2014-07-292010-06-112009-08-14COSTA, Wilian Sobreira. Technical feasibility of solid waste coprocessors in leather contaminated with chromium in furnace of cement. 2009. 92 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/641The increasing generation of solid waste from the industries it is, among other environmental problems, one of the major obstacles faced by humanity. The waste generated during the production process should be designed as it should, or in a secure manner without damaging the environment and future generations. The accelerated process of Brazilian industrialization, intensified so the uncontrolled production of industrial waste. The lack of a strategy of control and final destination for these various "products" has caused negative effects on workers, the community and the environment. Even that has legislation, the Brazilian health authorities struggle to achieve control these problems, which is increasingly visible with great tragedies occurring environment. In this context, this paper addresses a kind of residue from the process of tanning the leather, giving this way the classification of hazardous according to NBR 10004 because the concentration of chromium. Not only in order to address a problem of generation of waste, this work presents an alternative destination safely through the technique of coprocessors in the cement kilns. The results obtained in laboratory scale and in industrial scale, show a coprocessor to the technical feasibility of waste contaminated with chromium in the cement kilns, while respecting the limits of concentration in the formulation of the blending's.application/pdfAcesso AbertoTratamentoresíduocoprocessamentoCurtumeTreatmentresiduecoprocessorTanneryCNPQ::ENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA SANITARIA::SANEAMENTO BASICO::RESIDUOS SOLIDOS, DOMESTICOS E INDUSTRIAISAvaliação da viabilidade técnica de coprocessamento de resíduos sólidos de curtumes contaminados com cromo em fornos de cimenteiraTechnical feasibility of solid waste coprocessors in leather contaminated with chromium in furnace of cementDissertação