Produção de frutos e entomofauna associada ao pequizeiro (Caryocar brasiliense CAMB.) no cerrado do estado de Goiás

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The Brazilian Savannah is rich in biodiversity and possess high number of fruitful species with potential of use for human consumption. The pequizeiro is a native species of the Savannah with economic and cultural importance for Midle-Western Brazil, needing, however, techniques that make possible the implantation of orchards, its conduction and the harvest of fruits, aiming at to reduce the pressure on the natural environment, as well as the maintenance of the regional culture. The present work considers to characterize the production of pequizeiros of natural occurrence in fifteen dispersed populations in five regions of the State of Goiás; to study the occurrence, behavior and bioecology of entomofauna present in the plants of the pequizeiro in sixteen populations of pequizeiro of the State of Goiás; e to evaluate the occurrence of Eunica bechina in fourteen locations of this State with raised natural occurrence of pequizeiros and its potential of plague. The criterion of election of the populations considered the biggest space dispersion of these, the bigger production of fruits, and the relative nucleation of the trees of pequizeiro in each population. The studied pequizeiros had presented averages: production (132,28 fruits/plant), diameter in the base (0,40 m), diameter in the height of the chest (0,35 m), total height (7,64 m), height of the pantry to the ground (2,97 m), projection of the area of the pantry (83,34 m2), with 1,58 average frutos.m-2 of projection of the area of the pantry in the ground. Promising plants for future programs of improvement of the pequizeiro exist. The production of the pequizeiro is irregular in the State of Goiás between harvests, plants and population, being considered on average low. There is one raised group of organisms interacting with the pequizeiro , being distinguished the insects that can contributed for the production. The species gotten with the percentages of occurrence in the different populations belonged to the orders, respectively: Hemiptera (25.64%), Coleoptera (17.95%), Lepidoptera (16.67%), Hymenoptera (15.39%), Díptera (11.54%), Orthoptera (6.41%), Neuroptera (2.56%), Isoptera (1.28%), Thysanoptera (1.28%), Psicoptera (1.28%). The joined species in the sixteen pequizeiro populations had more frequently been: Eulechriops sp. (100%), Atta laevigatta (93.75%), Eunica bechina (93.75%), Lyriomisia sp. (93.75%), Edessa rufomarginata (100%) and Rhodoneura intermedia (100%), Phydotricha erigens (81.75%). The species T. tibiali, A laevigatta, R. intermedia, Carmenta sp., E. rufomarginata and E. bechina can be considered potential plagues of the pequizeiro in the Savannah of the State of Goiás. It is needed more studies on the contribution of the fauna, illnesses, the one grass-of-bird and of the insolation in the production of the pequizeiro . It is necessary the establishment of sustainable measures of handling for the extractive and the plantation, conduction and production of fruits of the pequizeiro .



FERREIRA, Gislene Auxiliadora. Production of fruits and Entomofauna associated with the Caryocar brasiliense Camb. in the Savannah of the State of Goiás. 2007. 122 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Agrárias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2007.