2019-03-252019-03-20ALMEIDA, Marcilene Dias Bruno de. Permanência e êxito no ensino médio integrado do IFG Uruaçu: orientações para qualificação e acompanhamento de estudantes. 2019. 225 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9380The research is part of the Master's Program in Teaching in Basic Education PPGEEB - Cepae / UFG and had as objectives to construct a Pedagogical Form of Diagnosis and Student Follow- up, as well as to establish a profile of the concluding student and to identify the aspects that contribute to the permanence and success of the students in the High School Integrated to Professional Education. The locus was the Campus Uruaçu of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás. It was based on a bibliographical review on the failure and school success based on Bourdieu, Miguel Arroyo, Patto, Charlot and Bernard Lahire and on training for the world of work by Frigotto, Ciavatta, Ramos, Dore, Moura, and other authors who contribute to the debate on the theme. The case study was adopted as a research strategy and the procedures of a qualitative and quantitative nature, based on the inductive approach. It was noticed that the consolidation of the Integrated Higher Education (EMI) crosses paths that go beyond the parallel offer of the curricular components for the integration and structuring of the curriculum in an interdisciplinary way, of rethinking the evaluation only as a measurement of acquired knowledge and training of teachers for the performance, according to the principles of Professional Technological Education (EPT), extrapolating the limits of pedagogical complementation. The results of the data collection are presented through an electronic questionnaire applied to the students, their parents and teachers, at the end of 2017. About the profile, the results show that the student completing the EMI: I - does not present age / series distortion; II - joined the IFG through the universal selection system; III - has a good affinity with the technical area of the course; IV – does not expressed an intention to leave the course, although a significant number said to have occurred in the first year; V - belongs to the lower middle class; VI - resides in the same city that studies; VII - parents' schooling level are high school and university graduation. The analysis of the indicators of permanence and success, constituted under the individual, socio-cultural and economic aspects, showed a preponderance of the institutional factors on the individual and socio- cultural and economic factors, showing the strength of the teaching quality for the students' success. It was also sought the identification of the elements that present themselves as "difficulties" for the conclusion of the course, being verified as main problem the organization of the course in full time. Knowing the characteristics of the student that remains and the main reasons that contribute to this decision can help in the strategies implemented so that the success be the reality of the students who enter these educational institutions. In this way, took place the construction and application of the Pedagogical Form of Diagnosis and Student Follow-up, through a web system, for the entering groups of 2018. The data collection results were organized, disseminated and discussed in student performance evaluation meetings, and used by the Student Pedagogical Support team to follow up the students and the classes.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPermanência e êxitoEvasão escolarSchool evasionEnsino médio integradoAcompanhamento discenteEducação profissionalPermanence and successIntegrated high schoolStudent follow-upProfessional educationEDUCACAO::ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEMPermanência e êxito no ensino médio integrado do IFG Uruaçu: orientações para qualificação e acompanhamento de estudantesPermanence and success in the integrated high school of IFG Uruaçu: guidance for qualification and students's monitoringDissertação