2016-03-042015-08-11SANTANA, T. S. O impacto da cirurgia de catarata senil sobre a qualidade de vida de pacientes atendidos em campanha assistencial. 2015. 71 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências da Saúde) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5306Population aging is a global trend and brings as a consequence the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases of the elderly such as cataract.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the visual improvement on the 15th day after cataract surgery and the impact on the quality of life of older people. A prospective study was conducted with a quantitative, descriptive and correlational approach, developed with 156 patients with indication for cataract surgery. The surgeries were performed after an agreement between the Department of Health of Amapá and the Reference Center for Ophthalmology/Federal University of Goiás, in September and October 2013. Visual Functioning Questionnaire (VQF-25) was used to evaluate quality of life and Snellen chart was used to measure visual acuity. The visual acuity average in logMAR after 15 days from surgery improved from 1.23 (20/340 Snellen) to 0.57 (20/74 on the Snellen chart) and was statistically significant (p = 0.000). When comparing the average quality of life before and after cataract surgery, the overview subdomain showed the greatest difference between the averages before and after surgery (of 29.65 to 89.87). Correlation analysis showed that the better the visual acuity after surgery, the higher the satisfaction with distance activity, the better eye pain, mental health, addiction and overall satisfaction. The cataract surgery was associated with a positive impact on visual acuity and quality of life of older people. The assistancial campaign was useful to treat patients with cataracts and improved the accessibility to eye care in public health.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCatarataQualidade de vidaAcuidade visualFacoemulsificaçãoPromoção da saúdeCataractsQuality of lifeVisual acuityPhacoemulsificationHealth promotionMEDICINA::ANATOMIA PATOLOGICA E PATOLOGIA CLINICAO impacto da cirurgia de catarata senil sobre a qualidade de vida de pacientes atendidos em campanha assistencialImpact of cataract surgery on quality of life of elderly patients in a care campaign cataratsDissertação