2017-09-212017-09-01NASCIMENTO, Karen Cristina Costa do. Avaliação da aprendizagem na educação física escolar na zona rural no município de Formosa: realidade e contradições. 2017. 257 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7778The rural population, since the dawn of Brazilian history, suffers from the lack of investment in education. In this sense, this research has as object of study the category evaluation of learning, especially that carried out in the public schools of the rural area by Physical Education teachers of the Municipal School of Formosa - GO and to map the challenges and the possibilities for The Evaluation practices in Physical Education in the Field. The guiding questions include the understanding of the physical education discipline and the evaluation process: do teachers use a methodology that privileges the critical thinking of the students? Does the evaluation collaborate with the process of reflection on the pedagogical work carried out and contributes to adapting points of the walk, or does it serve only as a means of gauging and classification? Is it possible that the teachers who teach physical education do not know how to use the evaluation tools or do not have the theoretical methodological deepening about learning evaluation? The general objective of the study is to identify the main evaluation instruments used by physical education teachers in the teaching network of that city and their effectiveness in promoting quality education. Specific objectives are to analyze what teachers understand as evaluation; To verify the evaluation criteria used by teachers to gauge students' knowledge; Identify the difficulties presented by the teachers in the choice of evaluation instruments. The theoretical framework is based on Arroyo (1999), Arendt (1999), Hoffmann (2001), Esteban (2002), Charlot (2001), Villas Boas (2004), Mészáros (2005), Oliveira and Boiago), Germani), Fernandes and Freitas (2007), Santos (2008), Souza (2008), Taffarel (2009), Silva (2010), Luckesi (2011), Santos (2013) and Silva (2015). This is a qualitative research. The instruments adopted for data collection are the semistructured interview and the documentary analysis of official records that guide the teachers' pedagogical work. It is concluded that the instruments used and the problems presented by the teachers in the choice of the evaluation are conditioned to the reality of material and infrastructure precariousness and perceptions of the school in relation to Physical Education, this is understood the entertainment or mere recreation And can be performed by any professional from another area. This reveals the low value of this profession within the school context itself and the fragility of the evaluation process that does not consider the specificities of the Field Schools.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAvaliaçãoEducação físicaEducação do campoEvaluationPhysical educationField educationEDUCACAO::ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEMAvaliação da aprendizagem na educação física escolar na zona rural no município de Formosa: realidade e contradiçõesEvaluation of learning in school physical education in the rural area in the municipality of Formosa: reality and contradictionsDissertação