2014-07-292010-09-162009-10-23BARBOSA, Luciana Coelho. A perspective on Mexican identity in the work of David Alfaro Siqueiros (1920-1959). 2009. 111 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2290This work has for proposal the analysis of the construction of a Mexican identity under the perspective of David Alfaro Siqueiros. This artist is an important character for the understanding of the transformations occurred in the Mexican society under the revolutionary context. The Mexican Revolution succeeded in motivating and involving the whole society and, due to the great popular participation in the uprisings, engendered the need to rethink this population contingent, surpassing the political and military character, and greatly affecting the culture. The muralist movement, on which Siqueiros took part, was significant to this question, since it tried to represent the inferior classes, inserting them in the official discourse. Under this perspective it is valid to point out that the analysis of the construction of identities is intrinsically connected to the social and political imaginary. In the Latin-American countries and especially in Mexico, object of this study, this relationship is directly connected to the notion of miscegenation. We cannot discuss Mexican identity without taking into consideration this question that is crystalline in the muralist movement and consequently in the work of Siqueiros. This identitary process is essential for the individual to engender the nation since it makes possible the integration between individual and society, despite its ocurrence in a contradictory manner, since it includes and excludes simultaneously. Hence, the emphasis of this work consists in the comprehension of how the Mexican historical context supported the Siqueirian identitary discourse.application/pdfAcesso AbertoRevolução MexicanamuralismomestiçagemSiqueirosMexican RevolutionmuralismmiscegenationSiqueiros1.Alfaro Siqueiros, David, 1896-1974 2.México - história - revolução - 1920 -1959 3.Muralismo 4.Mestiçagem 5.Pintores - MéxicoCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAUma perspectiva sobre a identidade mexicana na obra de David Alfaro Siqueiros (1920-1959)A perspective on Mexican identity in the work of David Alfaro Siqueiros (1920-1959)Dissertação