2014-07-292012-10-022012-08-29SOUZA, Júnio Cézar da Rocha. The depraved man and the good´s possibility in Jean-Jacques Rousseau´s politic philosophy. 2012. 114 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2012.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/785This work has a purpose to discuss about Rousseau´s thoughts about the possibility of doing the right thing in the society. The philosopher from Geneva, to work on this possibility, plead mainly about the people´s primitive condition and his degeneration with the society´s advent. We will study some Jean-Jacques Rousseau´s works to discuss the way from the wild man, passing through his corruption until a political redemption proposal by the establishment of the Republic. The Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men describes the first characteristics of this primitive man and of the pacific and harmonious way of living together; then, it discusses the emergence of the property, the main cause of the inequality and clear manifestation of the bad repercussions on the society´s establishment. We will discuss this misrepresentation grown of society, but he possible recovery of the man from this moment of corruption celebration, to a civil estate ordained by laws and by the terms of a convention that claims for the common good of every citizen. The man, wild at first, passes to his civil condition, and Rousseau proposes the transformation of this man into a citizen, inside the Republic order. In the Republic, the citizen will have conditions to have a good behave in their pair; he will obey the laws, which comes from their own wishes- the wish to practice the good. The Republic citizen´s wish to practice the good is settled in the common good. The wish for the good can only be longed by the obedience to the conscience and by the self-love overcoming. The work discusses another great Rousseau´s text, The Social Contract, and others of the above mentioned, as Émile or On Education, Julie or The New Heloise, The Moral Letters, Letter to Christophe de Beaumont, these will have great concepts of virtue, good, general wish, etc. The perverse man and the possibility of good will be equally analyzed through he establishment of speakers who also will discuss about this possibility. The man will be thought according to Rousseau´s philosophy, that understands man with a tendency to a morality, what makes him a practitioner of good. However the problem that introduces is the Rousseau´s defense of a good nature of man, but it suffers a corruption in the historical development but is reascended in the Republic. This binary man, paradoxical, is good, but the misunderstandings of the conscience revival as it was thought by the philosopher form Geneva, what will sediment the hope in the pact proposed in the work The Social Contract that refers to its feasibility. There´s hope in politic because there´s hope in people themselves.application/pdfAcesso AbertoRousseauSegundo DiscursoContrato SocialVirtudeConsciência MoralÉticaRousseauSecond DiscourseSocial ContractVirtueMoral ConscienceEthicCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::FILOSOFIA::ETICAO homem depravado e a possibilidade do bem na filosofia política de Jean-Jacques RousseauThe depraved man and the good´s possibility in Jean-Jacques Rousseau´s politic philosophyDissertação