerra and Reinaldo (2013); Sousa Filho (2017) and Mendonça (2009). To this purpose, I divided the present thes is in three chapters: in the first one, I defined a spects related to the methodology adopted. In the second one, I made some reflections about Bakhtin's dialogic theory, the speech genres and the Ensino Médio portuguese teaching and learning practices in Brazil. In the third chapter, I did the description and analysis of the data collected. I adopted a qualitative research method approach, centredon the action research model (SANDIN ESTEBAN, 2010; DENZIN and LINCOLN, 2006; SERRANO, 1998; BOGDAN and BILKLEN, 1982; LÜDKE and ANDRÉ, 1986; CRESWELL, 1998), with procedural intervention sonthelessons as presented bythe longitudinal work of Dodane (2015). Thus, it's a Field research study where I developed, with the students of thesecond grade of a public Ensino Médio school in the cityof Goiânia, a teaching/learning português e language Project centredon the speech genres, considering the crime novel as the main genre. I used the participant observation as the main method for data collection, complementedby documentan alysis (texts researched, readand writtenby the students). Our analysis showed that, at the beginning of the research, thestudents gave more attention to writting words correctly than to aspects related to text production. After the application of the project, I noticed that the students started to realize that writing texts is a practice that goes beyondmere orthography, comprehending that when wewrite we have the intention of writing something to someone, targeting certain communicative strategies, making choices related to language (on grammar and lexicon). They also realized that those choices define our style of writing/saying and that the Grammar and lexicon forms can't be written or readrandomly, as they are chained to the context. At the end of the process, students learned no tonly the features of the genres, but also how language manifests through different genres toaim communicative intentions. It was perceived on both speech and writing that portuguese language learning through the speech genres, organized in the form of projects, supports the study in context, articulating portuguese language and literature, as well as reading practices, writing and linguistican alysis. I noticed that reading and rewriting texts, individuall yor collectively, is a practice that must Best imulated in schools, empowering the students in a way that, after the conclusion of the high school, they become future readers na dwriters.
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    Docência na Universidade Estadual de Goiás: (auto)representações de professores formadores e seus atravessamentos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-11-12) Araújo, Maria Dolores Martins de; Lima, Lucielena Mendonça de;; Lima, Lucielena Mendonça de; Sousa, Kátia Menezes de; Fernandes, Eliane Marquez da Fonseca; Sousa, Odália Bispo de; Oliveira, Hélvio Frank de
    This thesis investigates the (self)representations that professors of undergraduate courses at one of the campuses of the State University of Goiás (UEG) in the countryside have about teaching and the practice of their profession in this context. In this sense, based on the representation construct from the perspective of Cultural Studies and on Foucault’s conceptual tools, such as discourse, knowledge, power, dispositif and resistance, this study understands that the objectification processes - the representations and attribution of meanings that are assigned to us through the asymmetrical relations of power - and subjectivation - recognition of the social constructions imputed to us - are constituents of the subject (FOUCAULT, 1995; TADEU DA SILVA ([1999]/2001, 2001, 2009). We also return to the notions of dispositif, truth, power, knowledge, resistance and subject through current reinterpretations made by authors such as Paul Veyne, Rosa Maria Fisher, Prado Filho, Cleudemar Fernandes, Kátia Sousa, Simone Sampaio, as well as we retrieved the notes of Morgado (2015), Silva (2016) and Paraguassú (2017) on the discursive processes of objectification/subjectivation and the possibilities of resistance of the subject-teacher. Thus, the theoretical and methodological support of this work is based on tools identified in the Foucaultian archegeneology, which allows us to analyze the entire intersection of what is said and the power of official agencies in the constitution of mechanisms that aim and subject the subject/professional teacher. The research involved 21 professors from one of the campuses of the State University of Goiás. In the data generation process, the following instruments were used: questionnaires, narratives, individual interviews and conversation circle. In the survey of statements, it was detected that there is a series of discourses present in discursive and non-discursive practices that determine the places that objectify the professor of the State University of Goiás. In this way, the thematic recurrences in the network of utterances presented, which function as meeting points of a discursive memory and a current situation, signal that professors subject themselves from discursive crossings, so that there is regularity in (self)representations of these professionals: the devaluation of professors in the face of the actions of the state government, the discourse of society, the economy, politics and the media. However, even in the face of objectifying tendencies, professors denounce, they stand against certain agencies imposed on the category, such as the power devices that threaten the degree course aiming to banish it from the state, and that affront the teaching professionality. In addition, reveal a capacity to (self)reflection on themselves and their context, in order to question actions and sayings with a view to inverting the power game, thus finding a space for resistance and dissidence.
