2018-04-182018-03-21PINHEIRO, R. M. S. O conceito de célula em livros didáticos de biologia: análise sob uma perspectiva histórico-crítica. 2018. 165 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Educação em Ciências e Matemática) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8346The present research analyzes how the historical process of constructing the concept of a cell is presented in Biology textbooks approved in the National Program Textbook (PNLD). This investigation was developed with books of the first year of high school of the nine Biology collections approved in the PNLD 2015, whose analysis based on the didactics of Historical- Critical Pedagogy (PHC). In order to analyze the data, a matrix of analysis was built based to the Statutes Structuring of Biology proposed by Nascimento Júnior (2010), with technical and pedagogical aspects, that made possible to understand the world view, Science and Biology in these books. The results obtained make it evident that the construction of the cell concept is permeated through an ontological-mechanistic view of biology, in which science is considered linear, and scientific production, an individual activity. Thus, this research contributes to unveiling the textbook as a didactic resource that can lead to an alienating teaching work, since it reveals the presentation mode of knowledge, which can be uncritically and a-historical in opposition to proposed by the PHC.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCitologiaPHCPNLDRecurso didáticoTeoria celularCitologyDidactic resourceCellular theoryCIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::MATEMATICAO conceito de célula em livros didáticos de biologia: análise sob uma perspectiva histórico-críticaThe concept of a cell in biology textbooks: analysis from a historical-critical perspectiveDissertação