2018-06-082015-12-04ANJOS-COIMBRA, S. O. P. S. Considerações sobre a posição dos verbos na língua brasileira de sinais: uma análise descritiva a partir de diálogos entre surdos. 2015. 135 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8558This study presents a descriptive analysis of Libras about the position of verbs in the turns of a dialogue between deaf people. For this, we resorted to the descriptive analysis, recognizing the dialogical interaction as a textual instrument, and to the semantic-syntactic theoretical base to analyse the documented data, which allowed us to observe the relations between elements that predicate and the position of verbal predication in the analyzed turns. Our analysis favors the typological-functional view, once our hypothesis is that the position of verbs is preferred in certain texts for inherent pragmatic factors and not derived from an underlying basic order.Thus, we use the theoretical bases of prototypicality in the simple sentence composition and in the verb semantics suggested by Givón (2001), in order to analyze the documented data. In the dialogue the verbs present an ending position when the turns contain predications, when relating elements, that represent changing of location and aspectual and descriptive information of the entities. The verbs present a medial and initial position when such predications have the articulated base anchored to the body. Therefore, the position of the verb will follow accordingly the compositional mode of the predicate inserted in the turn. The position of the verbs in Libras is a consequence of the pragmatic influence upon the semantic and syntactic structure of the units presented in turns in the analyzed dialogue.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPosiçãoFuncionalismoTipologia linguísticaVerbosPositionFunctionalismTypological linguisticsVerbsLINGUISTICA::TEORIA E ANALISE LINGUISTICAConsiderações sobre a posição dos verbos na língua brasileira de sinais: uma análise descritiva a partir de diálogos entre surdosConsiderations on the position of verbs in the Brazilian sign language: a descriptive analysis based on the dialogues between the deafDissertação