2021-09-172021-09-172019-09-30FONSECA, R. R. O violão nas escolas de música goianienses: processos identitários e interações culturais sob o foco do representacional. 2019. 210 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Musica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11638This research aimed to identify the guitar-related representations that circulate in four selected schools in the city of Goiânia - the Holanda Escola de Música, the Instituto Gustav Ritter, the Instituto Federal de Goiás (IFG), and the Escola de Música e Artes Cênicas of UFG, a private school, a state school and two federal ones - that have invested in the teaching of the instrument in the city, perceived not only as fields of production at musical education, but also as a locus of practice and interaction between groups related with the music of different cultural dimensions, that is, different fields of musical production. To reach this objective, firstly, it was invested in theorical foundation in authors who have been disserting about forging representations of identity processes, such as Chartier (2002) and Hall (2014), aiming at a basis for the focus of some representations related to the historical trajectory of the guitar in Brazilian society as well as in Goiania’s society. In a second moment, we sought to know the initiatives and formulations of the first institutions of music education, first conservatories and Brazilian universities, and, in this context, the representations that circulated around to the guitar, which led to the need for the instrument to be released of the historical prejudice, the stigma, the marginalization that prevented him from acting there, which only happened more recently, with the creation of guitar courses in the academies of the country. Already in a third moment, from the foundation in Bourdieu (2003), which discussed about fields of cultural production, where the different cultural capitals, economic capital and symbolic capital intersect in processes of constant interaction and conflict, evidencing struggles of representations, the results of the analysis, interpretation, comparison and intersection of data collected through the field research and interviews conducted in the selected schools were recorded. This circumstance made it possible to identify representations that pointed to the peculiarities of guitar teaching and the repertoires adopted in each of these institutions, always observed both in their relationship with the cultural interactions effected, with the struggles of existing representations that take place in a cultural production field, regarding its relation to the representations that were evidenced in the study of the historical trajectory of the instrument, whose residues still act in the city of Goiânia.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalInstrumento violãoCampos de produção do ensino do violãoEscolas de música goianiensesInterações culturaisRepresentaçõesProcessos identitáriosGuitar instrumentProduction fields of guitar teachingGoiania’s music schoolsCultural interactionsRepresentationsIdentity ProcessesLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::ARTES::MUSICAO violão nas escolas de música goianienses: processos identitários e interações culturais sob o foco do representacionalThe guitar in music schools in Goiás: identity processes and cultural interactions under the focus of the representationalDissertação