2022-08-182022-08-182019-10-29SOARES, D. A. Aprendizagens construídas, aprendizagens percebidas: caminhos percorridos no trabalho de mediação com objetos de aprendizagem. 2019. 258 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Matemática em Rede Nacional) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12276This research aimed to investigate the learning that is identified by employing Learning Objects (LOs) through the smartphone to teach polynomial function of the 1st degree. As support for the research, a digital book was elaborated through GeoGebra, structured from the combination of videos, games, simulators and applications, aiming to explore several concepts of polynomial function of the 1st degree. From the perspective that learning occurs through student interaction with the environment, we adopted as main references: Oliveira (2001), Moran et al (2017) and Moysés (2012). The LOs were applied in twelve meetings to a group of students from the first grade of a high school of a public school in the interior of Goiás and for data analysis, we observed the ways the students interacted with the LOs; the kinds of difficulties that arose; the interactions: student-OAs; student-student and student-teacher, watching when they occurred and how they occurred; the identified learning and the potentiality of the LOs as an auxiliary resource for the cognitive process. It was possible to identify that, through OAs, the students showed a greater engagement during the class, especially when working on the concepts of functions through games and spreadsheets. The reduced screen of the smartphone did not represent an obstacle to the performance of activities and the use of LOs associated with the teacher's role, as a facilitator and motivator in the mediation relationships established in the research scenario, proved to be important to establish a relationship of trust. between the mediator and the mediator, presenting positive results in the students' learning.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEnsino de funçõesObjeto de aprendizagemTecnologia digitalMediaçãoFunction teachingLearning objectDigital technologyMediationCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::MATEMATICA::MATEMATICA APLICADAAprendizagens construídas, aprendizagens percebidas: caminhos percorridos no trabalho de mediação com objetos de aprendizagemBuilt learning, perceived learning: paths taken in the work of mediation with learning objectsDissertação