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    Os (des)caminhos da representação da identidade em A majestade do Xingu, de Moacyr Scliar, e O olho de Hertzog, de João Paulo Borges Coelho
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-07-19) Rodrigues, Célia Aparecida Ribeiro; Ribeiro, Renata Rocha;; Preuss, Elena Ortiz; Bergamo, Edvaldo Aparecido; Dias, Luciana de Oliveira; Cruvinel, Larissa Warzocha Fernandes; Silva, Rogério Max Canedo
    This research aims to compare the novels “A majestade do Xingu” (1997), by the Brazilian author Moacyr Scliar, and “O olho de Hertzog” (2010), by the Mozambican writer João Paulo Borges Coelho. Without losing sight of the literary and fictional character of the narrative, the aim is to problematize the representation of the identity processes of the main characters based on the articulation of theoretical concepts of Cultural Studies, especially according to Stuart Hall (2013; 2014a; 2014b). The debate occurs from the interweaving of the notions of identity, difference, and representation. For the sociologist, the questioning about identity only gains prominence for the individual when confronted with another way of being in the world. Thus, the status of identity and difference is examined since in their attempt to know themselves, the narrators, both foreigners, make their differentiation explicit by looking at the Other. The narratives under analysis are inserted in the macrosystem of Portuguese-speaking countries (ABDALA JÚNIOR, 1989) and reflect political and historical events in both Mozambique and Brazil. The results point to the fragmentation of the narrator-character identity that reverberate national identities, also complex and plural. By vocalizing about their (un)similarities, these narrators make themselves known and reveal the cultural complexity of the two countries, both of which come from the colonial experience that, in turn, echoes the difficulty of dialoguing with difference. In this way, beyond the reflection on artistic creation, the novels evoke the web of the past, shedding light on the knots of the present.
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    A constructional analysis of the expressiveness of the pronominal subject in brazilian portuguese and in european portuguese
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-01-18) Oliveira, Cleiton Ribeiro e; Galvão, Vânia Cristina Casseb;; Galvão, Vânia Cristina Casseb; Candido, Glaucia Vieira; Silva, Leosmar Aparecido da; Vieira, Marília Silva; Barros, Déborah Magalhães de
    Esta tese está ligada ao projeto Rede/Itália - Português Brasileiro em contexto Italiano, aspectos sociais, políticos e linguísticos que tem como objetivo analisar os fenômenos linguísticos e contribuir para o ensino do Português. A tese descreve a expressividade do sujeito pronominal no português brasileiro (PB) e no português europeu (PE) (TARALLO, 1993; KATO, 1999; KATO; DUARTE, 2014; NEVES; GOULART, 2017; DE ROSA, 2019; OLBERTZ, 2020 ) para investigar como essas duas variedades de português estão lidando com a necessidade de expressar o sujeito e a relação desse fenômeno com a nível fonológico da construção. Para termos uma ideia mais detalhada desse fenômeno, utilizamos a Gramática da Construção para decompô-lo e analisá-lo considerando os seis níveis que formam uma construção – fonológico, morfológico, sintático, semântico, pragmático e discursivo – e como um nível pode interferir nos outros, para tornar isso possível, utilizamos as teorias de Croft e Cruse (2004) e Croft (2001), Goldberg (2006), Traugott e Trousdale (2013) e Traugott (2015) para propor um esquema e uma rede para a expressividade do sujeito pronominal. Nós analisamos também os processos cognitivos que estão relacionados à necessidade do falante de expressar o sujeito por meio de um pronome – iconicidade, perspectiva, informatividade, analogia, memória rica, marcação – com os postulados de Bybee (2010; 2015), Givón (1991; 2011 ), Lakoff (1987) e Langacker (1987; 2000; 2008; 2013). Para analisar o nível fonológico, utilizamos uma abordagem fonológica para investigar o padrão entonacional das ocorrências em