2023-02-282023-02-282023-02-27SANTOS JUNIOR, J. M. Lutar contra certas imagens com a ajuda de outras imagens: homens, masculinidades e enfrentamento à violência de gênero. 2023. 157 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arte e Cultura Visual) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12655Based on the understanding that visualities play pedagogical roles with regard to gender, in this dissertation it is proposed the development of a problematizing way of looking at them, in order to help destabilize norms and imaginaries that foster and sustain the practice of violence against women, with special attention to the roles played by men (as individuals) and by masculinities (as a social construction) in this phenomenon. Through the development of a pedagogical activity, focused on working with a gender reflective group of men, we investigated the contributions of images to the problematization of masculinities and their ties to violence. The montage was used as a pedagogical resource, with conceptual support in the work of Georges Didi-Huberman, to analyze the potential of gathering images and reflecting on them to foster discussions that would demonstrate the development of critical thinking on what visualities teach about gender, with a focus on the ways in which they can help construct and deconstruct violent ideas and practices. The research was conducted through a literature review, based on gender and visual culture studies, and meetings with a reflective group, composed of 5 participants who self-identify as men. Through the collective production of montages as a device to generate reflections, it was possible to perceive the engagement of these men in a thinking about visualities that understands that they serve both to perpetuate the gender order that generates violence, and to promote ruptures with it. The speeches of the participants pointed to a discontent with certain images about masculinities, which in their life trajectories have caused contention and repression, and an interest in other images, which build spaces for experimentation with possibilities of being and living. Some men who participated in the group demonstrated difficulties and doubts at certain moments regarding the complexity of the phenomenon of gender violence, as well as their implications in it and what they can do to collaborate in the fight against it. This, instead of keeping them away from the discussions, was explored in the debate with the group, creating opportunities to problematize certain ideas and collectively build pathways for thought and action. The members of the group showed interest in continuing to deepen their reflections on the theme, which serves as an indication that this educational action may have been a step towards other experiences, through which they may continue to engage in confronting gender violence.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalCultura visualViolência de gêneroMasculinidadesGrupo reflexivo de gêneroMontagemVisual cultureGender violenceMasculinitiesGender reflective groupMontageOUTROSLutar contra certas imagens com a ajuda de outras imagens: homens, masculinidades e enfrentamento à violência de gêneroFighting certain images with the help of other images: men, masculinities, and confronting gender violenceDissertação