2021-04-012021-04-012021-02-23SANTANA, B. M. Análise das margens de comercialização e transmissão de preços do suco de laranja no estado de São Paulo no período de 01/2014 a 05/2020. 2021. 69 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronegócio) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11227The objective of this study was to verify de commercialization margins between the producer and the cytrus industry and the existence or not of ATP (asymmetry on price transmission). The methodologies used were absolute and relative commercialization margins and time series of econometrics based, done with unit root tests, granger causality and cointegration and historical decomposition of the variance. The results revealed that the industries added the highest commercialization margins, averaging 72% in all juices and by-products. The symmetry model in prices transmission showed that the transmission of prices from the producer to the juices happens symmetrically.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalCitriculturaTransmissão de preçosCorreção de errosCitriculturePrice transmissionError correctionCIENCIAS AGRARIAS::AGRONOMIAAnálise das margens de comercialização e transmissão de preços do suco de laranja no estado de São Paulo no período de 01/2014 a 05/2020Analysis of margins of commercialization and transmission of prices of orange juice in the state of São Paulo in the period from 01/2014 to 05/2020Dissertação