Os direitos humanos na era da cibercultura: processos de interação na página da Secretaria de Direitos Humanos no Facebook

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The internet is consolidated as the technological and the material base of an information society, in which we are inserted, therefore the promotion practices and protection of human rights pass through the cyberspace. Three are the theoretical lines presented in this research: the human rights, the cyberculture and the political participation through the internet. Based on this, the goal of this project is to research the human rights in the age of cyberculture from an interdisciplinary perspective. Furthermore, we look into, as a research problem, how the government organizations, especially the Brazilian Secretariat of Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic (SHD/PR), conduct their interaction processes on the social networking site Facebook. The purpose is to analyze the processes of interaction of the SDH/PR with its public through their official Facebook page. This study therefore begins by analyzing the activities posted by the institution itself, but also the comments posted by users and possible answers given by SDH/PR to such comments. Regarding the methodology, we employ the Content Analysis, which was divided in two parts that complement each other for better understanding of the interaction processes: the analysis of posts and the analysis of comments. The period of analysis was the month of November 2013, because there was much talk about the page in that year. The obtained results showed a low mutual interaction between SDH/PR and its followers in this social network, which means the publication of too much information, but little dialogue and communicative exchanges. In addition, most of the comments of the SDH/PR page proved themselves negative, showing lack of knowledge by people about the true meaning of human rights.



REZIO, Leonardo Luiz de Souza. Os direitos humanos na era da cibercultura: processos de interação na página da Secretaria de Direitos Humanos no Facebook. 2014. 226 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direitos Humanos) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.