2015-04-222014-12-04COSTA, R. D. C. Um mapeamento da função sujeito numa perpectiva tipológicogramatical. 2014. 135 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4443This study focuses on a literature search about the subject syntactic function. It is objective of this study describe its treatment by main contemporary linguistic theoretical current and its typological description. For that, we turned to some Traditional Grammar representatives who evoke the function of subject in their unmarked prototypical realization passing through the Generative Grammar and refining the reflections starting from the Typological-Functional approach that recognizes the occurrence of the subject in its diversity of achievement and its relationship with other subsystems of languages. We gave special attention to the analysis by a functionalist bias, view since our hypothesis is that there are aspects in different language approaches that integrate in order to form an epistemological function body that defines the subject. Thus, we selected some descriptive studies of Romance languages (Spanish, French and Italian), No-Romance languages (English, Icelandic, Warlpiri) and Brazilian Indigenous languages (Apãniekrá (Macro-Jê), Akwẽ-Xerente (Jê), Avá-Canoeiro and Kamaiurá (Tupi- Guarani) to compose the data of this study. The subject as syntactic or grammatical function takes different proportions in the discussion, since the functional approach considers that the oracional structure begins from the pragmatic-discursive level, it means, the subject is analysed according to the speaker’s cognitive and functional intentions in a natural speech situation. Worldview is another fundamental key to the analysis of the syntactic subject, since the functional approach considers that the speaker’s world experience is function of the updating of language in use. The above-mentioned approaches present some theoretical differences, but all of them recognize a basic oracional structure that begins from the organization of relations in the sentence level, it means, they recognize that the phrase is projected from an argument structure and, thus, they conceive the subject function in his syntactic nature.application/pdfAcesso AbertoSujeitoFuncionalismoTipologia linguísticaSubjectFunctionalismLinguistic typologyLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LINGUISTICAUm mapeamento da função sujeito numa perpectiva tipológicogramaticalA function mapping in a subject perpectiva typological - grammarDissertação