A transparência e o processo de criação em gravura: produções experimentais

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research includes technically the production, scanning / tinge and printing of objects / matrices made in transparent plastic polyethylene. This support provides a reflective study and poetic about the different processes of construction of the work, scoring its relationship with traditional and digital technologies, and poetic thinking about the limits of the field. Initially this study focused on the production in the engraving workshop, which was held in a freedom technical and conceptual in the process of creation. The variations of matrices allowed then concentrate production in two opposite techniques: one is the extraction of material (plastic), and the other in collage of material. With the development of these two techniques deployed, the process experimental restricted itself, producing poetic reflections, conceptual searches and increased volume of production. The technique and the concept of engraving developed the work, the processes and considerations involving the manufacture of objects from / matrices until your impressions or final proposals. As path poetic, was questioned the transparency of the object / matrix being immaterial, missing, and their behaviour in steps of the production process, printing and reflection. This supports research on the work of artist Regina Silveira, in times that discusses the immaterial being, under the aspect of the concepts and ways of doing and understand the engraving. So its work built on the line of poetic visual, the daily the artist is a member of thinking and construction of the work, so as to the document which it uses referring to the process of creation. This research presents technical and conceptual axis as the engraving, which promotes reflection on the presence of transparent as a representation missing.



SILVA, Alana Morais Abreu e. Transparency and immaterial: engraving. 2008. 131 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Processos e Sistemas Visuais, Educação e Visualidade) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.