2015-12-102015-09-18ISMAR, Marília Gomes. A bovinocultura em municípios goianos e os fatores de degradação das pastagens. 2015.84 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Animal) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5036Among the Brazilian agribusiness activities, livestock stands out as an important production sector, with major contribution to the economy. In this activity, the pastures are the cheapest method for livestock, but it is still an uncommon method to some producers as they consider highly costly the refurbishment or renovation of pastures. It is estimated that 80% of these areas are in poor condition throughout the Brazilian territory, and at “Goiás”, where 67% of its native vegetation has been replaced by some agricultural activity, the situation is quite worrying, with seven micro-regions with more than 30% of pasture areas at some stage of degradation, however, the causes haven’t yet been scientifically demonstrated. At this context, this study has aimed to list and analyze which are the pasture degradation factors that contribute to the high level of these processes at those micro-regions. Two counties at the Northwest mesoregion and three at the Middle mesoregion were studied, randomically chosen, and evaluated 5% of each one of those proprieties. Producers from different social classes and educational level were studied, as well as small, medium and large farms, defined by the Brazilian Law n° 8.629/93. Analyzing the bibliographic review, becomes evident that at least 16 pasture degradation factors are quite substantial, according to the “Anuário Estatístico da Pecuária de Corte (2000)” and the “Macedo et al (2012)”. However, at “Goiás” region, based on this study, added to the factors discussed in the bibliographic review, it can be noticed that the most outstanding factor is the producers illiteracy. From the results obtained, the conclusion reached is that direct contact with the producer allows the technician to work on raising the awareness on the need to recovery and renewal the degraded pastures, trying to obtain the activity sustainability, aiming to increase productivity and better results in their herds.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAtividade pecuáriaFatores ambientaisManejoPerda econômicaLivestock farmingEnvironmental factorsHandlingEconomic lossCIENCIAS AGRARIAS::MEDICINA VETERINARIAA bovinocultura em municípios goianos e os fatores de degradação das pastagensThe livestock farming at midwest brazilian countys and the pasture degradation factorsDissertação