A crise da eficiência para além do espaço escolar: as influências dos capitais social, cultural e econômico no desempenho escolar de ciências/química

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This thesis is based on Pierre Bourdieu’s theories about scholar reproduction and in a dialectical conception of world. The aim of this research was to analyze how the crisis of efficiency can be understood from analysis of cultural, social and economic capitals and not as a productivity crisis often debated in the literature. To do this, we analyzed if the cultural, social and economic capitals of secondary students affect theirs school achievement in science / chemistry in different scales (global, national and local). For this, on the global scale (using PISA-2009 data) and national (using ENEM-2009 data), evaluated through Quantile Regression, how the cultural, social and economic capital are related to student achievement in science. We also analyzed the partial and combined effect of different capitals on student performance from a partial regression, followed by a path analysis. These analyzes showed us that, regardless of the context, cultural and social capital have a positive relationship with student achievement in science. Economic capital also has a positive relationship with the school achievement of students in science, however, has different slope coefficients for different quantiles. For the national context, we investigated further how the educational institution the student is in (whether state, federal, municipal or private) affects their school achievement in science, for this we proceed with an ANOVA followed by a Planned Comparison Test. These tests indicated that students in federal and private schools have better achievement than those from the municipal and state schools. To justify our results, we research in a local context (in public and private schools of Jataí-GO and Goiânia-GO) how the student's capitals affect their achievement in chemistry. We elaborated and applied a didactic strategy about “waste and physical and chemistry transformations”, a socio-economic-cultural survey and an interview with responsible for those students. In this context, we could deep the discussions that we had realized in global and national context. Our results provided subsides to affirm that the efficiency crisis of school is configured in a context of crisis of capitalist society. The school crisis is multifaceted and it is a mistake condemns only schools and teachers about the learning problems in science because the social, cultural and economic capital of the students can explain some of these achievement issues. The school is in crisis, but the school's crisis is not a crisis of efficiency, is a societal crisis permeated with ideological aspects, as well as other crises that today's society confronts.



RIBEIRO, E. B. V. A crise da eficiência para além do espaço escolar: as influências dos capitais social, cultural e econômico no desempenho escolar de ciências/química. 2015. 190 f. Tese (Doutorado em Química) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.