2019-07-022019-04-24MOURA, T. R. R. Solteirice, a dócil repressão do religioso: aceitação e negação comunicacional da homossexualidade no “Movimento Cores” da Igreja Batista da Lagoinha. 2019. 198 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9773This is a research of an interdisciplinary nature, which is concerned with the tensions between faith, the sexuality of individuals, and the same ways of communicating in a way that disseminates faith through networks, so that they appear to be tolerant and inviting. Social media is an environment that gains more and more importance in our daily lives. Knowing this, evangelical churches have begun to appropriate this space to propagate their faith and doctrine - aiming not only to fulfill their regulatory purpose of society but also to gain new adherents. The discourse of religion is a model of being, but perhaps there are "ways of being" that are practically inseparable from the human being. It is then an expensive obstacle for christian people who find themselves, at some point in their lives, homosexual. Soon, this individual is hurled off the field. This reality is debated through critical discourse analysis (ACD), participant observation and methodological application of the theory of interactive devices. But it seems now that evangelical gays have started to “come out of the closet” wich still says: "Do not tell, do not talk." Through social networks a group propagates their ideas and aims to transform some - not all - points of traditional evangelicalism. They speak and are heard, but that does not mean they are understood.application/pdfAcesso AbertoReligiosidadeSexualidadeMídiaInteraçãoReligiositySexualityMediaInteractionCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::COMUNICACAOSolteirice, a dócil repressão do religioso: aceitação e negação comunicacional da homossexualidade no “Movimento Cores” da Igreja Batista da LagoinhaSingleness, the docilious repression of the religious: acceptance and denial of homossexuality in the “Colors Movement” of Baptist Church of LagoinhaDissertação