2020-03-062020-02-20COSTA, Louise Ramiro da. A representação social da adoção por casais homoafetivos na mídia impressa. 2020. 216 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10402The research has as its theme the social representation by homoaffective families. This is a controversial issue because involves two equally sensitive issues: the adoption of children and homosexual relations as a Family institution. Foster affiliation at this end of the century can be understood as a legally assisted procreation. Seeking exclusively a family for the child, and not the other way around, in order to grant full protection to the child and adolescent, it has expanded adoption rights making it irrevocable, safeguarding the child's status, equaling the same rights as those of children. The family, historical institute of looks established by society, culture, religion, among others. And divergent points about the denial of citizenship to homosexuals, considered sinners, sick, without legal orders, do not confer rights. Faced with legislative absence, the Supreme Court recognized a stable union. Given this, the article analyzes the social representation of homosexual adoption in the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo, from 2011 to 2018, going through the study of citizenship, in order to analyze if children and adolescents living in orphanages and homosexuals have citizen status, by the field of communication, social representation, citizenship and constitutional right of family protection guaranteed to orphans and their homosexual parents. Thus, 2,920 issues of the magazine were analyzed for speeches on the subject. Thirty-nine journalistic articles were identified in this initial corpus, organized annually and processed with the aid of the IRAMUTEQ software, responsible for providing the maximum similarity and framework of each block, which under the contribution of the Theory of Social Representations, postulated by Moscovici (1978) and by the methodological approach developed by Abric, the Central Core Theory (TNC) or structural Theory. The study is presented under collections made in the printed newspaper, configuring itself as a social discourse, which raises the research to the bibliographic and documentary status. The results indicate that the social representation of adoption by homosexual families that posted in the pages of print media, especially in the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo, from 2011 to 2018, deals with a religious discourse affected by traditional Christianity, especially by denominational churches evangelical and neopentecostal, reinforced by political discourses, which justify the heteronormative concept of family, which propagates a feeling and belief of prejudice, discrimination and stigmatization of homosexuality, defaulting a background of adoption, particularly when with same-sex couples.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFamíliaAdoçãoRepresentação socialHomoafetividadeJornal Folha de São PauloFamilyAdoptionSocial representationHomoaffectiveFolha de S. Paulo newspaperCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::COMUNICACAOA representação social da adoção por casais homoafetivos na mídia impressaThe social representation of adoption by homoafective couples in the printed mediaDissertação