2015-10-262015-03-31MARRA, L. As estratégias dos best-sellers e os processos de produção de autobiografias de mulheres muçulmanas. 2015. 131 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4774The study aims to understand the ways in which best-selling autobiographies by Muslim women are produced. As a representative corpus, the books Infidel, by Ayaan Hirsi Ali; Princess, by Jean Sasson/Sultana; and I am Malala, by Malala Yousafzai/Christina Lamb were selected. Using Pierre Bourdieu's methodology – for whom a literary work should not be studied only by its text, but also by its insertion and circulation in various fields (literary, political, social) – the study conjectures that these narratives of life, since manufactured in the West and founded on the logic of the cultural industry of mass production of popular literature, are presented to the public circumscribed by neo-Orientalist discourses of the clash of civilizations. We refer to the discourses displayed in the post-September 11, 2001, which, reiterating the Orientalist discourse criticized by Edward Said, divided the world into superior West versus inferior Middle East. Therefore, we investigate, in the first chapter, the implications of the discourse of War on Terror to the commercial interest in personal narratives of Muslim women. Furthermore, we describe the corpus of narratives in order to characterize the subgenre of best-selling autobiographies of Muslim women, especially with regard to the dichotomies freedom/oppression, subversion/submission. In the second chapter, we analyse the importance of the autobiographical genre and the concepts of truth and authenticity to the rise of these books, as well as the relations of co-authorship present in such narratives. Then, in the third chapter, the focus is on making visible the editorial voices and their contributions to the spectacularization of the topos of the Muslim woman as a victim to be rescued from her society. To do so, the discourses of the peritext (cover, back cover and tabs) of these autobiographies will be examined. Therefore, we seek to question the limits and possibilities of self-representation of the subaltern subject in contexts marked by inequality of forces and intermediations of the speech.application/pdfAcesso AbertoBest-sellerAutobiografiaMulheres muçulmanasFeminismoNeo-orientalismoBest-sellerAutobiographyMuslim womenFeminismNeo-orientalismLETRAS::LITERATURAS ESTRANGEIRAS MODERNASAs estratégias dos best-sellers e os processos de produção de autobiografias de mulheres muçulmanasThe best-seller strategies and the production processes of muslim women autobriographiesDissertação