2014-07-292010-07-012009-01-10ROCHA, Rosimary Gomes. Agricultural modernization and (re) planning territorial in General Ferry / MA. 2009. 2 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1919The General of Balsas located in the south of the Maranhão had its occupation at a first moment characterized for the available land search for creation of cattle to the untied one for originary creators of other states northeast, mainly of the Zone of Mata, region destined mainly to the culture of sugar cane-of-sugar in century XIX. From the end of the decade of 1970 this space starts to a large extent to suffer significant transformations due to the governmentalactions from occupation of the agricultural border. The arrival of a migratory, mainly sulista flow. They bring I obtain a new form to work the land, established in the use of advanced techniques, culminating in the process of modernization of agriculture in the General of Balsas, being the plantation of the soy the car head of this process. Such transformations in the agrarian space of this region to leave of the decade of 70 of the last century provoke questionings on the appropriation, construction and the use of the territory. The new conceptions on this dynamics in take them to reflect on the relations of being able that they had been installed in the locality, where the territorial processes tied with the monopolista capital if characterize as preponderant. The installation of the agroindústria led to a fast territorial reorganization. One becomes important to still establish, that the new territorialities gifts in the region if also characterize for the distinct model to think and to use the space, since the migrantes load differently obtain the identitários processes of its region of origin of the local population, the called maranhenses farmers. In this context the General of Balsas-Ma evidences it a set of new actions and new objects social technician, actors, economic politicians and, who make use of these objects and create conditions for its reproduction.application/pdfAcesso AbertoTerritórioPoderGerais de BalsasTerritoryTo be ableGeneralities of Balsas1.Agroindústria 2.Território 3.Gerais de BalsasCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIA::GEOGRAFIA HUMANA::GEOGRAFIA AGRARIAModernização da agricultura e (re)ordenamento territorial nos Gerais de Balsas/MAAgricultural modernization and (re) planning territorial in General Ferry / MADissertação