2021-05-032021-05-032021-04-14MOURA, D. M. B. Proposta metodológica para avaliação e definição de fontes superficiais de abastecimento público: uma análise comparativa entre duas bacias hidrográficas, visando a segurança hídrica de Iporá (GO). 2021. 247 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11323The problem of water scarcity for public supply has been manifesting itself frequently, mainly due to the increase in demand, caused by consumption, and also by the reduction of availability, due to environmental degradations in the supply source, in addition to the lack of investments and management in the sistem water production. One of the emergency measures adopted to ensure water supply in cities, is the adoption of a new source to complement the supply. Considering that water availability in surface water sources in adjacent hydrographic basins may be different, influenced by physical and anthropic factors, this work proposes a methodology for assessing and defining surface sources of public supply, having as a case study the comparative analysis between two hydrographic basins, the upper Ribeirão Santo Antônio Hydrographic Basin (BHRSA), which is the only source of water to supply the city of Iporá (GO), and the upper Ribeirão Santa Marta Hydrographic Basin (BHRSM), conducive to being complementary source to supply the city in future scenarios, aiming at the water security of the city of Iporá (GO). For that, sectorized studies were made, however, concatenated, in eight articles, which together make up the methodological proposal. In article 1, the climatic characterization of the municipality of Iporá is made, using as a database the historical precipitation series of 45 years, temperature data of a historical series of 5 years and elaboration of the climatological water balance. In article 2, the availability and water demand of the public water supply system in the city of Iporá (GO) is assessed using the water availability of the supply source as a database, represented by monthly flow measurements over the years 2017, 2018 and 2019 and the city's water demand, represented by the abstraction of water for consumption by the population, through data from the National Sanitation Information System - SNIS (2019). Article 3 presents a study of determination and analysis of BHRSA and BHRSM permanence and grantable flows, and compares it with flow measurements carried out in the basin exutory and, thus, evaluates the effectiveness of the flow regionalization methodology adopted in the state legislation and verifies which basin has the highest drought flow. Article 4 makes a refinement of the existing soil map at BHRSM from the original scale of 1: 250,000 to the scale of 1: 100,000, due to the need to make the scale of the pedological map of the basin in question compatible with BHRSA, and thus subsidize comparative analyzes. Article 5 aims to characterize the geology and hydrogeology of BHRSA and BHRSM in a comparative way, to assess the influences on the surface water availability of the basins. In article 6, the objective is to characterize the soils and groundwater aquifers in the BHRSA and BHRSM in a comparative way, to provide subsidies in the assessment of the influences of these aspects on the surface water availability of the basins. Article 7 aims to characterize the use and land cover and analyze the changes from 1985 to 2019, in BHRSA and BHRSM in a comparative way, evaluating the influences of these aspects on the surface water availability of the basins. Finally, article 8 makes a comparative morphometric analysis of BHRSA and BHRSM, with the objective of assessing water behavior, according to the differences or similarities in the morphometry of these hydrographic units. The geosystemic analysis of the physical and anthropic aspects showed a greater propensity for surface runoff in BHRSM, providing flow rates in the rainy season and reduced in periods of drought, corroborating the lower flow rate measured in the basin's exutory. The integrated analysis shows that, even if BHRSM is twice as long as BHRSA, it has physical and man-made characteristics that would not, by itself, make it a sufficient source to ensure the city's water supplyAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalSegurança hídricaAbastecimento públicoBacias hidrográficasIporá-GOWater securityPublic supplyWatershedsIporá-GOCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAProposta metodológica para avaliação e definição de fontes superficiais de abastecimento público: uma análise comparativa entre duas bacias hidrográficas, visando a segurança hídrica de Iporá (GO)Methodological proposal for the evaluation and definition of superficial sources of public supply: a comparative analysis between two hydrographic basins, with a view to the water safety of Ipora (GO)Tese