que a prosódia recai sobre o pronome sujeito, para isso, utilizamos um programa de computador, PRAAT, e a metodologia de análise de Gili Fivela (2002; 2008; 2018), Scarpa e Fernandes-Svartman, (2012) e Pietro e Roseano (2018). Os corpora de análise são provenientes do projeto Português Falado - Variedades Geográficas e Sociais, um projeto do Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa (CLUL) que conta com 47 entrevistas de PB e PE das quais foram selecionadas 20 (10 do Brasil – 5 dos anos 80 e 5 dos anos 90; e 10 de Portugal – 5 dos anos 80 e 5 dos anos 90). Analisamos 820 ocorrências, 212, 24 marcadas prosodicamente, em PE e 608, 53 marcadas prosodicamente, em PB, classificando-as segundo a proposta de Olbertz (2020) em: pronome referencial; pronome tópico; reativação de tópico; pronomes sem motivação aparente. Nossa hipótese é que, embora existam semelhanças quanto à expressividade do sujeito via pronome nas duas variedades do português, existem alguns aspectos que as diferenciam. As principais diferenças encontradas foram: 1) o padrão entoacional utilizado pelos falantes e sua função, no PB, encontramos os seguintes 8 padrões: H*; L + H; L+ H*; L* + H; H*+L; H + L*; H + H*; H* + H; e, em PE, encontramos 6: H*; H*+ L ; L + H*; H* + H%; L*+H + H%; L + H* + L; 2) BP usa pronomes sujeitos para se referir a entidades genéricas, enquanto EP não; 3) falantes do PB enfatizam os pronomes sujeitos que são motivados pela sintaxe; enquanto os falantes do EP enfatizam os pronomes sujeitos que caracterizam o papel do novo tópico. Ficou claro que, embora seja possível analisar a expressividade do sujeito nos seis níveis de uma construção, as principais diferenças entre as variedades analisadas são mais salientes no nível fonológico.
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    Guia de livros didáticos de língua portuguesa dos anos finais do ensino fundamental: análise da rede discursiva
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-16) Silva, Lívia Aparecida da; Fernandes, Eliane Marquez da Fonseca;; Fernandes, Eliane Marquez da Fonseca; Sousa Filho, Sinval Martins de; Lima, Sóstenes Cezar de; Souza, Kátia Meneses de; Morais, Mara Rúbia de Souza Rodrigues
    In the Guidelines for Didactic books of Brazilian Portuguese for the elementary school latest years: an assessment of discursive formations, it is analyzed the statements as presented in the 2020 Guidelines for Didactic books of Brazilian Portuguese Language for the elementary school latest years. Therefore, the statements of this Guide are consolidated as the body of this research and their underlying speeches as its object of study. In this study, the underlying discursive formations of the Guideline are analyzed, as well as the power and knowledge dynamics objectifying the Portuguese language teacher of elementary school latest years; it was verified the subjects speaking through the Guide and their position; the most recurrent discourses emerging in the statements constituting the Guide were also identified; it is shown which discursive and non-discursive practices the principles and criteria established in the 2020 Guide are related with; it is also addressed the discursive regularities that prevailed in relation to the first textbook legislation in 1938 and it was verified the contributions of the Guide to the formation of the Portuguese language teacher. This research used the Discourse Analysis of French origin as support, prioritizing mainly foucaultian studies (1979, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008) on discourse and its materiality, the utterance, as well as the relations of knowledge, power and truth it is constituted of. The history of textbook policy was also referred, especially the one addressed by Costa et. al. (1987) and Bomeny et. al. (1984) and the first legislation of Brazil Textbook, Decree-Law No. 1006 of December 1938. This is a qualitative study based on a documentary analysis, (Cellard, 2012; Le Goff,1996; Foucault, 2008) considering the document seen as a monument. Thus, it was possible to verify that the Guide is constituted by a discursive formation involving discursive