Imagem gravada: das matrizes de papelão e cola vinil às impressões em encavo


The research entitled Image engraved: from cardboard matrixes and glue vinyl to chalcography impressions proposes a study in two steps. In the first instance, it aims the production of matrixes and engravings, exploring the combination, materiality and the versatility of two materials which are considered alternative when compared to the traditional use of wood for woodcuts, of metal plates for chalcography, of linoleum for linocuts and stones for lithographs: the cardboard and glue vinyl. Then, these matrixes, which emphasized the chalcography’s processes, were presented to one group of visually impaired sharing narratives constructed by dialogues between our interpretations.



DEUS, Helder Amorim Silva Borges de. Imagem gravada: das matrizes de papelão e cola vinil às impressões em encavo. 2016. 101 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arte e Cultura Visual) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.