A violência invisível no entorno do Distrito Federal: uma compreensão do comportamento produzido pelo estado, comunidade e mídia

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This thesis is part of the sociology of violence and has as its theme the study of the behavior of social units and institutions such as the media and the state and residents about the production of violence within a region called the Federal District Environment. Legally recognized as RIDE (Integrated Development Region of the Federal District and Surroundings), this set of cities, Federal District and states is organized from the institutionalization and creation of Brasília. With the urbanization and attraction of countless migratory movements, the cities near the capital began to host various social problems. Violence is one of the most serious of these problems since it highlights cities in the Surroundings of the Federal District considered as some of the most violent in the world. This research specifically analyzes a category of violence baptized here as invisible. This term deals with the difficulty of perceiving this type of violence against ordinary crime, categorized by homicides, rapes, robberies, etc. On the contrary, "invisible" violence is not physical and does not produce immediate effects, but produces social discomforts capable of multiplying crime and other forms of violence. Synthesis of symbolic violence, institutional violence and the production of social stigmas, invisible violence is characterized by disrespect for social and individual rights. For the realization of this research, some research techniques and theories were used. In the research on the behavior of the media, we opted for Content Analysis and Discourse Analysis; For the study of violence produced in the context of residents, we used Focus Group and Discourse Analysis. And for the investigation of the violence produced by the state, we opted for the Qualitative and Comparative Analysis of Public Budgets. Previously, bibliographical research and field studies were carried out, in terms of the "Sociology of Experience", in an expression developed by François Dubet.



SILVA, Welliton Carlos da. A violência invisível no entorno do Distrito Federal: uma compreensão do comportamento produzido pelo estado, comunidade e mídia. 2016. 297 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.