Português para surdos: uma via de mão dupla

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This study aims to investigate the process of teaching-learning of Portuguese for deafs in the school teachers perspective and former students from the regular school, critically reflecting on the impressions expressed by them. What justifies such an enterprise is the fact that access to language is right for everyone, however many deaf people find themselves deprived of that right and end up not having access to the real word (spoken / signed / written). The study was conducted in six state schools in the Regional Secretariat for Anápolis-Goiás) with inclusive proposal and also in an academic environment, Federal University of Goiás Participants were nine teachers who teach in Portuguese composed of deaf and hearing rooms; eight deaf high school graduates. From the theoretical point of view this research is based on assumptions of humanistic Mikhail Bakhtin (2006) and other researchers, of language and deafness as Orlandi (2010), Skliar Carlos (2005), Daniele M. Grannier (2007, 2014), Marcia Goldfeld (2002) and Tables Ronice M. (1997). The conception of language that guides us is the social interaction in which the language is configured as a tool for construction of discourse that allows interaction between people, the construction of meaning and the constitution of the subject. From the methodological point of view, this work constitutes a field study in which data were collected and analyzed following the principles of qualitative research and interpretive of comparative nature, according to the theory proposed by Steban (2010), Moreira e Caleffe (2008), among others. Through the analysis of the data, we noticed that participants in the design of this research about teaching-learning Portuguese for the deaf is still below expectations. We realize that the absence of proper guidance, lack of contact with the LS and timely exposure of the student to the LP that occurs precariously without appropriate changes, are some of the factors that have caused inconvenience in this process. Our final thoughts are intended to contribute to the qualitative growth of understanding of the process investigated.



PAIVA, Gláucia Xavier dos Santos. Português para surdos: uma via de mão dupla. 2014. 105 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.