Obesidade em cães: aspectos ecodopplercardiográficos, eletrocardiográficos, radiográficos e de pressão arterial

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The obesity is a morbid condition commonnly incident in veterinary practice, generally associate to the companion animals reduction of time and quality of life. This factor, added to the regularity that it is observed, makes from obesity, nowadays, the most important metabolism disease in dogs, being still able to promote serious health problems, including cardiovascular disorders. For this study, 14 medium-sized neutered mongrel adult female dogs were divided in two groups and submitted to a program of weight gain. Group I, presenting highest percentage of weight gain (average 21.4% above the initial weight, in average) and Group II, with shortest weight gain percentage (15% above the initial weight, in average). Afterwards, both groups were submitted to a obesity correction food program, to reach the initial weight. During the food programs, in the initial phase (T1), obesity phase (T2) and final phase of weight reduction (T3), examinations carried out were: electrocardiographic, radiographic and mensurations of the blood pressure. During the phases T2 and T3, ecodopplercardiographic examinations of all dogs were also performed. At the end of the experimental phase, every variables obtained were statistically evaluated, comparing the groups and the different phases within the same group. The results revealed no significant eletrocardiographic and ecodopplercardiographic alterations, considering up to 21% of increment on body weight; increase of cardiac silhouette on radiographic evaluation during the obesity phase and decrease after the weight loss, and increase of arterial systolic pressure after the weight increment.



TÔRRES, Andréa Cintra Bastos. Obesity in dogs: a Doppler echocardiographic aspects, electrocardiographic, radiographic and blood pressure. 2009. 75 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Agrárias - Veterinaria) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.