2015-02-042014-04-16PINTO, Pablo de Regino Araújo. Gênese e determinação poética em mídia interativa na instalação SobreVoos. 2014. 105 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arte e Cultura Visual) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4077This research addresses the poetic production in interactive media. The research touch some productions in art and technology, as well some features in artistic works, such as interactivity, immersion, agency, indeterminacy and emergency, concepts that form the basis for discussion of SobreVoos installation, created from technologies available that provides the interactor the vision from the point of view of a remotely controlled flying device. Using a phenomenological hermeneutic, this research discusses the concepts and explores them, in artwork attached to the object of visual production, the use of drones. The poetic discourse is privileged, revealing the strategies that route interactor for sensitive experience. Finally technical information production are presented, as well as the relationship between technical and poetic aspect concerned.application/pdfAcesso AbertoArte tecnológicaInteratividadeImersãoIndeterminação poéticaSobreVoosArt technologyInteractivityPoetic experienceImmersionPoetic indeterminacySobreVoosARTES::FUNDAMENTOS E CRITICA DAS ARTESGênese e determinação poética em mídia interativa na instalação SobreVoosGenesis and poetic indeterminacy at SobreVoos, na media interactive installationDissertação