2014-09-092014-09-092014-03-14CARVALHO, José Rodrigues de. Território da religiosidade: fé, mobilidade e símbolos na construção do espaço sagrado da romaria do senhor do Bonfim em Araguacema, Tocantins. 2014. 159 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/3045This paper aims to study faith experiences and practice; the pilgrims mobility and symbols in a religious territory, searching to understand their meanings in time and the sacred space construction at Romaria do Senhor do Bonfim (The Lord of Bonfim Pilgrimage) in Araguacema, Tocantins. This pilgrimage is what many other authors call the popular catholic manifestation; a branch of Christianity which means Catholicism in a peculiar way. This religious modality expresses through pilgrimage, traditions that spatialize in sanctuaries. Pilgrimages are places of substantiation of religious experiences, in which there are celebrations for the saints, or to other kind of hierophany, where territoriality and territories loaded with sacred symbols, result from a group of practices and rites turning the sanctuary meaningful for the religious being and for cultural geography. We made this research in four ample intersected moments which were accomplished by approaching with the object. On them we tried to read the imaginary landscape of the symbolic territories in pilgrims‘ oral representation. We got closer to them through bibliographical reading on the issue, trying to place it in Geography epistemological field. The idea was not to make a preconception on Pilgrimage, but to build up an approximation that could allow us to raise some questions about its origin, spatialities, relationship and interactions (territorialities) in the formation of a religious territory and a sacred space, since the symbolic practices of religiosity. The field work happened by participation observing with thick watching techniques, tapping, photographic, written and audio notes, conversation and interviews with the pilgrims and the family who ―owns‖ the saint. The socio-spatial trajectory of this family until there shows the saga of thousands of expropriated Brazilian people from the land searching for the ―Bandeiras Verdes‖ (―Green Flags‖). The relationship between the Pilgrims and the Saint Image at the pilgrimage time highlights the importance of the supernatural and symbolism in their lives. This relationship, together with their socio-spatial trajectories, leads them to practices and founding/transforming actions of territorialities and identities in pilgrimages. It is the territory (symbolic and social) that brings life to the Pilgrimage and turns it into a sacred space for the believers of ―Senhor do Bonfim‖ (―The Lord of Bonfim‖). The religious territorialities – producers of otherness relationship – make the pilgrims be a ―religious group‖, with somehow the same goals. This complicity provides more trustable and safe living relationship. The religious territories in the sacred space of the pilgrimage are different from refuge, tiny and patterned territories. The pilgrims‘ territories are the ones of trusting and closeness to thousands of other pilgrims who seek for solution for their immediate problems and spiritual transcendence.application/pdfAcesso abertoTerritórios religiososBandeiras verdesTerritorialidades simbólicasSimbolismoTrajetóriasReligious territoriesGreen flagsSymbolic territorialitiesSymbolismTrajectoriesGEOGRAFIA::GEOGRAFIA REGIONALTerritório da religiosidade: fé, mobilidade e símbolos na construção do espaço sagrado da romaria do senhor do Bonfim em Araguacema, Tocantins.religiousness territory: faith, mobility and symbols in the construction of the Lord of Bonfim Pilgrimage sacred space in Araguacema, Tocantins.Dissertação