2022-12-142022-12-142022-08-31DAMACENO, É. F. M. A compreensão do teorema de Pitágoras pelos alunos com deficiência visual: um estudo sobre as representações semióticas em geometria. 2022. 239 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12485This research aims to understand how visually impaired students interact with the various representation registers and how they articulate them in mathematical activities on the Pythagorean Theorem. It was developed within the framework of the professional Master’s degree in Elementary Education Teaching of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program at CEPAE-UFG. With contributions from the Theory of Register of Semiotic Representation (TRSR), we based on Duval (2012, 2017) and Almouloud (2003, 2004, 2016, 2017) and also on the contributions of Mello (2013, 2015) and Fernandes (2004, 2007, 2008) on the teaching of mathematics to visually impaired students in the contexto of TRSR, and Lorenzato (1995, 2015) and Kallef (1994, 2012, 2016) with contributions on the teaching of geometry. The proposed research is of a qualitative nature, according to Bogdan, Biklen (1986), Ludke, André, (1986) and Triviños (1987), with an analysis method according to Fiorentini and Lorenzato (2009). Interviews with students with total blindness were used as a collection instrument, seeking to understand how they learned the Pythagorean Theorem and the representations associated with geometry. Mathematics teachers of visually impaired students were also interviewed, seeking to investigate how the Pythagorean Theorem is taught and what resources these teachers use in the teaching-learning of these students. The analysis verified how much tactile resources are fundamental for the visualization of geometric figures for students with visual impairment and also how important is the description of images and concepts associated with the content. The way of describing the algebraic representations is also fundamental for the blind student to follow the teaching in the classroom correctly. With the research data, observing the way students interact and articulate with registers of representation in mathematics, it was possible to elaborate two educational products: an educational podcast, whose title is “Talking about the Pythagorean theorem: problems and applications” and a pedagogical notebook for the teacher, whose title is: “Teaching proposals for students with visual impairment”, containing activities involving the Theorem, and observing the study of representations and specificities for teaching blind students.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalDeficiência visualEducação matemáticaRepresentação semióticaTeorema de PitágorasVisual impairmentMathematics educationTeachingSemiotic representationPythagorean theoremEnsinoCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO::FUNDAMENTOS DA EDUCACAOA compreensão do teorema de Pitágoras pelos alunos com deficiência visual: um estudo sobre as representações semióticas em geometriaThe understanding of the Pythagorean theorem by visually impaired students: a study on semiotic representations in geometryDissertação