2014-07-292012-02-082011-08-09BORGES, Kamylla Pereira. Work and health workers in public education. 2011. 187 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2011This study is part of line of research Education, Labor and Social Movements in the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Goiás and aims to research the health of workers in education, in order to investigate how is the relationship between teaching and teacher health, in the current climate of insecurity and alienation from work. Health is understood here as a historical and social construction, fraught with the contradictions between capital and labor. The field research was conducted in two public institutions in the city of Jaragua-Go, a network of state and other municipal and articulated the empirical data collection through questionnaires, semi-structured interview, daily observation and analysis of the institutions documents. These data were analyzed in light of the principles of dialectical historical materialism, based primarily on Marx, Mészáros, Mascarenhas, A., Frigotto, Saviani and Paro, seeking to articulate the research object and determining its multiple historical, political, economic, social and cultural . By analyzing these data according to the theoretical frameworks adopted understand that overcoming the existing limits that teachers can raise better working conditions, thus contributing to improving their health depends on establishing a political identity, able to uncover the processes disposal of the capitalist mode of production, based on the understanding that the work is very founding of the humanization of individuals.application/pdfAcesso Abertotrabalhotrabalhadoressaúdeeducaçãowork, labor, health, educationCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOTrabalho e saúde dos trabalhadores da educação públicaWork and health workers in public educationDissertação