2021-04-282021-04-282020-12-18WASCHECK, Murilo de Camargo. Ensino médio integrado e juventude: identidades e perspectivas a partir dos estudantes do IFG câmpus Goiânia. 2020. 208 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/11291This thesis is linked to the research line State, Policies and History of Education and discusses youth and integrated high school based on the narratives of the young people themselves. The general objective of this research is, in a critical perspective, to understand, from the voice of young people, the youth condition and the integrated high school from the reality of the IFG campus Goiânia. As a method, we are grounded in the Critical Theory of Society, carefully in Adorno and Horkheimer; and also in Gramsci's philosophy of praxis. These are the key understandings of this thesis: young people and youth, integrated high school and school, the socio-historical condition of youth, the formative nature of work, the socioeconomic determinants of culture and integral human formation. From a methodological point of view, it is an exploratory-descriptive and mixed approach research for the qualitative analysis of the data collected through a standard questionnaire and deepened in the focus group. Among the authors that support our analysis we highlight Acácia Kuenzer, Dante Henrique Moura, Juarez Dayrell, Luis Antonio Groppo, Marília Sposito, Mônica Ribeiro da Silva, Nora Krawczyk, Paulo Carrano and José Machado Pais. In a conclusive perspective, we identified that: for the young people surveyed, the quality of the training obtained is high; that higher education appears as a tangible condition; job insertion is an urgent need; social and psychological violence is a daily problem; youth is a period of human life marked by cultural, socioeconomic and political determinations, albeit tangential by generational and chronological aspects. The complexity of these data requires an understanding that youth is constituted by individuality in the community, in different spaces and institutions, such as school, family, work, religion and digital media.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalJovensJuventudesEstudantesEnsino médio integradoYouthYouthsStudentsIntegrated high schoolCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOEnsino médio integrado e juventude: identidades e perspectivas a partir dos estudantes do IFG câmpus GoiâniaIntegrated high school and youth: identities and perspectives from IFG campus Goiânia studentsTese