2014-07-292010-02-262009-12-11OLIVEIRA, Noé de. Activity of investigative playful experimentation the. 2009. 147 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciencias Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1025This Thesis presents a brief historic of experimentation, its application in secondary schools and the justification for the alternative material utilised during the activities of experimentation. Some playful conceptual aspects, its presentation and its application at school are also described with the aim of observing the existence of the relations between the playful and the activities of experimentation. Referring to the method, we have opted for the method study of multiple cases, aiming to conduct a comparison amongst several students and schools that utilise different experiments in an attempt to relate the similarities to the context of the research focus. The development in the application of the activities of experimentation is described in different groups from three secondary schools, two being in the city of Dourados-MS and one in the city of Goiânia- GO. This paper also presents an analysis of several articles related to experiments published by magazines such as Química Nova (New Chemistry) and Química Nova na Escola (New Chemistry at School), taking into consideration the following criteria: the availability of activities of experimentation for the teaching of chemistry, types of experimentation, laboratory material and reagents utilised, adequacy to the classroom, type of questionnaire, relationship with daily life, and the possibility of the presence of the playful if performed by the student. The Atividade de Experimentação Investigativa Lúdica AEIL (Activity of Investigative Playful Experimentation) is being proposed as another subsidy for the practice of experimental activities, with the possibility of being performed in the classroomapplication/pdfAcesso AbertoExperimentaçãoludicidadejogosmaterial alternativo.Experimentation, playful, games, alternative materialCNPQ::CIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::QUIMICAAtividades de experimentação investigativas lúdicas no ensino de química:Activity of investigative playful experimentation theTese