2017-11-202017-09-28MACDOWELL, R. F. A performance e a arquitetura: do sensível ao imaginário, um novo portal para a arquitetura. 2017. 203 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Projeto e Cidade) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7975With the passage from the mechanical era to the digital era, issues related to the architectural space in relation to the symbolic, technological and functional field have allowed the emergence of new skills and capacities to use new technologies that allow the architect to propose different and relevant alternatives to creative process. Powered by the continuous evolution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), architects offer architects unprecedented possibilities and varied resources capable of producing a performance architecture challenging diversity, differentiation, discontinuity and constant dynamic evolution, thus formatting a new symbiosis between design And product. The way it is conceived, developed and built, contemplates new concepts of space, new dynamic and interactive forms that produce new categories of projects. Thus, the architect as facilitator of multisensory experiences modifies and impregnates space with other qualities that only a living and affective being can contain, the emotional meanings. Based on this observation, we try to make a brief reflection in the light of the thought of some theorists, about architecture and its relationship with value issues inserted in the contemporary context, its interaction with the spheres of the senses, with the image and the imaginary; Relating the multisensory perception of the subject that dialogues and interacts with the architectural space. For this, it is sought as a base for the research some works of architecture relevant in the field of performance and inserted in the temporal cut, from the period from the end of the 20th century to the 21st century.application/pdfAcesso AbertoArquiteturaPerformancePercepção multissensorialImaginário architecturePerformanceMultisensory perceptionImaginariumARQUITETURA E URBANISMO::TECNOLOGIA DE ARQUITETURA E URBANISMOA performance e a arquitetura: do sensível ao imaginário, um novo portal para a arquiteturaPerformance and architecture: from sensitive to imaginary, new portal for architectureDissertação