2016-02-182015-06-03FRANCHI, Ana Paula. Em busca da unidade: as relações entre o imperium e a Gália no mundo romano tardio (284-305 d.C.). 2015. 202 f. Tese (Doutorado em Historia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5242When focusing our vision of the Roman world the end of the third century AD, we find an interesting move about imperial political structure. It was from this period that intensified civil wars and usurpations of power and at the same time, we settled a series of transformations, covering from administrative reforms, to the ideological theoretical redefinition of imperial power with the introduction of Dominato. The Emperor Diocletian government was one of the landmarks of this process, mainly because this sovereign could undertake reforms of autocratic principles concerning the administration, supervision and military subject. In this context, the legitimacy of the ruler was an important hub for maintaining unity. This work aims to analyze the relations of power that moved the imperial policy during the consolidation of the Tetrarchy (284-305 AD), and the links that were established between the imperial government and the provinces, focusing on the power of legitimation process. For such, we selected as the source panegyirícs discourses produced in the third century AD, authored Mamertino, Eumênio and anonymous, the Breviarium Historiæ Romanae of Eutropius, and Liber de Caesaribus of Aurelius Victor, produced in the fourth century AD. Even if such works do not on purpose of discuss the relations of integration by promoting a praise to the Emperor, in the case of panegyrics, and a narrative about the history of the Empire, in the case of breviaries, the author is compelled to treat these elements society and the imperial politics, which ultimately reveal these relations. When approaching the formation of the Tetrarchy from the perspective of panegyrists and breviarists, attempt to identify the structure of the procedures in this form of political organization. In addition to the formulation of an idealized image of the rulers, the construction of the legitimacy of sovereigns who were in charge of this reorganization was a constituent part of building an imperial unit in the third century AD.application/pdfAcesso AbertoTetrarquiaImperiumGáliaTetrarchyImperiumGaulCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAEm busca da unidade: as relações entre o imperium e a Gália no mundo romano tardio (284-305 d.C.)Looking for the unity: the relationship between the imperium and Gaul in the Later Roman Empire (284-305 d.C.)Tese