2015-01-282014-04-11SOUSA, Bertone de Oliveira. As igrejas neopentecostais e a redefinição do protestantismo no Brasil: um estudo de caso em Imperatriz-MA e Araguaína-TO (1990-2013). 2014. 194 f. Tese (Doutorado em História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3952This thesis analyzes the characteristics of the growth of neo-Pentecostals churches and their impact on the Brazilian Protestantism configuration. These churches started in the 1970s and expanded the prosperity gospel in a context characterized by increase demands for social mobility, individualization and search for physical well -being and material. In the era of postmodernity, the neo-Pentecostals churches compete for people's adhesion, leaving in the second plan speeches about salvation in the other world and apocalyptic preaching, centrals matter in Pentecostals segments of which several of its leaders have emerged. Thus, we seek to investigate the historical origin of prosperity gospel, its relationship with the expansion of the economic model and American consumption, their discursive characteristics and adaption oneself to the fluidity of contemporary societies, where the notion of collective identities and the dissolution of institutional loyalty in several religious institutions, partly due to the advancement of secularization has led agencies of salvation benefits to redefine strategies to aggregate more believers. We also analyze its spread in two medium-sized cities, Imperatriz, in the south of Maranhão and Araguaína in northern Tocantins, with the objective of to research how some locally churches compete at a regional sphere among themselves and with other nationally known, comparing them with the Worldwide Church of God's Power. We also investigate the social representations passed on to the believers by the leadership of these institutions on questions such as sexuality and politics. As a theoretical perspective, we seek to value the interdisciplinary dialogue especially with the sociology of religion and approaches Zygmunt Bauman on the effects of postmodernity on the social organizations and individual perspectives in recent decades.application/pdfAcesso AbertoNeopentecostalismoProtestantismoTeologia da prosperidadePós-modernidadeNeo-pentecostalismProtestantismProsperity gospelPostmodernityCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAAs igrejas neopentecostais e a redefinição do protestantismo no Brasil: um estudo de caso em Imperatriz-MA e Araguaína-TO (1990-2013)The neo-pentecostals churches and the redefinition of brazilian protestantism: a case study in Imperatriz, Maranhão and Araguaína, Tocantins (1990-2013)Tese