2016-12-152016-08-24SILVA, W. C. A construção jurídica do Distrito Federal e entorno: como territórios agrários se tornaram periferias. 2016. 190 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Agrário) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6593This research aims to investigate how the brazilian law legitimated and allowed extensive land tracks and farms were transformed into urban space where it entered Brasilia. This transformation affected a territory which in the past served as housing for indigenous people and rural communities. Currently, quilombolas and ciganos remained in the surroundings, next to a large influx of immigrants. From the questioning of the use of the terms "region" and "development", contained in the laws, tries to understand how a set of rules (Constitution, complementary and ordinary laws, decrees, etc.) enabled the emergence of a periphery in the Capital Federal. This fact accelerated the loss of rural and environmental characteristics and regulated actions of interest to economic groups, whose concern is similar to private corporations who decided to colonize Brasilia and the surrounding areas - and even the modern capital Goiânia. The Integrated Development Region of the Federal District and surrounding areas, externalized by Complementary Law No. 94 of 19 February 1998, is not effective legal instrument, in that it denies the Surrounding the existence of a fund of funds. The same does not happen with the Federal District, attended by the Federal Government with the transfer of public resources. For this understanding, it was used as a theoretical framework the critical propositions of law, discursive analysis of legislation and selecting a normative content that enables draw conclusions from the theoretical framework to understand the law and language.application/pdfAcesso AbertoDireitoLegislaçãoTerritorialidadeEntorno do Distrito FederalPropriedadeRightLegislationTerritorialitySurrounding the Federal DistrictPropertyCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::DIREITOA construção jurídica do Distrito Federal e entorno: como territórios agrários se tornaram periferiasThe legal construction of the Federal District and surroundings: as farms have become peripheriesDissertação