2018-06-272018-05-16FRENEAU, B. N. Distribuição funcional da renda e crescimento econômico: elementos teóricos e uma análise econométrica com dados em painel dinâmico. 2018. 126 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Economia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8611In this study, we investigate the relationship between functional income distribution and economic growth by means of a literary survey, formal mathematical modeling and econometric analysis. We begin by reviewing the literature regarding economic distribution and growth theories and identifying different perspectives on this issue. In the context of this discussion, we emphasize the interpretation originally developed by Amit Bhaduri and Stephen Marglin who, by modeling the characteristics of underutilization of productive capacities and involuntary unemployment of the workforce attributed to a monetary economy of production, defined, under a post-Keynesian view, a rigorous and flexible framework of analysis. The Bhaduri-Marglin model predicts positive effects of a higher wage share on consumption as well as positive effects of a higher profit share on investment. Therefore, this framework is capable of explaining wage-led results, which are observed when the consumption effect dominates the investment effect, as well as profit-led results, which are otherwise verified. Upon formally presenting the model and a brief synthesis of the current stage of empirical research in this area of investigation, we propose an econometric study as a means of contributing to the debate. Based on an empirical specification of the Bhaduri-Marglin model for an open economy, we estimate regressions through the use of panel data. We highlight, as central aspects of the contribution proposed here: (1) the inclusion of developing countries in the samples and (2) the application of econometric estimators which are capable of handling potential endogeneity issues. In our empirical study, we apply the Arellano-Bover/Blundell-Bond estimator for dynamic panel data seeking to estimate and analyze the demand regime. Additionally, we employ autoregressive vectors in panel data in order to identify the accumulation regime as well as the demand regime. In our investigation with the Arellano-Bover/Blundell-Bond estimator, we find that most demand regimes estimated are wage-led. Nevertheless, we managed to estimate profit-led demand regimes in one instance related to the average economy. On the other hand, the autorregressive estimator suggests that the average economy has profit-led demand and wage-led accumulation. However, no significant coefficients were detected for the average developing economy while applying this autorregressive structure.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCrescimento econômicoDistribuição de rendaModelo Bhaduri-MarglinPainel dinâmicoEconomic growthIncome distributionBhaduri-Marglin modelDynamic panelCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ECONOMIADistribuição funcional da renda e crescimento econômico: elementos teóricos e uma análise econométrica com dados em painel dinâmicoFunctional income distribution and economic growth: theoretical elements and an econometric analysis with dynamic panel dataDissertação