2022-07-112022-07-112022-06-10PAULA, V. F. Impacto do custo de capital na viabilidade de um projeto para geração de energia por meio de sistemas fotovoltaicos. 2022. 76 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12169Among the sources of alternative energy generation, photovoltaic solar energy has stood out among the main ones. It’s use has become increasingly common in the country, with a large increase in homes and the commercial class. And it was in 2012, based on the use of technologies such as Distributed Generation, that it was regulated so that Brazilians could generate their own energy. Based on this assumption, this study has the general objective of evaluating the impact of the cost of capital, the financial viability and the related risks of a photovoltaic system project, through an analysis of the construction of a photovoltaic power plant in a holding company managing Brazilian cosmetics companies. The proposed methodology consists of 4 phases, starting with the planning stage, where the problem to be studied is formulated and analyzed and macro information is collected. Then the study is modeled, where the variables to be analyzed and data collected will be defined, in order to carry out simulations and understand the impacts on the feasibility of the project and its risks. In the experimentation stage, all the calculations and analyzes that were carried out were structured, with the objective of, in the final stage, assisting in the decision making regarding the investment to be made. In this way, the results showed that the project is economically viable, and that the main variables that impact the NPV are the risk and market premium and the price of the energy tariff, the first being extremely important for the analysis. Finally, in the risk analysis, it was observed that the project has low risk and, therefore, the execution of the photovoltaic plant project was recommended.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalInvestment analysisAnálise de investimentoCusto de capitalViabilidade financeiraEnergia renovávelSistema fotovoltaicoCapital costFinancial viabilityRenewable energyProtovoltaic systemENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA DE PRODUCAO::ENGENHARIA ECONOMICAImpacto do custo de capital na viabilidade de um projeto para geração de energia por meio de sistemas fotovoltaicosImpact of the cost of capital on the feasibility of a project for generation of energy through photovoltaic systemsDissertação