practices ( stemming from the statements of Legislation, Guidelines, Official Norms, Decree-Law related to Education) and non-discursive practices (involving the State, under represented by MEC, with PNLD, with co-participation of Federal Universities, state and municipal education networks and civil society institutions). Discourses of knowledge, authority, punishment, direction, prescription, standardization, among others, were manifested in the statements constituting the Guide. The criteria of the Guide are linked to a broad discursive formation that involves the official Standards of Education and various segments of society. The standardization and the way of turning the Guide public are among some discursive regularities that have been observed. The subjects who speak in the Guide were authorized to address the Portuguese language teachers working in the classroom. The Guide contributes to the education of the Portuguese language teacher as it presents to individuals information on how the process of choosing the textbook takes place.
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    A posthumanist perspective on an english course at a private language school
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-31) Sousa, Laryssa Paulino de Queiroz; Pessoa, Rosane Rocha;; Pessoa, Rosane Rocha; Buzato, Marcelo El Khouri; Souza, Lynn Mario Trindade Menezes de; Takaki, Nara Hiroko; Silva, Simone Batista da
    Esta tese de doutorado tem como foco principal a discussão de uma experiência de educação linguística de inglês a partir de uma perspectiva pós-humanista. Este estudo foi feito com um grupo de seis alunas/os em uma escola particular de idiomas, localizada em Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil, em 2019. Além de ser a pessoa que conduziu o estudo, fui também a professora deste grupo. Nesta investigação, apoiada em argumentos do Pós-humanismo, alinhados à Linguística Aplicada Crítica, busco promover uma desconstrução de entendimentos sobre o que significa ser humano, juntamente com o questionamento do que é língua/linguagem e do que ela envolve, e a problematização das relações entre entidades humanas e não humanas. Nesse sentido, materialidade e discurso são concebidos como entrelaçados. Este trabalho está fundamentado em reflexões das perspectivas pós-qualitativa e pós-fundacional; mais especificamente, caracteriza-se como um estudo pós-humanista. Para a geração do material empírico, que ocorreu de agosto a dezembro (ou seja, durante um semestre), os aparatos que se tornaram parte do estudo foram os seguintes: a) um questionário inicial; b) intra-ações em sala de aula com as/os alunas/os, as quais foram filmadas, gravadas em áudio e transcritas; c) atividades das/os estudantes realizadas ao longo do semestre; d) notas de campo reflexivas e difrativas; e e) intravistas. A discussão do material empírico está dividida em dois eixos principais: a sociomaterialidade dos corpos (humanos) e ideologias material-discursivas de língua e educação linguística. Como as/os estudiosas/os pós-humanistas têm pontuado, de modo geral, as/os acadêmicas/os envolvidas/os nas ciências humanas e sociais frequentemente negligenciam aspectos materiais quando se trata do discurso, e, por conseguinte, meu objetivo é problematizar não apenas aspectos sociais (como tem sido o foco da Linguística Aplicada Crítica), mas sociomateriais, com base nos eventos que ocorreram ao longo do estudo. Como desdobramentos desta experiência, as reflexões sobre corpos, questões de identidade, especialmente de classe, de raça e etnia, de gênero e de idade apresentadas neste trabalho oferecem um olhar pós-antropocêntrico a partir de eventos que as/os alunas/os e eu vivenciamos. Em relação à língua/linguagem e à educação linguística, discuto as percepções, atitudes e ações das/os aprendizes, bem como as minhas, como práticas material-discursivas, com foco nas nossas intra-ações com a paisagem da sala de aula e as tecnologias, a avaliação e as provas e seus projetos de aprendizagem de língua. Com base nas perspectivas supracitadas, busco mostrar como a matéria importou nesta experiência de educação linguística.
