2014-07-292010-07-212010-03-31BATISTA, José Roberto. Works of the building site: accidents and reintegration in the job market. 2010. 140 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1634The present study has as objective knows how it happens the reintegration process in the workers' job market that suffered work accidents and they were with incapacity partial physics, settling down as cutting the workers of the building site in the city of Goiânia. She opted for those workers because they use to the physical force and manual abilities in the productive process, constantly exposing your bodies to the risks of an accident. It was looked for to present an analysis of the transition of the industrial society for the risk society, socialization in the work until the consolidation of the salary society and the transformations happened in the process of productive restructuring, of the fordism to the flexible accumulation. For that they stood out two groups of authors, in the first they are Anthony Giddens and Ulrich Beck that discuss the consequences of the modernity. The second is formed by the authors that investigate the world of the work, decided for those that understand the centrality of the work while analysis category, inside of a Marxist vision, aiming at the social relationships and the forms of organization of the work in the socioeconomic context that involve them. About the accidents and job market as factors that benefit the "opposing-socialization" of the workers. For the understanding of the gravity of the accidents in the world of the work, it was used as main source of data the official of the International Labour Organization (OLT) and of Ministry of Labour and Employment (MLE). The data indicated a precarious scenery of the international situation in relation to the work accidents. OLT esteems that annually happen 2,2 million current deaths of accidents or diseases related to the work. In Brazil, it has considered that three deaths happen every two hours and three accidents non fatal every minute. There was also the verification that in the section of the construction the largest indexes of accidents happened in the work. In reason of that those consulted data evidenced that the workers of the building site developed your activities in precarious conditions. The field work used two techniques of qualitative research - participant observation and semi-structured interviews. The participant observation allowed the visibility of a work stonemason and performance of the workers front to the productive process. It was verified that the risks of damages to the worker's health are resulted of the precarious conditions of the work atmosphere and practice of insecure acts as, for instance, the not due use of EPI's. Those practices of insecure acts were analyzed with base in the Law Regulatory sent by department of Labor and Employment. The eight accomplished interviews allowed to knowing the accident victims perception on your profession, safety, prevention of accidents, work accident and return to your activities work. The reports presented by the accident victims they revealed the work as half basic of social insert, though the work accidents left sequels that impeded the return to your activities you work.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAcidentes de trabalhoConstrução CivilModernidadeSociedade de risco e SocializaçãoAccidents at workBuildingModernitySociety of risk and SocializationCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIAOperários da construção civil: acidentes e reinserção no mercado de trabalhoWorks of the building site: accidents and reintegration in the job marketDissertação