2014-07-292012-10-152012-05-28VAZ, Tales Gubes. Queer pedagogy, visual culture and discourses on (homo)sexualities in two online extension courses. 2012. 146 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Processos e Sistemas Visuais, Educação e Visualidade) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2793In this dissertation, I explore discourses about (homo)sexualities, informed by the perspective of visual culture studies and queer theory, in particular when addressing issues of education. The locus of investigation is situated in the experience of two online extension courses and one discussion group organized under the premise of reflecting on those themes. Based on dialogues with participants of the courses and the group, constituted mostly with students of an Art Education online undergrad course, I construct queries about the perceived discourses, and also the process of making and living the research. I tell this narrative from the point of view of an apprentice of investigator, bringing my personal experiences and connecting them with the theoretical framework, positioning myself as a subject affected by those studied discourses. Among them, the growing visibility of sexuality and the taboo that keeps up with it; the understanding that (male) homosexuality is essentially bound to gender; the difficulty in dealing with the theme on the classroom, for fear of influencing the students; and the existence of contextual factors that challenge subjects into discussing those issues.application/pdfAcesso AbertoHomossexualidadeignorânciaqueereducaçãoHomosexualityignorancequeereducationCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::ARTESPedagogia queer, cultura visual e discursos sobre (homo sexualidades em dois cursos de extensão onlineQueer pedagogy, visual culture and discourses on (homo)sexualities in two online extension coursesDissertação