2015-03-092014-01-31MELO, D. S. Implicações pessoais e profissionais do acidente com material biológico para o trabalhador da saúde. 2014. 178 f. Tese (Doutorado em Enfermagem) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4269INTRODUCTION: The health of workers, in their everyday work, are exposed to various risks, among which, biological. This represents a danger important to public health, which may, in addition to physical injury, have broader implications, and impact various aspects of their lives. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the personal and professional implications of exposure to biological material for healthcare workers. METHODOLOGY: A qualitative study conducted with ten workers in the healthcare field who experienced accidents with biological material and who were treated by a reference healthcare service in Goiania, Brazil. Data were collected between October and November 2012, through interviews using the critical incident technique. Data processing used the content analysis methods proposed by Bardin, with the additional aid of Atlas ti 6.0 software. The discussion of findings was presented using theoretical frameworks of complex thinking from the perspective of Edgar Morin, as well as cultural theory of risk by Douglas. RESULTS: From the narratives of those experiences, for ten healthcare workers treated by three units of reference specializing in situations of exposure to biological material, four categories of analysis emerged: personal implications; professional implications, the workplace and risk management, and reference service and risk management. The results showed great psychological distress expressed through feelings of fear of contamination of self and family, worry, despair, lack of protection, guilt, anger, insecurity, introspection, helplessness, uncertainty, and awkwardness, among others. This suffering was reflected in the three spheres of interaction, as well as relationships between exposed workers. On the other hand, some might experience the solidarity from co-workers, patients, and professionals during service, through gestures and relationships that help in coping with tensions when such a situation arises. The structures in place at work and in referral services showed contradictions in such situations: support / helplessness; commitment / disengagement; climate of security / insecurity; careful / careless; organization / disorganization, respect / disrespect; acceptance / leaving at the mercy of fate. The accident was established as the driving force for workers to pay attention to their own safety and change their routines in this context, extending this reflection not only to themselves, but for those who they interact with professionally interaction. CONCLUSION: The experiences of these workers shows antagonistic, contradictory, and complementary aspects of complex systems for the health services worker. It suggests the need for a greater appreciation and consideration of the psycho-emotional consequences experienced by workers, along with review of treatment procedures as to their effectiveness and problem solving that improve quality of life to the healthcare worker.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnfermagemSaúde ocupacionalAcidente ocupacionalExposição a agentes biológicosFerimentos penetrantes produzidos por agulhaNursingOccupational healthAccidents occupationalExposure to biological agentsNeedlestick injuriesCIENCIAS DA SAUDE::ENFERMAGEMImplicações pessoais e profissionais do acidente com material biológico para o trabalhador da saúdePersonal and professional implications of accidents with biological material among healthcare workersTese