2022-05-022022-05-022021-12-03MACHADO, H. A liberdade do pensamento: estudo sobre o fundo místico da história de Alexandre Koyré. 2021. 221 f. Tese (Doutorado em de História) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12028This thesis is concerned with Alexandre Koyré's historiographical work. We analyze his studies devoted to the history of science, but also, and especially, his studies about history of German speculative mysticism, centered on Jacob Boehme, and on the history of philosophy, centered on René Descartes. We argue that, although relating to different fields, those studies were permeated by the same fundamental conception: that of freedom of thought as the ability to self-form, a conception expressed in the “mystical idea”, according to Koyré, of the superiority of will over understanding. In both Boehme and Descartes, Koyré highlighted it strongly and took a stand favorably, declaring it to be true. In Boehme he underlined a doctrine of freedom, constructed in opposition to the doctrine of predestination, which gave man the divine gift of self creation, of forming his own nature. In Descartes, he underlined the capacity of human thought to suspend judgment, deny tradition, make use of its will and reform itself. Our thesis is that this conception, fundamental in Koyré’s works on Boehme and Descartes, was not lost when he turned to the history of science. It endures in his work, forming its tonus. His history of the scientific revolution is the history of the self formation of thought, of manifestation of its freedom. Like God, angels and man in Boehme, the characters in Koyré's history of science do not have a nature that would determine their actions, but they have, in their essence, freedom to create themselves, to modify themselves, to not always be the same. Koyré's conception of freedom of thought is the condition for the possibility of change, it is the foundation of his theory of history and the cornerstone of his discontinuous historiographic work.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalAlexandre KoyréLiberdade do pensamentoObra historiográficaDescontinuísmoFreedom of thoughtAlexandre KoyréHistoriographical workDiscontinuismTheory of HistoryTeoria da HistóriaCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAA liberdade do pensamento: estudo sobre o fundo místico da história de Alexandre KoyréThe freedom of thought: study on the mystical background of Alexandre Koyré's historyTese