2017-06-082017-02-24WERSHING, A. C. A. Educação familiar e disciplina: um estudo a partir da teoria crítica. 2017. 133 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7427The present research aims to address the subject of discipline in family education, based on the Critical Theory for the explanation of the formative processes of the person. Under the method of deductive analysis, parts from philosophical and sociological conceptions related to moral formation to subsidize the development of the concept of discipline, emphasizing disciplinary educational trends from Modernity, period characterized by scientific advancement and technological innovations. Based on the observation that in the majority of modern families, especially Brazilian families, parents spend most of their daily lives at work and their children spend much of their time in schools, educational institutions or even in technological entertainments, such as television, computer, cell phone and other technologies, this factor affects the educational action carried out by the parents. Then, it proposes to analyze opinion articles related with the topic of children's education written by specialists in Psychology, Sociology and Education, the columnists Ilan Brenman and Gisela Wajskop, on the Crescer Online magazine website, between April 2013 and July 2016. Research on the role played by cultural industry artifices in modern family education points to parents' difficulty in devoting proper attention to their children and a contiguous set of rules to be followed, and indicate that feelings such as parental guilt and insecurity can influence the forms of education and formation of the children in the contemporaneity.application/pdfAcesso AbertoTeoria críticaDisciplinaFormaçãoEducação familiarAnálise críticaCritical theoryDisciplineTrainingFamily educationCritical analysisCIENCIAS HUMANAS::PSICOLOGIAEducação familiar e disciplina: um estudo a partir da teoria críticaFamily education and discipline: a study from critical theoryDissertação