2014-07-292010-03-032009-09-04MELO, Tatiane Medeiros. A model of solid wastge management: application in artifact and pre cast concret industry. 2009. 61 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1349The productive chain of the construction industry is responsible for many positive and negative impacts on the built environment. One of the negative impacts refers to the high amount of waste produced, which can be reduced through the industrialization of construction, that is, through the reduction of services at construction sites and transferring them to the factories. In this sense, the use of prefabricated structures may reduce the production of waste arising from the implementation phase of structures, such as molds and buttresses. However, if the production of the prefabricated elements in plants is not properly planned, the problems of waste production can be transferred from construction site for the industry environment. This fact was observed in some industries of artifacts and pre-molded concrete. The aim of this paper is to propose a methodology for solid waste management through the integration of the methodologies of environmental management system, cleaner production and suggestion already published of project management of construction waste envisaged by Resolution nº 307 Conama and applies this methodology in an industry artifacts and pre-cast concrete. For this, two processes of an industry of Goiânia were selected, which served as a pilot in the implementation of model solid waste management proposed. By implementing this model, it was possible to quantify the waste produced in the processes studied, as well as make significant improvements in its characterization, segregation, packaging, transportation and disposal through the implementation of opportunities for cleaner production highlighted. Moreover, mechanisms were created for the own employees were responsible for maintaining the proposed activities. As result of this study, a database about the chain of waste in the processes studied was produced, which can be used in future for the proposition of other opportunities for cleaner production in industry studied. Still, the methodology of waste management proposal can serve as a model for replication in other industries of artifacts and pre-cast concreteapplication/pdfAcesso Abertoresíduos sólidos industriaisgestãoindústria de artefatospré-moldados de concretoindustrial solid wastemanagementartifacts industrypre cast concretCNPQ::ENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA CIVIL::GEOTECNICAUm modelo de gestão de resíduos sólidos: aplicação em indústria de artefatos e pré-moldados de concretoA model of solid wastge management: application in artifact and pre cast concret industryDissertação