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    Do g de gay ao n de não-binárix e +: uma autoetnografia sobre a construção do meu corpo e da minha (contra-)identidade não-binários cu(ir)s
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-11-16) Lima Neto, Luiz Martins de; Pinto, Joana Plaza;; Pinto, Joana Plaza; Borba, Rodrigo; Silva, Daniel do Nascimento e; Nascimento, André Marques do; Pessoa, Rosane Rocha
    How do the int(e)ra(-a)ctants of my professional, family and homosexual friendly co(n)texts construct my body as a cu(ir) non-binary one in-by the use of binarized and binarizing vocatives and nouns in our everyday int(e)ra(-a)ctions? And what are the effects of using these binarized and binarizing vocatives and nouns in my subjectivation/identification process? In order to answer these research questions, I proposed a body performance autoethnography, mostly within cu(ir) linguistics (queer linguistics from the Global South). The study is also characterized as a covert research, that is, a type of research foreseen at my university where participants are first recorded and only then invited to participate. In addition to audio recording, field notes, figures and reports of events were also used as sources of data. The theoretical-analytical discussion of the empirical material shows that binarized and binarizing vocatives and names build my cu(ir) body and identity through the oscillation or the intercalation of the interpellative current, in various ways. Such phenomena, in turn, are motivated by the signs and/or materialities performed by my body, which are also binarized and binarizing in-by the (cis-)heteronormative ideology and, thus, (meta)pragmatically evaluated in relations of contrast and indexical disjunction. The main contribution of this study is to show how bodies and (counter-)identities are linguistically and materially constructed, something which has already been theoretically defended by the performative theory.
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    Escrita das Línguas de Sinais (ELiS): concepções, valorações e avaliações construídas por graduandos e profissionais da área da Libras
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-10) Moraes, Fabiane Ferreira da Silva; Figueredo, Carla Janaína;; Figueredo, Carla Janaína; Witchs, Pedro Henrique; Carneiro, Bruno Gonçalves; Fernandes, Eliane Marquez Fonseca; Figueiredo, Francisco José Quaresma de
    This dissertation discusses the writing of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), using the Sign Languages Writing System (ELiS). The study discusses the conceptions, valuations, and assessments in relation to the ELiS constructed by students of the Libras Language major at the Federal University of Goiás and professionals in the field of Libras. In addition, it addresses the possible implications of these conceptions for the academic and professional practices of the participants and problematizes the actions for the teaching of ELiS to be developed by the researcher. Bakhtin's principles (1997, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2017, 2018), in interface with studies on writing (CALKINS, 1989; CALVET, 2002; CHARTIER, 1998; GNERRE, 1991, among others), were used as a theoretical framework, as well as other references on sign language writing (BARROS, 2015; LUCHI and STUMPF, 2018; STUMPF and WANDERLEY, 2016, among others). The research, developed within a qualitative approach and the case study method, had the participation of fourteen students and five professionals in the field of Libras. Three instruments were used for data collection, all applied online, namely: a questionnaire, reflective sessions, and semi-structured interviews. The study resulted in: a) the identification of two concepts of sign language writing, based on different valuations and assessments; b) the discussion of the outcomes of academic experiences with sign language writing for Libras teaching practices; c) the observation of the fundamental role of Libras undergraduate teacher education programs in the teaching and dissemination of sign language writing; d) the development of proposals for the use of ELiS in teaching, research and university extension programs. Thus, the work contributes, even if only partially, to the development of teaching practices that focus on the training of professionals who know how to read and write sign language.