2017-12-182017-12-01VEDOIN, G. Narrativas na cadência da cultura contemporânea: estatuto representativo e videografia em Bubble Gum, de Lolita Pille e O paraíso é bem bacana, de André Sant’Anna. 2017. 216 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8049The present work anchors on the attempt to investigate within the fiction novel by the French writer Lolita Pille and the Brazilian André Sant’Anna, the formal and thematic alterations which the romance novel has been showing to represent the experiences from the individuals integrated into the contemporary world – hypermodern age and hyperstage, thus relating to Gilles Lipovetsky (2009). As attested by Mikhail Bakhtin (1988) and Marthe Robert (2007), if the romance novel never reaches its limits, it is possible to glimpse new forms of the romance representation in the fictions of Pille and Sant’Anna. The content from their works is demarcated by the use of expressive strategies that try to accentuate the impoverishment of the characters’ configurations and relations stablished among them, as always written in an immediate space, detatched from the modern universalism and marked by the cacophony of signs and symbols from the global consumerism that is abundant in the hypermodern and hyper stage era. This is the age in which culture loses its monolithic and elevated status, now becoming a matter of media, therefore, crossed by the pluralism of the massive, imaginary and multimedia forms, inherent to the consumerist cosmos, and in which once were postponed to ostracism by the high modernism. Thus, certain form of contemporary narratives, and here are inserted the novels Bubble gum (2004), by Lolita Pille and O paraíso é bem bacana (2006), by André Sant’Anna, instead of representing the materiality of the real, end up absorbing a discursive style adapted from the media and hyperstage culture, developing a prose ruled by a “video style” or “videography” (JAMESON, 2002; DUBOIS, 2004), which contributes to doubt on the analytic paradigms used by modernity in what refers to the novel aspect and hermeneutic meaning aroused by the work in the receiver. In this sense, the thesis procedures on an analytic study on the two referred novels, lining up on a bibliographic and quality research, as also as treading an investigative course that focus on highlighting how the social contexts of the novels articulate themselves under the literary, sociologic, historical and cultural points of view. From this perspective, oriented by the notion of concepts inherent to the field of culture and contemporary studies, we will promote an analysis on the intrinsic structural processes regarding each novel lastly directing to the search of elements thatprove their resistance, or not, to the standards set by the order of globalized capitalism.application/pdfAcesso AbertoNarrativaContemporaneidadeHiper-representaçãoLolita PilleAndré Sant’AnnaNarrativeContemporaneityHyper-representationLolita PilleAndré Sant’AnnaLETRAS::LITERATURA COMPARADANarrativas na cadência da cultura contemporânea: estatuto representativo e videografia em Bubble gum, de Lolita Pille e O paraíso é bem bacana, de André Sant’AnnaNarratives in the cadence of contemporary culture: representative status and videography in Bubble gum, by Lolita Pille and O paraíso é bem bacana, by André Sant'AnnaTese